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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The Mayan prediction also really isn't necessarily an apocalyptic one, but I get the humor behind that, since it is the end of their calendar and something major was expected. But the joke simply falls flat with me. Sure, there were still independent Mayan city-states in the north, but they were a far cry from the classical Mayan civilization that built places like Chichen Itza.
  2. The Mayan civilization fell apart well before the Spanish ever arrived. There is little evidence as to why, but many of cities had been abandoned for centuries. The Aztec were in power when the Spanish made it to Central America. And they did have a prophecy about a pale god returning from the East in the same year that Cortez marched to Tenochtitlan, but it is disputed how much the Aztec people really believed that. Honestly I thought the Mayan stuff was pretty common knowledge, especially after all the 2012 prophecy hullabaloo.
  3. This one hurts my head. I'm hoping it's like a purposeful ignorance thing, but really?
  4. Wait, no family tree? What the heck! That's like my favorite part of the game.
  5. The whole "US fighting alongside Al-Qaeda" smacks of serious hyperbole. It oversimplifies a very complicated situation.
  6. Casual and basic actually sounds awesome to me. Is the alternative hardcore and complicated? That sounds miserable.
  7. I was referring more to the history of Russian literature being rather melancholy, but your interpretation works too
  8. We should also keep in mind that there are very different levels of military intervention. I seriously doubt that the US will commit to more than a small amount of troops on the ground, even if they do go forward.
  9. Where the heck is Peter Weller?!? It does look pretty decent, although I don't get the black suit.
  10. Sounds like a terrible business decision for DC comics, to be honest. They've already got the gay couple in the comics. The marketability of them getting hitched in the comic would be fantastic, it is a hot button issue right now and they'd get a ton of press for it. Instead they are trying to avoid the issue, and will probably only end up with negative attention.
  11. That's nice too hear. Different from the earlier "they're just butthurt" responses. Hah, you can do both! You can have a valid complaint and still sound like a complete tool when you voice it. For example, saying "I was unsatisfied with the ending in ME3 and here are my reasons" is a reasonable way to voice one's complaints. But screaming "The ME3 ending ruined my entire life! I want my money and time back!" is still tackling to same issue, but sounds utterly ridiculous.
  12. The hard part is my daughter shares the room. I think tonight I may move my daughter into the bed with my wife, and I'll take the couch. Then he can cry himself to sleep. Bleh. My wife is pretty weak on this stuff, she just wants me to play the movie
  13. I find it funny when people take the lore so seriously. I've read all the books and played all the games, but this isn't Tolkien. There are really too many cooks in the kitchen to expect an ironclad universe without plot holes. Better to just enjoy it as a good popcorn flick than expect more.
  14. The last couple of weeks have been rough, as my son is going through a stage where he sleeps for about 2-3 hours and then is wide awake. He is 3, and he will walk into our bedroom at 2 in the morning handing me a movie or asking for some milk. When I say no and march him back to bed, he then screams for about 30 minutes or until I relent. It is very frustrating. Last night I grabbed him and cried "I need to sleep". He looked at me, smiled, and then roared like a monster. I almost had a nervous breakdown. At least I know it is just a stage. His sister went through the same thing, and now she is just like her parents pleading with the kid to go to bed.
  15. Isn't he just going to be in a full suit of armor with a helm at this point in the story? We won't even see his face if I am remembering his story arc correctly.
  16. So it's probably just space PvP. If they turned space into an actual simulation type game instead of just a minigame, I'd be back on board in a heartbeat. But I don't see that happening. I mean how awesome would it be to fly around the solar systems doing quests, mining, and other stuff.
  17. Doom is really the Citizen Kane of gaming. DA3 will hopefully be the Back to the Future 3 of gaming. They both have horses.
  18. I dabbled in Rift for a bit, looks like a lot has changed. I can't believe it has been out for two years already. I might play it a bit and see if it strikes my interest, I played it a ton at release.
  19. It looks fantastic, but I'm a bit confused about the placement of the movie in the Riddick universe. Does this one happen before the events of Chronicles?
  20. I'd watch this version as well. http://youtu.be/2fPgIIB67bw
  21. Gorth, you've never heard of Mega Man? You clearly were grown in a lab as a full adult and never experienced childhood!
  22. I think the police did the right thing there. Little kids should be shown right and wrong. It's a shame the police have to step in and be parents as well. Yes I've got to agree. The police had to warn the parent that a citation was possible, which means the parent was probably being a douche and not taking care of their kids. These kids were walking around jumping on plants and flowers on other peoples property. My son does the same thing, and he gets in trouble for it. I couldn't imagine him doing it outside of our yard either, he'd be in huge trouble.
  23. Yeah I always saw that as a real missed opportunity. The world of Mafia 2 was so well done, it was beautiful, but they really gave you no reason to explore and play like a sandbox. Just some stunt jumps and side missions would have made a huge difference in the shelf life of that game.
  24. It is becoming more and more common for me to read a thread and find that Volourn is the only one making any sense. As this steamer makes its way down the river of Obsidian, I feel I already know what Volourn's last post will be. The horror! The horror!
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