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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. I think the level at which it's been criticized can be comfortably called fanatical since there are much worse things in there to be picked from, and it's usually treated with such importance that it boggles the mind. However, it was a pretty stupid thing to mess with in the first place and kind of questions the intention behind it in the first place.
  2. I'm pretty sure that I've killed a child with a stray fireball or two. :confused: At first I thought he meant Neverwinter Nights but I think there were a couple of instances where a child NPC was flagged as unkillable in BG2.
  3. Except the causation was independant of the correlation between the existence of any fuel and the availability of said fuel. You didn't need to ascertain that there was fuel to get into the exposition of the criticism since wheter fuel was scarce or non-existant, in the end there was still no explanation as to how it was presented in the gameworld - and that was the only concern. You were being misleading when you focused on the existence of the fuel when it should be obvious it was about the depiction of its availability. Hence, why the point still stood whatever the case. Hence, red herring. And does it bother you? Probably not. Does it bother others? Apparently so. Straw man much? From the guy who just suggested I should use imagination to compensate for stupid design? That's right, you can pretend you gave me one. Not caring enough is different than simply not giving a ****. Which apparently you give enough about to be discussing it. EDIT: Spelling. Missed a word. I'm friggin' dyslexic today
  4. Speaking of which, I should point out I wasn't trying to be antagonistic towards you in my previous post. I honestly smiled at your dismissal even if I find merit in the criticism towards that whole Deathclaw debacle I just find that these issues will always be interpreted differently but there shouldn't be such a polarizing effect on people. It's important to some, not to others. As you say, whatever floats someone's boat. The problem is with those that want to sink other people's boats.
  5. Don't you mean 'on her'?
  6. A studded bra, high heeled boots and a thong provide the same kind of protection that a full suit of armor does.
  7. An 'enough' was meant to go there but nonetheless I stand corrected. The point still stands, however. Red herring. The issue is not with the existence of these fuel reserves, but with the rampant availability of said reserves. If fuel is such a scarce commodity in the wasteland then why is the splinter cell of the Brotherhood of Steel using it on aircraft to venture into the wasteland? Why are they wasting it on several vehicules for their squads? Where are they getting it from? I guess I could pull an Oblivion and 'pretend' it's all sorts of awesomeness but it seems that no matter how much I pretend about stuff, the game never plays that way. Imagine that! So you're more concerned with something you don't really give a **** about? Definitely not flawed and inaccurate. You're neglecting the main issue of my post, which you may have noticed if you weren't trying to explore the flaws and inaccuracies of my statements when there was only one. It's been blatantly established by you and others that you don't care about some of the criticism, or that you feel they are not important. More power to you, I guess. However, just because someone's criticism does not meet with your criteria does not meet it's any less valid or important.
  8. It could be argued, as I already did somewhere else, that the splinter faction in Tactics isn't an entirely inconsistent perspective on the original Brotherhood of Steel. There were some instances in the original Fallout where Maxson himself didn't seem to be that happy with the Elder's points of view, and in Fallout 2 it is said by a Brotherhood of Steel member that they are no longer as powerful as they once were. It's not a terribly complex exercise to imagine some reasons for a falling out, nor a consequence to those divergences of opinion leading to what we found in Tactics, so as a complaint, it's not very strong. But pointing out that the appearance of fully-functioning fossil fuel powered vehicles and installations doesn't exactly jive well in a setting where the world went to war because there was no fossil fuel to go around isn't exactly vague, and neither is pointing out that Deathclaws were a highly mutated form of chamaleons and not a furry amalgam of different species which could be mind-controlled by wasteland beastmen. Fanatics or not, most people that took those issues to heart have explained in-depth why they believe their portrayal wasn't accurate. And it's their decision to take those non-cannon situations as they want to. I'm sure there are some who take it upon themselves to not let those poorly handled elements affect their enjoyment of the game (ie, bask upon the glory of CrashGirl's kindergarten-styled "lolz furry!" dismissal of that particular point), but gamers who enjoyed Fallout for its (mostly) well developed and internally coherent setting probably won't be as accepting. Or are we trying to blame them for not appreciating games in the same way we do? Because y'know, that would make sense!
  9. NO U! Sure it's nice - not saying otherwise. At least finally Konami is getting around to releasing the game in some way which is great for fans of the series I'll probably give it a spin when I can. It's just aggravating that the one title of the series I never managed to play or own (since it was only released for the PC Engine) is going to be released on a console I don't care about and won't bother with.
  10. Koji Igarashi of Konami has recently announced Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles for the Sony PSP. Apparently the game will contain a reworked version, the original as an unlockable, and the PSX's Symphony of the Night. Well. That's just great. Screw you, Iga! The only title of the Castlevania series I never got around to play and the ridiculously priced PSX title I have spent the last years trying to get a hold of are going to be launched on the one console I don't care about, even less than the Xbox 360. Supposedly, this release is meant to somehow compensate for the two Castlevania titles released for the Nintendo DS - meaning there's a likely chance this won't be released on Nintendo's portable system nor in any home console
  11. Armed Assault... I bought a games magazine today simply because it had an ArmA demo... Which I won't be able to play until the 15th of this month which is when my new computer will hopefully arrive. Nevermind that the free disc also contains the full version of America's Army for free. I only cared about ArmA.
  12. I've recently seen the first boss battle movie, and today I saw another trailer with standard gameplay footage. It's looking mighty fine. But that damn icon intrusion!...
  13. Dreamy stud or steamy dud? You decide!

  14. Get in line, jerks. I'm his nameless pet.

  15. I see your star and raise you 4 more ;)

  16. Y'know how it is, sometimes you have to go EXTREME on someone like Hades ;)

    5 stars, my friend. 5 stars.

  17. I heard good things about Rogue Galaxy and am mildly interested. Just watched a trailer for God of War 2... Salivating doesn't fully describe my interest in the game. Although to be honest, I really dislike the context-sensitive intrusion. It really detracts somewhat from the presentation when you're fighting a giant enemy boss then see PS2 button icons splashed across half the screen.
  18. Bull****. Not only were you actively trolling and disseminating false perceptions and lies about the Fallout community at Bethesda's forums shortly after the announcement of their acquisition of the franchise had been made by making highly vocal and histrionic posts emulating the kind of fanaticism that would put the most ardent No Mutant Allowed poster to shame, you do the exact same thing as you accuse the Codex of doing - the only difference is that you use the Obsidian forums as a sort of personal blog to bore everyone to tears with your whining crap.
  19. It would also be great if the same standard could be applied to the usual suspect's baseless attacks, flame baiting and utterly repetitive posts which contribute nothing to dozens of discussions. But hey, wishful thinking.
  20. Yes, we completely twisted that IGN article. There's no EXTREME stuff in that. Good god. Jack Bauer is going to kill us all.
  21. It's actually the other way around Final Fantasy was trying to follow on Dragon Warrior (Quest in the Japanese official release) and its success. When Dragon Warrior proved to be a hit, Hironobu Sakaguchi took much "inspiration" from Enix's title when he decided to create something that would save Square from potential bankrupcy.
  22. The third Fantastic Four movie should be about the New Fantastic Four duking it out against the Super Skrull and the whole Skrull empire. Or insulting each other while the Ghost Rider just looks around bored looking for someone to punish.
  23. Any word on that forced companion bug yet?
  24. Fionavar, I've emptied out my Temporary Internet files and other cache folders. Apparently the problem has been solved, though I apologize if it's not related to the forum's new system. Thanks for helping me clear that up, though
  25. Well, he already is "
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