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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Sure, but can you list many teams that have won Stanley Cups without any notable superstars? Maybe the '06 Hurricanes...although Eric Staal probably fits the criteria. edit: Maybe we can define superstars as guys who have a decent shot at the Hall of Fame?
  2. Unless I misunderstood, Shadowrun Returns and Berlin can be had DRM free, just not any future DLC. Yep, that is the situation, which is plenty fair.
  3. I'm happy about the Steam deal, it means it will be easier for me to manage across multiple machines.
  4. *logs into forum*"I think I'll make a quick reply in this thread." *starts typing but then cat yowls for food and hubby hollers my name* *runs off and forgets all about the forum for a while....* I see your husband and cats and raise you a wife, a 2 year old, and a 5 year old
  5. Just got an update, game is set to release in June. The early start editor comes out at the end of April. Woohoo!
  6. Detroit has struggled without Lidstrom, a star defensman. They still have Datsyuk and Zetterberg, and those guys are definitely superstars. There is no reason to throw out insults Volourn, these are just my observations.
  7. Actually two player teams seem to be the norm in the NHL, very few have three real superstars.
  8. Lord of the Rings Online - After 6 years of playing this, I think it is safe to say it is the greatest game I have ever played. Turbine has really done a masterful job of recreating Middle Earth, and my Captain is easily the best class of character I have ever played in an RPG. It's just so deep, but despite that I can take a few months off and come back without feeling lost. Right now I'm working my way with the Rangers towards Isengard. Basically I am nearing the end of the second book after 6 years of playing the game. They still have Gondor and Mordor to build, so I imagine I've still got a couple years of story to tell. Brilliant. I do wonder what Turbine will do next.
  9. So basically we are all concluding that women have trouble committing to serious long term forum relationships. That Dead Island statue is horrific. Who would buy that?
  10. Not all MMOers are 14 year old needy kids. I've actually had quite a few good friendships develop in different MMO's, many of them lasting for years. For some reason TOR just doesn't inspire the same socialization in me though. I've never really grouped with someone and been like, hey, we should play together again sometime. Maybe I'm just getting older and more crotchety.
  11. Oddly enough, I like BofA a lot. I've been with them since I was a teenager and they've always done right by me. I've found most fees they've hit me with were easy to get waived, and I even refinanced a car with them a couple years ago and saved money. Granted I have never had a home loan with them, that could change my outlook. But yeah, EA is just a game company, it's hard to have much righteous indignation because my SimCity game took a few weeks to work properly. I have no experience with Ticketmaster, but Comcast sucks. Comcast should be in the finals.
  12. She's 48, clearly Ponce De Leon was on to something when he looked for the fountain of youth in Florida. GD, I remember you were once married and I think it was in Florida, is this the ex missus?
  13. It's really a matter of perspective, since we have so many people here that are not from the US. Reagan is and was an immensely popular president at home, but from an outsider's perspective his reputation isn't the same. Personally I have little to say about Margaret Thatcher because I am an outsider and I try not to speak about things I know little about. But that doesn't stop everyone else, of course
  14. Yeah, the crazy thing about that Vogelsong start was he struggled in the first, then retired the next 12 straight, in dominant fashion, then lost it again. With Romo the biggest worry is injury, that guy has two knee braces and is the tiniest baseball player I've ever seen. I love talking Giants, so anytime
  15. I don't see Scutaro being all that impressive this season. I'm hoping for .280 from him. He's a smart player, sees a lot of pitches usually and knows how to move runners, but he isn't going to get hot like he did at the end of last year very often.
  16. I don't think there is anything wrong with saying that Obsidian's games attract a mostly male audience. They certainly don't aim to alienate females, but I'd say it is simply a trend of the genre. There also isn't anything wrong with being a casual gamer. There are a lot more of them than there are of the hardcore RPG crowd, that's for sure.
  17. Vogelsong looked pretty good in his start, so I think he will be fine. Madison Baumgarner is my favorite of the Giant's pitchers, but I'm guessing he isn't available. You might want to look at a couple of the A's pitchers, they are very good and I think will continue to improve. I'm more concerned about the Giant's bats at this point
  18. I'd say the playoff performance already proved that. Heck, he could fall off the face of earth at this point, and he'll still be a huge part of the World Series run. Now he's always going to have the massive contract hanging over him a bit, but that I've always said that was management's issue for offering it.
  19. While I know there is a lot of controversy over her time in office, she was one of the first prominent female leaders of the time and her influence on future generations of women should be acknowledged.
  20. I just don't understand why you would recruit someone without even talking to them first. I mean if we are sharing a combat area and engaging in the same baddies, then it's fine to give a quick hello, but if I run by you on the space station, that isn't asking for an invite.
  21. To be fair, we have a lot of Scandinavians, and that makes up for the lack of women. I really have no idea though, women probably just have better things to do?
  22. The funny part is the woman he complimented is a long-time friend of his. It is a ridiculous story. But the backlash against the liberals that called it sexist has been pretty decisive, so I don't see it as a real issue.
  23. Ended up at $1.9 million, which is pretty solid. I'm happy I got in on the first responder level, $25 is about all I'm willing to put up for the project currently.
  24. I was going to give Ros a hard time for wearing a vest at a brunch, but clearly the ladies dig it
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