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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. If we put aside the people here that don't like me, and the ones who always fall short of getting my point across, there's no one left
  2. Something to read. Warning: may contain nudity, chocolate chip cookie recepies and/or communist propaganda.
  3. Maybe it was a Chtulhu snack, I don't know. What I do know is I'm having fun reading them... But. I have no one to play these with.
  4. *ahem* Crap.
  5. In a fit of lunacy, I went out and bought: A Chtulhu boardgame, Arkham Horror. The Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master Guide Core Rulebook 2 v.3.5 2 Dragon magazines, issues 337 (November 2005) and 339 (January 2006). I will now immolate myself while doing a jig to the sound of John Tesh to leave no further speculation to health inspectors when they find me.
  6. I don't regret having bought the Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition, but after seeing this, Half-Life: Source definitely looks more subpar than what it is. Worst part is I even wouldn't mind paying some more to get a reworked version of Half-Life with this kind of quality.
  7. So, this is what Half-Life: Source should have been?
  8. If offensive freedom of speech is an issue, why even let people post here?
  9. I've meant to buy it for my mother since she still terribly misses our dog who died somewhat recently. Played only a bit but what little I could get from the game is that it's got the whole virtual pet thing and it works great, if you're into that sort of thing. Teach him how to do tricks, make him wear accessories, care for it, then it's on to some kind of championships where he competes. The gimmick seems to last long enough for most but the repetition of the tasks does tend to annoy, though this depends on the player. I'm sure some won't have any problems replaying the game to unlock the dog races. Can't tell you more than that, sorry.
  10. Fable. Meh so far. Anachronox. Yay!
  11. They should grow the bigger the PC's Charisma is.
  12. Girdle of Anti-PMS Field FTW.
  13. Amen brother! I still dream about hearing Vae Victus again...
  14. Finally, a woman with the courage to admit this.
  15. ...Dude. How much of my soul do you want? A tiny morsel or the whole bioluminiscent orb? Seriously, if you're interested in selling them I'd be happy to pry them from your cold... Erh, I meant buy them! Yes, that's it )
  16. Awesomeness driven. I have three books - Talisman of Death, Sword of the Samurai, and The Forest of Doom - and to this day still find myself on the lookout for more, though they seem to be pretty rare.
  17. That seems to be one of the constants of life. Women and spiders never really die, they just come back nastier.
  18. Are we talking the same fans that wanted people to give Fallout: Enforcer a chance? Or the ones who giggled like schoolgirls at every Fallout 2 easter egg they came upon? Maybe the variety that said it was a good idea for Interplay to branch Fallout into consoles as it would save Van Buren? EDIT: funny how a certain variation of the word Interplay has been banned. I can only imagine the reason
  19. Everything Black Isle fans have been waiting since TORN!
  20. Gamewise it wasa bit repetitive but I enjoyed how they solved Turel's absence in the first Soul Reaver, though there's still that weird cameo by Moebius in the end of the game (he wasn't supposed to be there) and Janos Audron's pseudo transformation at the end. Those seem to open up some potential story material for future instalments, though with Amy Hening out of the team I'm not sure if there will be future games in the series or that loose ends will be tied up.
  21. just roleplay insanity and insight <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean, just mimick the DM (or Storyteller in this case). At least my DM was pretty much that way.
  22. That's pretty bad. I haven't played Runaway 2 so I'm not sure it's on the same level, but I got pretty miffed back when I played Soul Reaver 1 and 2 and was getting the same stuff. "History abhores a paradox", right. Only a different way of saying 'To Be Continued' which annoyed a lot of fans back in the day. Currently... In between games. Close to finishing The Bard's Tale (craptacular), playing Hordes of the Underdark (so so at this point, but already better than SoU), and the Icewind Dale series and Fable:TLC coming up.
  23. So Llyranor, when can I sign up for that Doomsday tutorial newsletter of yours?
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