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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So in this scenario, EA's Origin is the plucky underdog fighting against The Man (Steam)?
  2. It's game 2, sell it for a profit, go to the concert, and then buy a ticket for game 5.
  3. I'm not quite sure I understand your point. Would you rather they stop off at a couple small islands on the way across the pacific? I guess it also doesn't seem that odd to me because it is fairly common to fly from the US West Coast to Japan/Hong Kong/Taiwan. Businessmen do it rather regularly, and despite this being a fictional universe, you still have strong business connections in the game between Asia and Seattle.
  4. Hong Kong was all about the corporations, if I remember correctly. Blade Runner is probably a decent comparison, lots of tall buildings and all that. The corporate espionage storylines will be front and center, I'd imagine.
  5. Hong Kong did have a pretty awesome sourcebook.
  6. Quest for Glory is up, all 5 of them!
  7. The only one on the Coyotes is Ray Whitney Interesting question, does Ray Whitney deserve a Hall of Fame nod? What if he improbably wins a second cup with Phoenix?
  8. I also voted for expanded Seattle. It makes sense, it is a huge part of the game, an area like Renraku Tech is going to be huge. I want them to wait on the other cities for sequels.
  9. I'm pretty sure HBOGo will separate from the cable channel eventually, they are missing out on a gold mine just to appease a few companies that haven't figured out streaming is the future.
  10. My battletag is Gfted1stalker, so feel free to add me.
  11. DA2 is actually the worst Bioware game I've ever played, so it's hard to muster much sympathy here.
  12. Why are you encouraging him ? Genius is often misunderstood. His posts are brilliant.
  13. We are all rooting for you. Make sure you post your video here when it is ready.
  14. Raithe, I hope that is you in the hat with the shades on. Very stylish!
  15. I think you should start a petition at Change.org. It's probably discrimination.
  16. Are you guys all capped out level-wise? I've been playing on two different servers, and the pops have been solid going through the first 1-30 levels. I'm rarely alone in an area. I think you just have a lot of people playing multiple characters, which means less folks at the cap trolling for end game content.
  17. I'm pretty sure WoW delivered. I also don't really see how Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 are different because of WoW. You are coming across as more bitter than usual Morgy. You should come play TOR with me and relax a bit.
  18. I tend to get the heroics done once and then I move on. I rarely have trouble finding someone to jump in and play the 2 person ones with me. 4-persons are a bit tougher to get a group for, but I don't really feel I'm missing out if I don't get it done. There is a pretty huge amount of content in this game, and it is the first one that really has me into playing more than one character.
  19. Whoa, didn't notice the guys from Andromeda put their kickstarter up, I'll get on that one.
  20. I could see a decent space sim kickstarter getting some attention. Some sort of spiritual successor to Privateer.
  21. Early summer is a lot better than a few years, and not charging $25 is also pretty nice, even though they are trying to control it somewhat. I think you will see a population boost on the medium servers, it sounds like transferring to the heavy pop ones will be restricted. edit: The Legacy system adds a complication to TOR transfers, so I'm just happy we are getting them reasonably soon.
  22. But the 5 military groups listed were definitely world powers. They created empires. Not that they weren't impressive achievements for their time, but only the Roman empire lasted more than 20 years. True dat. (Mongols can make a case for a bit longer, but not by much.)
  23. But the 5 military groups listed were definitely world powers. They created empires.
  24. I hope you are not teaching history It's military history goes back to the 13th century. Most of those on that list didn't last for 900 years. It's fairly well accepted that Russia doesn't become a world power until Peter the Great. We can debate about the first Tsars, different Slavic groups, and the Tartars, but until they start challenging other world powers like they did Sweden, I wouldn't consider them a military force to be reckoned with.
  25. Yeah, now that we are about 5 months in, I'd say the outlook is fairly healthy for TOR long term. That 1.2 patch addressed a huge laundry list of issues and seemed to stem the bleeding. I was a bit uncertain about the long term originally, but now I think it will have a good run.
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