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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Have fun in Japan!
  2. I thought I heard some good stuff about RAGE?
  3. Without stuffy corridors, it's Doom in name only!
  4. This game is kinda lacking on the social front. It's particularly rough compared to a game like Rift, which is really designed around the idea of making grouping as painless as possible. Plus there's a serious lack of central hubs where everyone gathers. The space station might be close, but, it feels a bit tacked on. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas should be this awesome place for characters for all levels to show off and socialize, but it's really only home for a short time as you level and move on. I think the ships actually contribute to the isolation as well.
  5. Our deficit is pretty dang frightening, so pumping more money into the system is a pretty scary idea. I want the government to spend a lot less and still find ways to fix health care problems, lower foreclosure rates, and all the other problems we have. Considering how bloated the current federal system is, I think there is plenty of room to cut spending. The first place to start is legislator salaries. Those folks make a lot of money for not balancing the budget.
  6. I played a new game of Skyrim this weekend, focusing just on magic. It was actually a nice change of pace, the spells really are fantastic in this game. Everything looks awesome too. Maybe this will be the character build that gets me over the hump, my archer and fighter got stale after about 10 hours.
  7. The crazy thing is Obama is definitely beatable. His approval ratings are piss poor across the board. But the GOP has shown they aren't interested in solving problems and just want to fling poo around.
  8. I'm surprised to hear that, we have quite a few gyms open 24/7 in our area, and many of them that aren't still open extremely early.
  9. Diet can have a big effect on sleeping habits and your body's internal clock is wired to when you eat and when you have your regular meals.. Trying eating at very exact times and keep the schedule - that should help your body adjust. Also, stop staying up until 4 AM playing video games.
  10. Had a nice game of hockey tonight, I got to play defense. I rarely get to do that, it really gives me the opportunity to see the entire ice and make some nice long rushes. Now I've got to try and get to sleep so I will be ready to get back to work tomorrow, it's been a nice long week off.
  11. It became trendy to hate on M Night Shamylan a few years back. I think it's just because Sixth Sense was insanely good, and it is hard to live up to that every time out. I thought The Village was one of his better films. Just don't watch the Mark Wahlberg one, that one was better off not happening.
  12. Don't feed the troll folks
  13. Yes, let's start forcing distributors of goods to sign contractors with their consumers. That doesn't sound like a potential disaster at all. There are consumer watchdog groups you can join, which might be a better option.
  14. The more people hear Santorum speak and learn about him, the quicker he will lose his momentum. He is basically being sustained by the fact he is the new girl at the party and everyone is tired of sleeping with Romney. In this scenario, Newt is the ugly girl that other girls hang out with to make themselves look better.
  15. It's going to be interesting to go from the War on Drugs, to the War on Terror, to the War on Porn.
  16. I wouldn't really call Diablo 3 a single player game. That being said, I agree the differences between the two franchises are enough where I doubt they have a huge overlap in audiences. I also wouldn't call the original Guild Wars an MMO, but with GW2 I believe they are opening up adventure areas to the full population, rather than just instances for parties.
  17. I keep going back to Minecraft, and that was just released.
  18. So next year will that be 2004? I thought this last year was one of the best I've ever had for games. So many of them convinced me to call in sick for work. So I think a lot of the 2011 crop will be on the list, but I do like to give them a bit more time to see if they have long term legs. Off the cuff, I think Deus Ex: Human Revolution deserves the title.
  19. Agreed about Nash being unmovable as is, but I've been surprised before. My feeling is the Sharks won't make a splash, they just don't have any pieces to trade away realistically.
  20. Who is this Afghan you are speaking of?
  21. A better comparison here in terms of burning is the bible, rather than flags. I doubt burning an Afghani flag would get this type of attention, actually.
  22. I could never wish this type of injury on a player, no matter how dirty. However it brings up a good argument about a play style that I think needs to be addressed in hockey. You've got Crosby out, guys like Pronger and Primeau suffering long term, and a few enforcers that died over the summer. Every year in the playoffs, the Sharks take some heat because their star players don't sacrifice themselves enough. But I'd rather them protect themselves than win the cup any day.
  23. Sometimes, but you can't beat the story. It's not all that great when I gain levels anymore, but the kids get all sorts of cool new abilities as they level.
  24. How did you not set your questions? It asks me my security questions all the time, but I log in from a few different computers. If it is just one question you can't remember, resetting the password will bring up a new one. Otherwise you need to contact customer support.
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