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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm not sure how much time you've spent in California, but I live closer to the farmlands and a bible belt than Berkeley. Also, and this has surprised pretty much everyone, Governor Moonbeam has become a fiscal conservative in his old age. He's made huge cuts from the last Republican governor, that's for sure. We are even looking at a budget surplus in the years to come.
  2. I noticed that the JA developer is also the one doing the TB version of Space Hulk. Hey, I do hope they are successful, I'd love to have a new Chaos Gate style Space Hulk game, and I'd be amazed at a decent Jagged Alliance. But I'm not going to kickstart them. I save my investment dollars for folks that have done something amazing in the past. That's why I threw money at Obsidian, Lori and Corey Cole, and the Space Quest guys. Even if they fail, they've given me enough memories for me to deserve a shot at it. This made me curious about Ian and Linda Currie, and apparently they are doing extremely well at Turbine working on both DDO and LotRO, so I don't see them launching any kickstarters soon.
  3. I don't see anything about Ian Currie being on board and so that means it isn't really Jagged Alliance. He's actually at Turbine, which is my second favorite game developer. Seriously, you can't have Jagged Alliance without him. They don't appear to have anyone from Sir-Tech, so I really don't see any reason to get any hopes up here. Firaxis did X-COM: Enemy Unknown without Julian Gollop and did a pretty bang up job IMHO. With that said, I'd be happier if Ian Currie was involved in this. Firaxis is one of the best developers out there and has a ton of experience with epic turn based games. This JA developer doesn't sound like it has anything resembling a resume.
  4. I don't see anything about Ian Currie being on board and so that means it isn't really Jagged Alliance. He's actually at Turbine, which is my second favorite game developer. Seriously, you can't have Jagged Alliance without him. They don't appear to have anyone from Sir-Tech, so I really don't see any reason to get any hopes up here.
  5. Back in Action is not really Jagged Alliance either. If you haven't played Jagged Alliance 2, you've missed out on one of the greatest games ever created.
  6. I backed them as well. And I expect fewer (or no) nasty surprises from them Clearly you aren't a Jagged Alliance fan
  7. That is a bit odd GD, we have night janitorial staff at our school (although I think they clock out by midnight) as well as a security guard that patrols a few different campuses. Every union is different though, they all have their quirks.
  8. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the flower are all gently swaying like an ocean. Spying on Saruman's horde.
  9. Could be Fallout 4, maybe set in Kansas.
  10. IT Crowd is still my favorite, but Black Books is a pretty close second.
  11. I'm enjoying the 6th year anniversary celebrations in Lord of the Rings Online. I actually decided to upgrade to a deluxe house, I've had a small one for years, but at level 70 I'm making money pretty easily so I think it is time for an upgrade. Now I just need to get more furniture, I'm trading in my anniversary tokens for as many paintings as I can get. It's a fun little side project. Today I was fighting a troll and two orcs, and the troll knocked me into another group of orcs. I thought I was a goner, I haven't had any real tough fights in awhile because all my mines of Moria gear is very strong, but I managed to pull out the win with a bit of health left. It was a good challenge, I had to use a couple skills to survive that I haven't touched in awhile.
  12. It has been recommended to me several times but I have never watched it. Where could I watch it for free? I believe it is on Hulu.
  13. Looking back, the first Game of Thrones was the best for me because it was fairly tight woven and had a clear conclusion, even though it was a pretty bleak way to end it. The storylines are pretty messy right now, I just hope we don't get any new characters when the next book comes out, which will probably be in 10 years or so. I like the show but they focus a lot on the romances, more than I recall in the book. I don't even remember the Rob Stark wedding, I swear he just showed up with her at some point in the books. I'm excited to see how certain events are handled in the show though, and as I watch the actors I keep picturing them in future scenes. They really cast the heck out of that show, Tyrion is the best but even the kids are engaging. Arya Stark is probably my second favorite, I can't wait until she reaches Braavos.
  14. I'll drop them off some time, the adorableness wears off quickly
  15. Alaska is mostly wilderness, so a bit different than Michigan. It's interesting that even our resident libertarian is a bit put off by Tsuga's gun talk. It makes me feel better about all the eyebrows I raise reading his posts.
  16. Here is a picture of me and the kids enjoying a Stockton Thunder game
  17. I'm really getting the impression that Bioware were incredibly inefficient with the way they set up their servers.
  18. If you liked the new X-Com and were curious about the older X-Coms then you may like this game that's not called X-Com but is more like the old X-Com than the new X-Com when it's released later this year. I hope it's good, because I'd love to have two games in this genre that rock, but Xenonauts is an old school tribute game. That means it looks old school, which is fine but I can also play the original and get a similar experience. The new Xcom is a fantastic reboot that stays true to the genre and concept, but updates it for new generations.
  19. I'm pretty sure the MS version of Shadowrun had nothing in common with RPG's, and didn't it focus only on team based multiplayer? FO3 was still an RPG, even if it changed the perspective.
  20. I got a nice Federal return, but then I owed half of it to the State. Trying to figure out deductions is crazy.
  21. That should make you happy. No matter how down you get about your life, you are always clearing the Lindsay Lohan hurdle.
  22. This is tragic, but it does sound like law enforcement was able to isolate even more explosive devices and avoid even more deaths. The numbers are still coming in, sadly with such a high injury rate I imagine the death toll will continue to climb. Before we start pointing fingers over this senseless violence, I think this quote from Mr. Rogers is important:
  23. I don't think I ever made it off Tortage No reason to leave Tortage, it's the best part of the game. I played 4 different classes through Tortage and it was a blast. But then I'd hit the big world and completely lose interest.
  24. Total Recall - The recent remake, it was ok, but I didn't really dig the whole setting. The whole time I was thinking this would be cooler if they were on Mars.
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