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Lord Wafflebum

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Everything posted by Lord Wafflebum

  1. I think what Brandon really needs to address is why he and Josh filled a swimming pool with all our keys and are lounging around in them sipping margaritas while we wait (im)patiently to get our pre-load on.
  2. How many times are you going to post variants of this? I think this was #3. There should only be one more, and that's if standard customers get to PLAY THE GAME before me, which seems increasingly likely at this point. Hopefully that's not the case. I don't mean to seem impatient, but it's not the delay so much as it is the principle of the thing. Why should people who just passed by and clicked a button without ever really knowing about Pillars of Eternity be getting the game before somebody who put money towards its development and supported it from the start? I feel like I bought front row seats to my favourite rock concert, but am getting nudged further and further back by those holding the cheaper tickets bought 5 minutes before the show started. Because OE had to tell Steam to enable pre-loading so they could enabled the key generator in the backer portal. For Steam it was right away, but OE still had work to do to get their website up and running. You're not being slighted; it's the inevitable result of how that entire system works. No, no one is getting to play the game before you. It's pre-load only right now. The keys for backers will be up tonight, and soon. The only thing that Steam pre-orders got to do is pre-load a few hours before you. There's literally no advantage to that,
  3. I won't speak for anyone else but I don't think you personally need to apologize for anything. I think that Obsidian should have been more transparent in what was going on though. Backers should have gotten keys before anyone else. That didn't happen and when it didn't happen Obsidian should have been in front of that situation explaining why. We still don't really know why. At the end of the day, I don't think anyone is going to be upset, backer wise, as long as they have the game pre-loaded and ready to play when it unlocks. They did explain. BAdler stated in a post the exact reason why Steam is pre-loading; ie, because they had to tell Steam to turn on pre-loading so our keys could actually work once given to us, and once Steam turned on pre-loading everybody who had pre-ordered automatically started pre-loading. If they hadn't told Steam to turn on pre-loading, then our keys would not work until tomorrow morning. You not know is not the same as them not communicating. I read that post and it did not communicate *why* the backers did not have keys yet, but the Steam purchasers did. It just explained the decision to enable pre-loading (which I am fine with). My money was spent years ago, at the very least I expected to get a key at the same time as someone who ordered on Steam a minute ago. That didn't happen and for all of the BAdler posts, that still has not been explained. Refer to Katarack's post above BAdler's
  4. I won't speak for anyone else but I don't think you personally need to apologize for anything. I think that Obsidian should have been more transparent in what was going on though. Backers should have gotten keys before anyone else. That didn't happen and when it didn't happen Obsidian should have been in front of that situation explaining why. We still don't really know why. At the end of the day, I don't think anyone is going to be upset, backer wise, as long as they have the game pre-loaded and ready to play when it unlocks. I'd be willing to bet it's way easier and faster for Steam to flip the pre-load switch than for the OE folks to update the backer portal and ensure the key generator for GOG and Steam are going to work correctly and different backers of different levels are receiving the proper versions of the game, etc. Brandon and the gang had about 100x more work to do on just the website than Steam had to do, and Steam doesn't have to worry about their new flagship IP launching fully in two days...
  5. The adrenaline is wearing off. People are beginning to turn on Obsidian. Quickly, appease the masses before they acquire pitchforks!
  6. There are only about 800 people in the General Discussion subforum...
  8. I'll just continue sitting here peeing my pants until those keys come out...
  9. This. Time to burn the place down! Quick everyone, grab a pitchfork.
  11. I have no idea how I've never noticed this before. Thanks for the info, Adam!!
  12. Disengagement attacks are more than enough to punish movement.I'm curious if anybody feels that the disengagement trait bonuses are even worth taking over other perks. Edit: my punishment in game for this choice is to basically never move when engaged. Personally I will not be taking disengagement bonuses because I feel there are more valuable options, where it seems as if obsidian believes this is a game play value to have a movement based penalty offshot by player selected abilities. What if the ability instead ALLOWED a character to disengage in combat without penalty instead of adding +12 to DR. Wouldn't that bring the system into alignment with playstyles? I'd take that ability for a front line dps or offtank. Those very much reflect my feelings. I don't take anything that gives me disengagement bonuses, because it ends up being a waste to NOT take talents that boost combat efficacy.
  13. Yeah, I thought the disengagement system point was to partially discourage moving around a lot (or is more currently the case, moving around at all). I truly don't understand for balance or play reasons why another disincentive needed to be added. I really wish this thread was less hostile so Brandon or Bobby would say why it was put in, but I assume they don't want to bottom out their self esteem for the week quite yet. Maybe Josh will talk to Sensuki about it during their heart-to-hearts on SA
  14. OH MY CARP! WHAT IF YOUR DRUID COULD SHIFT INTO CENTAUR FORM?!!!!! O_______________O If there is a centaur race for the expansion I would squee
  15. In Sensuki's defense, it's hard to make such a massive tonal shift between the OE forums and the 'dex. You can tell when I've recently been on the codex because my posts here are way, way more aggressive. That said, I think this thread has gotten way too off topic. Are people still arguing that movement in combat needs MORE of a disincentive? I think movement in combat is punishing enough with the disengagement system; anything more is far too much. Admittedly, that's just my opinion, or has my use of capital letters made my opinion moot? I should probably be banned.
  16. Considering the tone of this thread, I can't at blame blame them if they don't, but I would love to hear from a dev why this was added (I noticed it too, ya'll). Disengagement is already punishing enough (on every difficulty level) and more punishment for movement in combat is unwarranted, I think. It's a really unfortunate implementation. I didn't realize exactly why my recoveries were taking so long until I saw Sensuki's post. A lot of stuff makes sense now. As for the argument of "it's more realistic," realistic combat would make gameplay truly awful. Every critical hit would be insta-death. Most normal hits would be insta-death. Other than against heavily armored characters, every single hit would either mean death or being so badly injured you could no longer fight. True realism in a game would make it the least fun game ever made.
  17. Much like Sensuki, I plan to only watch Anthony Davis play and leave it at that. I might skim a few reviews, but I'm going to avoid as much spoilage as possible.
  18. The problem I found with the ranger is that, unlike most of the other classes, they're only viable with very particular builds. As Luckmann was saying, sword and board is the way to go. Build the ranger like a fighter and take perks that either synergize you with your critter or support your role as a fighter. I took the wolf companion and used him primarily as a scout, for which they excel at greatly. I would then make wolfy hang back when combat started, and once engagement kicked in I would have wolfy flank whoever my ranger was fighting. Using that tactic allowed me to deal with pretty much every threat I faced. I still may use a ranger for my initial playthrough. I've narrowed it down to paladin, monk, or ranger.
  19. Could you clarify, please? Steam or GOG.com keys for backers to choose? You get to choose when you go to generate a key in the backer portal.
  20. There's always pigs, but never otters. D: fgdsasfhgasdhasd! O_O YOU BETTER NOT BE JOKING, BAdler! You don't play with my feeling like this! Don't you.. dare.. *breaks down* I love you all so much. Q_Q I'm pretty jealous. There may be horses in-game, but I probably won't ever have werehorses...
  21. The only thing left of concern to me are bugs, and balance to a lesser degree. Combat is fun if you don't take it too seriously. There can be frustrating parts of it due to bugs (abilities not working correctly- stuff like that), but I mostly have fun with it. I truly enjoy character creation. Assuming it'll work the way I'm hoping it does, I plan to create a bunch of custom characters to hang around my Stronghold and occasionally take with me (otherwise they'll be having their own adventures). Everything looks great, tho. Most of the more egregious visual effects have been toned down and I'm very pleased with where the game is at overall. It looks and feels like an IE game to me. I think there is more than enough cause to get very excited for the full release.
  22. I finally got Tale of Two Wastelands working. Playing Fallout 3 with the New Vegas framework makes for an extremely pleasurable experience.
  23. Lephys- Didn't you know Obsidian runs the Port of LA? And that Feargus is the head of the LA Dock Worker's Union? And that Obsidian employs seers that who specifically look into the future so they know when labor disputes will occur? How naive of you...
  24. I've got to thoroughly test the Paladin so it's good to go for my first play through come release!
  25. BAdler- Do you know when they plan on releasing the other seven-ish minutes of the documentary preview?
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