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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Good for you guys, few more projects like P:E and you will be disgustingly rich. Also love your UO avatar. Actually that's the exact opposite, in order to get filthy rich they need to sell to a big time publisher. Kickstarter simply covers base salaries and operating costs, it's not really a windfall.
  2. Wooing her with the guitar, nice. My wife just rolls her eyes and leaves the room when I start playing.
  3. Curious. I mean, you already saw the Bloom consept art,right? How is the screenshot diffirent? What did you expect? It's less about the screenshot quality and more about the setting for me. The screenshot just didn't capture my imagination. I had been skeptical about the setting beforehand, and the screenshot simply reinforced my concerns.
  4. To be honest, I saw the screenshot and decided to cancel my pledge. I wasn't super into it to begin with, but I just think this setting doesn't appeal to me. I wasn't a huge fan of the Planescape setting either, so I think it is just me. I have a lot of other stuff pledged, and this isn't hurting for pledges, so I think it's the right choice.
  5. Lord of the Rings Online - I got to run a flashback instance where the Gondorian king curses the Oath Breakers for reneging on their pledge, it was pretty awesome.
  6. I just found out you have to petition the league to wear the visor/chin cage combo. That's crazy, basically you aren't allowed to wear the most protective gear available.
  7. I don't know about freak accident, his visor is super tiny. That guy should be wearing a cage, he's too talented to miss time for something that can be protected.
  8. That's an oddly written article. I think the argument is that PC games are not attracting enough new customers, those 35 year olds are a group that have been playing PC games for a long time, but you aren't adding a bunch of 35 year old gamers every year. Of course then they talk about how much the industry has grown, so that's why the article in unclear. In other news, Internet Journalism continues to be rubbish.
  9. Finally finished the game, it was a very nice conclusion and the last few parts of the story really flew by. I did 38% of my damage with my spellbook, 18% from my spirits, and 44% from my creatures, which is a cool breakdown.
  10. Will this incredibly stupid argument never die? So you think a good game is better than an average game? Thanks for your valuable insight, Alan. Now.. How about comparing a good game to a good game? Which would you prefer, a 15 hour long good game or a 30 hour long good game? I already stated that I would probably prefer the 15 hour one, because the odds of me finishing it are greater. But what both Alan (I presume) and I are really saying is that length is not a really good indicator of the quality of a game, unless it is an extreme circumstance.
  11. Kickstarter should be the frontline defense against con-artists. Considering how many reports they've probably had against this one, there is no excuse as to why it is still running.
  12. I was expecting some rain as well, but I guess it stayed near the coast because it was a hot day. I took my son to Gymnastics and he kept just flopping around instead of following directions. He was not digging the heat.
  13. I went to the Sharks game last night and watched them blow the Ducks out of the water 4-0. They outplayed them the whole game and had quite a few quality chances. Still, I'm not sold on them being a strong team. They have a lot of talent, and so they are going to win games and make the playoffs, but they have some big flaws and I think those will get exposed by any good teams they meet in a 7 game series. They just lack team speed and guys with hands who can bury the pucks in front of the net. I'm not sure what they can really do about it, they don't have much in the way of prospects.
  14. I believe she is getting around the Kickstarter TOS by releasing the game that her daughter creates. Technically that isn't too far from what we do when we pay a small developer to make a game.
  15. I'm glad to hear Bruce is sending in a complaint, I know he is voicing the concerns many of us have with the project. Good luck!
  16. We aren't talking about games that are an hour or two long, which would be equivalent to your 16 minute movie. With movies, you pay like $10 and you get about 2 hours of entertainment. At that ratio a game only needs to be 12 hours long. Most games meet that pretty easily. I would avoid this Bioshock game based on length if it was well under that, but that doesn't seem to be the case. So I'll just avoid it because it is a FPS game
  17. And I always prefer to spend 30 hours of awesome than spending 15 hours of awesome I consider myself lucky if I get one game with that much awesome every few years. Fallout:NV was probably the only recent game that really amazed me at the hours it kept my rabid attention. That being said, my time is valuable and much like movies, a shorter game that plays great all the way through and feels completed within a decent time frame is really what I'm looking for most of the time.
  18. I just hope they ditch the browser format, that thing was always a pain for me with BF3.
  19. That really depends on how many hours were put in over those 2 days. If the game really is at the 15-20 hour mark, that's a pretty reasonable amount of cost per hour.
  20. That's baffling, it almost reads like an early April Fool's joke. Those sales numbers seem to be fantastic.
  21. I agree with all of you that the government should get out of the marriage business, but it doesn't seem to be a serious movement at this time. In fact some churches are already set up that way, my wife and I have been married for 10 years, but she recently asked if we could get married under the Catholic church. They have a whole process and it basically like we never married in the first place, and I have to retrieve old baptism records if I want it to be considered a sacramental marriage. The history behind this whole thing is very interesting, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Federal or State governments. As for GD and his room full of men, if there were ten Jewish guys I wouldn't be able to tell either, but that doesn't mean Jewish people shouldn't be allowed to marry. It's also a bit old fashioned to say gay people are making a choice, which you seem to imply. We've got genetics and simple rationality that say otherwise. I don't choose to be attracted to women, I just am. Should gay people be expected to suppress themselves just to fit in with the larger society? I don't believe so.
  22. EQ2 was simply awesome to go back to a couple years after release, they put in so much content you didn't need to go anywhere near the same areas you had leveled in before. GW2 was brilliant about that as well, you could go to any zone and get xp while doing quests. That is a huge weakness in the whole design of TOR. All those cutscenes and dialogue mean you are pretty much locked into a specific path through the levels.
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