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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Well I knew I wasn't going to play 6 games, I wasn't that nostalgic, but yeah I should have picked up World of Xeen. It was actually $10 instead of $6 for that pack though. I looked at Lands of Lore as well. I actually have Wizardry 5 on CD's, so maybe that's my best bet for nostalgia
  2. Nostalgia convinced me to pick up M&M 8 on GOG. Geez, the graphics are really bad...kind of regret spending $6 on it.
  3. I enjoy Foster's Freeze for the deserts, and a lot of fast food places in my area now have a Foster's Freeze menu to compliment their own. El Pollo Loco is the one that comes to mind. Orange Julias was my favorite growing up, but there is only one of those left that I know of. Many of these are definitely California based. All this talk is making me want to go to Five Guys for a burger.
  4. Interesting, but I'd rather see classes using Python and creating actual software rather than using RPGMaker. Also, I read enough stuff from my students to know I have no interest in playing a game they would make.
  5. Claiming that they are using World of Xeen as their primary reference point is a fantastic thing to hear.
  6. Eh, that's probably due to the fact that Disney is VERY focused on their image. They can't let Mickey be "Dark" in any way because it'd damage his image. Kingdom Hearts had all of the darkness in the story be from the "New" or Final Fantasy characters. Star Wars characters wouldn't have as much image issues. I don't need Mickey to be dark, we have a plenty of incredibly successful IP's that are also family friendly in games. What I thought they would be able to pull off is something to compete with Mario, or even Crash Bandicoot or Jak & Dexter.
  7. It's very odd how Disney has struggled internally to develop games. It's like they are pulling all the right levers but what comes out is garbage. I just don't get how the Epic Mickey games didn't turn into a gigantic success with the concept and Warren Spector at the helm. At least they are savvy enough to see that it isn't working and it is better for them to outsource.
  8. I have no idea what Bloodline Champions is, but I was referring to the superhero MMO Champions Online. Also, the word 'viable' seems to have a different definition for some folks.
  9. There are more than 4-5 viable ones, right now you've got quite a few running on all sorts of different economic models. WoW, Eve Online, GW2, EQ2, LotRO, Rift, TOR, Secret World, Age of Conan, DDO, Champions...the list goes on, and there are about a dozen Asian MMO's that do very well in their markets.
  10. He was a UFA at the end of the year, and the word was they weren't going to pay much for him. It makes sense when you look at the Sharks, they are struggling with team speed, but they've got all these playmakers that need speedy guys to hit with their passes. Clowe has a great shot, but this season he's just struggled to get into position. The change of scenery will probably help his game. San Jose has raided the farm system for too long, so they need to rebuild the prospect list, and they did so by letting go of UFA's. Not a total rebuild, but close to one. They still have a pretty solid group of talent on the team.
  11. Clowe, of course, scores two goals in his first game with the Rangers
  12. The Dig 2: Double Penetration please.
  13. Ugh, the idea of this makes me very upset. Torres has injured a few Sharks over the years and I consider him a dirty hitter who looks to injure others. I'm aghast.
  14. There will be plenty of Star Wars games, in fact they probably have a better chance of being good with Disney controlling the license.
  15. It seems like most of the bigger deals already happened.
  16. Well we've already had another developer continuing Sam & Max and Monkey Island for awhile now.
  17. It was also a bit of a redundant studio for Disney, they have their own game development department.
  18. Ah, that's what I was missing :-D I thought the subscription model was faltering, though. They are pretty vague about the subscription model. Plus there are still a lot of people paying subs, but companies are finding that microtransactions are more profitable, as it allows your really dedicated players to pay way over $15 a month if they choose.
  19. I agree with Jenda, particularly with a decent sized developer like Obsidian. Luckily they have other projects that are probably paying to keep the lights on. Also, that size means turning a $4 million profit will probably be eaten up pretty quickly. Plus, doesn't Steam get a cut of the sales? Regardless, to reach filthy rich status for the owners, I'm guessing the game needs to move millions of units.
  20. People like MMO's, and Dark Ages of Camelot was a classic one.
  21. So after Kershaw singlehandedly beat the Giants, MadBum returned the favor the next night.
  22. But by self-publishing they are also taking on all the risks. Kickstarter is mitigating that a bit by covering all the front end costs, but in order to turn a profit they need to sell copies above and beyond the 74k that go to the backers. It will be interesting to see how that works out.
  23. I think it is fine if they are currently separated and don't have kids. It gets messy if they still live together. Divorces do take awhile to sort out.
  24. I like how the 2nd round pick turns into a 1st if the Bruins make the conference finals. That seems like a pretty good deal for both teams. I'm not sure if it makes the Bruins good enough to compete with the Pens, I think it depends on what indefinitely means for Crosby.
  25. Good for you guys, few more projects like P:E and you will be disgustingly rich. Also love your UO avatar. Actually that's the exact opposite, in order to get filthy rich they need to sell to a big time publisher. Kickstarter simply covers base salaries and operating costs, it's not really a windfall. ? Yes, but he probably meant more Obsidian gaining money through the sales of P:E. Ah, I read it that he was implying P:E has already made a lot of money. I hope P:E sells millions when it is released as well.
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