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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. This doesn't actually say anything about a product key, it sounds like he lost the entire game, and it is what started the entire discussion. I lost my key for a copy of my Windows OS once, and I was able to call Microsoft and get a new key. But yeah, cracking a game is different than pirating it. edit: Oh and buying a collector's edition and not opening it, then downloading it off a torrent is ridiculous AND it's piracy.
  2. Losing something does not justify stealing another.
  3. You can tell the article is fake because I doubt Sarah Palin even knows the names of that many places.
  4. I wonder what Bear's Pit think of this project.
  5. I might back it come May, but I am fairly reserved about it. Jagged Alliance 2 is the best game I've ever played, but I mentioned in another thread that I'm concerned they don't have any of the people from Sir-Tech working on this project. They may pull off a good turn based game, which is something I support fully, but nailing the personality quirks of the original characters is going to be a much more complicated task. JA2 had an understated writing style that was fairly brilliant, and I give Ian Currie full credit for that. I'm also probably too close to this franchise. The project reminds me a lot of Shadowrun Returns, but even though I enjoyed the old SNES Shadowrun game, I'm not obsessed with it like JA2.
  6. The only time I really enjoyed the social aspect was playing with my wife, and rolling to see if I could get my guy to say the jerk line while she tried to be the nice one.
  7. Was the lockdown put into place after the first shootout where the older brother died? The primary reason for a lockdown is to prevent any and all civilian casualties, so it would seem that they succeeded in that.
  8. I've had two lockdown situations in the last few years in my area, but I work in a school and so we are usually the first put on alert when something happens. It seems like it is becoming more common to lockdown an entire area when a manhunt is happening, a few years back we had someone go on a shooting spree at the cement plant he worked at, and they shut down about a 20 mile radius area to get him. This was after he had carjacked a lady and disappeared into some neighborhoods. Our school was not super close (about 15 miles away) but we were still sheltering in place for a couple hours. That simply means no lunch or recess, and eventually we did an early dismissal. I notice you keep using the term martial law, is that different than a lockdown? Most of the news I read referred to it as a lockdown, but was there anything in particular that you feel makes it more than that?
  9. Orogun, where are you from? I'm asking because it would help me to understand your perspective of how Boston as a city and Massachusetts as a state are run. I don't think there is really a usual MO for a situation like this, but instituting a lockdown is not entirely unheard of. The scope and size of the lockdown was massive, but again this is very much a unique situation. Regardless, you have one suspect alive and communicating, so there is really no reason to buy into conspiracy theories at this point. If he comes out and says he was framed (or gets shot by Jack Ruby), then feel free to speculate.
  10. What is interesting is that everyone seems to be drawing up conclusions even though the boys are only suspected of being the perpetrators, even though putting up the martial law and massive manhunt would suggest that everyone has already made up their minds. I get the whole innocent until proven guilty, but let's be realistic. The odds of them not being the perpetrators are incredibly low. Usually people who are framed don't go on a rampage and throw explosives out of car windows during the ensuing manhunt. They also don't put an entire city under martial law just because of a manhunt. What is your point, exactly? Is this just a general criticism of the way law enforcement handled themselves, or are you suggesting something more sinister?
  11. Eh, 3 square meals a day and cable TV in his cell isn't exactly a terrible life. Not to belittle life in prison, but it isn't exactly a gulag. The interesting thing will be how he manages with other inmates, I'm guessing he will be on solitary for a good while.
  12. What is interesting is that everyone seems to be drawing up conclusions even though the boys are only suspected of being the perpetrators, even though putting up the martial law and massive manhunt would suggest that everyone has already made up their minds. I get the whole innocent until proven guilty, but let's be realistic. The odds of them not being the perpetrators are incredibly low. Usually people who are framed don't go on a rampage and throw explosives out of car windows during the ensuing manhunt.
  13. That's why I always appreciate and respect Drowsy Boo as a member of this community, even when I greatly disagree with his opinions.
  14. I started in on the 3rd season of True Blood today. I enjoyed the first two, but haven't watched it in a long while, so I'm a bit lost. Ah well, looking for something to replace the fact I caught up on Game of Thrones.
  15. They clearly became radicalized in the US, which definitely speaks to a larger problem that needs to be addressed. Although I think the religion is more of an excuse for the behavior of the sociopathic older brother. He seemed to have much larger issues and was using his religion as an outlet for his anger.
  16. I'm pretty sure you can find random pics of just about anything on the internet. But it speaks volumes about Oby that he feels the need to do so. He also doesn't seem to have any clue what SWAT is and how they vary from state to state and even town to town.
  17. Wonderful, another shooter on the grassy knoll for conspiracy nuts to play with. So these two innocent brothers just happened to be carrying multiple backpacks around the Boston Marathon, then when the police released images of them, they decided to go on a crime spree? Not everything is a cover up.
  18. Crazy brings in the ratings, I suppose. It kind of undermines his whole spiel when he uses it as a teaser to get people to listen to his show on Monday.
  19. There are people in the US that fail basic geography quizzes about their own country, it really shouldn't surprise people that they are confusing Chechnya with the Czech Republic. Of course I'd be surprised if many Europeans on this forum could tell me the difference between Arkansas and Kansas without using the internet.
  20. The suspect was captured alive, so that will lead to an interesting trial.
  21. The people in the PE forums probably think we are bizarre for coming to Obsidian and rarely discussing anything to do with the company
  22. What is wrong with some of you? This isnt a movie, there are law enforcement people putting their lives in jeopardy to stop those two violent psychopaths. If you think you can do a better job, go join the police academy and stop looking like a total a-hole. These two brothers blew up an 8 year old boy and crippled over a hundred innocent people. Get a clue.
  23. Drowsy, what connection are you making exactly? These two men would have been children at the time of that event. Apparently the older brother actually attended School Number One, but they left the country a year before that happened. The uncle has been interviewed, and it was refreshing to hear him call his nephews losers that have disgraced the family. Usually the family is pretty quiet about this stuff. I agree this seems less political or religious and more a horrific act committed by two boys who felt like outsiders.
  24. I read a report that they came to the US almost 10 years ago, that means this younger brother was only about 10. So his commitment might not be the same as his older brother.
  25. GI Joe - First off, I got the theatre all to myself, which was perfect. I enjoyed it, but the best part of the movie was watching the dynmac between Channing Tatum (Duke) and Roadblock (The Rock). The movie had some fun parts after that, but nothing really great. Bruce Willis was also fun to watch. I really think this whole IP should be based on a more fictional world though. COBRA has melted the Eiffel tower and blown up London at this point, those are huge events and they are kind of glossed over. It seemed weird. Still, best not to think too much on the plot, it is a fun action romp and it does that well. I think I might prefer the first one though, the character development was rather weak in this one, and my favorite part is bringing to life the action figures. Leaving out Destro was also lame.
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