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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I should add I have no problem protecting private groups, like the Boy Scouts, from having discriminatory policies. Societal pressure should be enough to convince most groups not to discriminate, and there are usually options for minorities to go to. The same can be said about churches, they can discriminate (although the argument over whether they then deserve government tax breaks is a big one.) But we only have one federal and state government (in each state) and it should not have discriminatory policies, regardless of public opinion.
  2. A popular vote should never be used to determine whether discrimination against a minority group is ok. The state of California decided to allow gay marriage in the first place as the constitution did not rule it out, prop 8 changed that, but it is a discriminatory policy so I have no problem with the SCOTUS throwing it out. I do not see them applying it to all states though, I think they will apply it narrowly to California only. Leaving this whole thing to popular voting is what created the mess. You had lobby groups pumping millions into a scare tactics campaign that spread misinformation all over the place. Also, DOMA should be getting the boot as well. Thank goodness for that. Prop 8 and DOMA are designed to discriminate, that is all there is to it.
  3. Um, six figures isn't middle class. You earn more than 95% of people in the US, and at least four times the median. Where I live it is very much middle class. My wife and I are teachers, so moving somewhere else would simply cut our salaries by more than half.
  4. You should probably stick to text adventures if that's the way you feel.
  5. Yep, I play for the storylines as well, which I think they did a very good job on. I can see the complaints though, you need an end game at this point.
  6. Wow thanks, that does put things in perspective. Well I'm utterly disgusted by the project now.
  7. I am skeptical and dislike the whole 9 year old kickstarter as well, but I don't know where you guys are getting the impression she is a millionaire. Everything about it looks like a typical middle class family. I make low six figures, and $850 is not and easy amount to come up with after all my bills and necessary expenses. She looks like a stay at home mom who took a few business classes on her GI bill. I guess you've got to give her credit for being really diligent about crowdfunding. But I just don't like to see it used this way. I've used donorschoose.org for my classroom to buy materials, and that raises just enough to cover the item or expense.
  8. I second the notion that Denerim was a terribly designed Capital city. I think I ranted about that quite a bit when the game came out. The dwarf city didn't seem to be nearly that deserted. The weird thing was the real lack of housing anywhere. It was just tiny.
  9. TOR was pretty average, they had some ridiculous queues. The fact they went overboard on the number of servers was probably a bad way to begin, then took too long to consolidate. Who knows how many subs they lost over the ghost town months?
  10. Speaking of marriage, I've had my frog princess forever and I've got 3 girls and 1 boy. It's a pretty cool little feature
  11. Hmm, I did not have any of those issues in my playthrough, most of the time the last alien was exactly where I thought he would be. The load times seemed reasonable as well. My biggest issue were LOS and camera glitches. I assume they've been patched up a bit at this point.
  12. Those who are just about to play Xcom are in for a huge treat.
  13. I avoid playing every MMO on major content launch days, they are rarely smooth.
  14. I went Paladin at first, but I found the mage more enjoyable. Throwing fireballs around to start every round is entertaining.
  15. Yeah I started on Legend and I'm still playing it. I've been burned out a couple times, but I think I will finish this one. I'm level 21 and I've got a pretty kick butt army, so it is getting fun. I finally beat the Undead General guy, it was a tough 30 minute battle but my mix of red, green, and black dragons, with some Necro's and some sort of stone guy who throws rocks really did the trick. I plan on playing Armored Princess after I finish it.
  16. I have a huge amount of money at this point. I can basically ditch my troops and hire new ones wily nilly. I think that happened once I got a boat and started exploring the coasts, there was a lot of coin lying around.
  17. I loaded this up yesterday too! Much farther along this game than I was. I played it way too late last night. I think I'm close to beating it, but I need a better army. My guy does best with mages in his army, but I'm super far away from any of those. Still, I love the black dragons, not only do they simply rock, they give me the first initiative and I can throw a couple spells and use my book to devastate on the first turn.
  18. Thanks for the kind words Alan. When it comes to political knowledge, I don't consider myself uninformed, although there are plenty of subjects I will claim ignorance on. I feel I can speak with some authority on local politics and stuff about education, but I approach federal and international politics as an outsider with limited knowledge. Basically unless I have actual experience with it, I assume everyone here knows as much or more than me. I also always try and look at our discussions from a historical perspective. I spend all year teaching about how crazy the world was during the 5th to the 17th century, so it makes most everything happening now seem tame. Heck, we have people alive today that lived through World War 2, so when people lament at how far we've fallen I scratch my head. Our world is continually improving.
  19. King's Bounty - Loaded up an old game that I was far along on, and got back into it pretty easily.
  20. Didn't the auto bailout get paid back in full with interest? Or was that the bank bailout?
  21. It sounds like they are selling at very similar rates then. I know DA2 went over the 2 million mark.
  22. My wife also has a minor learning disability and it makes subs very hard to follow. It's not exactly uncommon. Personally I can't watch stuff in 3D because I get major eye strain.
  23. I watched the Swedish version of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, and I didn't pick up on the killer right away. I think it was subtitled, it was a long time ago.
  24. It's sounds weird when you humanize a large company. One is being released in mid year and another at the end of the year, so I don't get the article. It would be an issue if they had the same release month or day, I suppose, but I believe the audience is big enough to support both.
  25. Actually I find these threads very informative, and I try to stay open minded and listen to all the viewpoints. In fact I would say I have become more interested in libertarian candidates because of Guard Dog and Ron Swanson.
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