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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I watched the Swedish version of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, and I didn't pick up on the killer right away. I think it was subtitled, it was a long time ago.
  2. It's sounds weird when you humanize a large company. One is being released in mid year and another at the end of the year, so I don't get the article. It would be an issue if they had the same release month or day, I suppose, but I believe the audience is big enough to support both.
  3. Actually I find these threads very informative, and I try to stay open minded and listen to all the viewpoints. In fact I would say I have become more interested in libertarian candidates because of Guard Dog and Ron Swanson.
  4. That doesn't make me feel any better about the campaign.
  5. I started to read some of the updates about the 9-year old kickstarter, and I have a few reservations. I wasn't going to contribute or anything, but I'm suspicious about it being a hoax. Something doesn't seem right.
  6. I'm maybe the only person on the planet that didn't like Legend of Grimrock. With that said, I'm still excited for the direction this game is taking. I doubt you are the only one. I'm actually a bit torn on the game itself, the setting itself lost my interest quickly. I mean, you are in a dungeon, and you are solving puzzles. That's it. Pretty shallow, and eventually I got bored. I've never been a huge fan of long dungeons. But the style of gameplay was a huge kick for me. I loved the party of four, the mix of abilities, the formations, the simple movement and combat. If you take all that and put it in a full world with actual skies, NPC's, stores, etc. I will be happy.
  7. Well this is exactly what I was hoping for, they are definitely going for a Legend of Grimrock old school style of game. That doesn't guarantee success, but it does get my interest.
  8. 30 for 30: You Don't Know Bo. This was a biography of Bo Jackson, and it was awesome. I was so young when he was in his prime, and it brought back a lot of childhood memories. I want to play TecmoBowl now
  9. I call shenanigans on this. The two games are way too similar for you to have that opinion. You were probably just burned out on the game because you played ME2 too much.
  10. I really don't remember much at all about the universe. I do remember the style of game play, and that is what I hope they aim to create. Legend of Grimrock did extremely well in sales, so there is a bit of hope that this new M&M might be done in a similar fashion.
  11. I've actually heard EA is a fantastic employer. I know a couple people that worked at their Redwood City a number of years ago, and a quick search came back with no remarkable employee complaints.
  12. I thought HoMM5 was a decent game, really. But King's Bounty pretty much took over the throne when it comes to that style of game.
  13. Pretty hard to speculate on that picture, but if they go with a more retro style it could be cool. Ubisoft might be looking at the success of a game like Grimrock and decide to use their classic license for something good. Or they might bastardize it, who knows?
  14. This also illustrates how ridiculous the South Vietnamese government was.
  15. I just got back from my Vegas Hockey Tournament. We lost in the championship game 3-2, which was a major bummer. Still, the trip was fantastic and we ate at some great places. I did get a 2nd place trophy, but it looks pretty weak next to my 1st place one from last year.
  16. I've never watched the show, but that pitch video made me a fan
  17. http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/editorial-article/stolen-credit-cards-and-fraudulent-steam-keys-cost-natural-selection-2-team I know a few folks here buy keys from those shady discount places, might want to read this.
  18. Haha, that's a good one.
  19. Most of these pledges are probably fake, so I'm betting it will raise $15 and a gift card from Jamba Juice.
  20. Castles are not very energy efficient, so the money is probably going to pay the energy bill. 7 million doesn't go very far when you look at his team, actually. InExile and Obsidian have the benefit of being established studios with money already coming in from other projects to keep the doors open and the light on. Plus they've developed some products already, nothing fancy, but it costs money to make anything. If they said they secured funding from a publisher or something, then I would be worried. This is from their website, btw:
  21. While I originally was confused about whether it was an MMO, they've made it extremely clear that it is not. It really shares very little in common with MMO's. It sounds like a much closer comparison would be a persistent world, similar to the ones that we had for NWN.
  22. My Lai was a terrible tragedy, but the soldiers involved in making that happen were tried and prosecuted. The government can be held responsible for the initial attempts to cover it up, but it's not like the White House ordered the attack on those villagers.
  23. I have no idea how skills will work in this yet, but in UO you basically just did stuff and your skills grew, but you had to maintain those skills over time to keep them sharp. At least that is what I remembered of it. So you could do anything you want, but unused skills would erode over time. They might go with something else completely though, so it's just my speculation.
  24. I assume you meant LA and not SF. Don't ever confuse the two again!
  25. I definitely like the way they've clarified their vision, and been willing to adjust things based on feedback. I'm curious how it will all come together.
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