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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Malala's views and ideals are also rooted in Islam.
  2. Ah, but that is the trap. There are millions of people who can tell you that spirituality has given them insight and has been immensely useful to them. It is perfectly reasonable to say that you have examined the concepts of spirituality and found them to be unsuitable for you. But when you dismiss them entirely, despite the weight of human history and the role it still plays in modern societies, it is close-minded. As for understanding, you are perfectly correct that there are many disciplines to help us understand the world around us. At no point should we stop pushing forward in our quest for understanding. Maybe some day we will reach a state where we simply know everything about the world around us. But we are not at that ascended stage yet, there are still more questions than there are answers. We can't even reasonably define love! We know it exists, we have a ton of evidence to back it up, we can even pinpoint the chemical reactions that occur in the brain. But that really only scratches the surface of the raw power of love.
  3. I know some people are going to be critical of it, but I think it looks absolutely charming. I'm excited, this is the only kickstarter other than PE that I pledged a good chunk of change to.
  4. I'm not sure how more clearly I can say this: Science and Spirituality do not need to be compared. They are not in competition with one another. The question of equality is moot. This is a close-minded approach towards understanding. I'm guessing you didn't read through the links I offered.
  5. Dismissing religion as superstition has always puzzled me. It seems like an incredibly simplistic way to view human nature and spirituality. You'd have a point if there was the slightest bit of evidence that spirituality has some scientific basis. Again, that sounds incredibly dismissive towards something that has existed for the entirety of human history. Science and spirituality aren't two competing sports teams where you need to choose sides. Both science and religion act as keys that a human can use to unlock very different types of doors. You do not need to keep one door closed in order to open the other. The science of spirituality is also a very real thing. And yes, I know I used two different analogies, but it is early and I like them both. I also thought about using an analogy about different types of tools.
  6. Dismissing religion as superstition has always puzzled me. It seems like an incredibly simplistic way to view human nature and spirituality.
  7. Wow, they only offered the guy $4,000 to use two of his songs? He's going to get some mad money now, awesome.
  8. That is an interesting statistical breakdown. However it is pretty dismissive of what it refers to as the Meccan Koran, which in my experience with many US Muslims is crux of their faith. It also seems to miss a chance to observe how religions adapt and change with time. Over time, Islam became highly politicized, just like Christianity. But that hardly means it it can be defined as such in every nation. Islam looks very different depending on where you are in the world, but the 'Meccan Koran' and the Sunnah are the basis that they all have in common. Also the connection between the Sunnah, which are the practices of Mohammad that are supposed to be followed, and the Hadith can vary depending on the region. What is agreed upon by Muslims in this regard are mostly the simplest steps, such as the 5 pillars.
  9. I'd love to go to space like you did in the original.
  10. She is threathing the order of things in the region, which makes her a target, despite her age. Godspeed though. The Taliban are the ones threatening the order of the region. Her whole argument is that things have gone terrible since they entered her region a few years ago.
  11. Did any of you watch the video? She actually says that we should not resort to violence, that we are just lowering ourselves to the level of terrorists when we do. That is stunning to hear from a girl who has been through her ordeal.
  12. This is powerful stuff from a 16-year old. http://youtu.be/f506lCk6Tos
  13. I'll just bring my RV and park it on GD's property, that way we aren't too much of a bother.
  14. I'm not sure, but I'm happy to start a brand new campaign. It promises to be very different with the new stuff.
  15. Had no idea Adam Oates is such a DB. The best response I've read to Oates was asking why he was so butt hertl about the goal.
  16. She said yes! More details when I get home tomorrow! We all expect to be invited to the wedding.
  17. Joe Thornton has a colorful way of celebrating if he ever scores 4 goals. http://deadspin.com/joe-thornton-on-the-proper-explicit-way-to-celebrate-a-1443563064
  18. It sounds pretty reasonable. I expected the PC version of GTAV to come out around 6-12 months after the console version, so that makes sense.
  19. You obviously didn't get the deep themes. It's one thing to say the themes fell flat, but to deny their existence is not a good sign for Morgie. Comparing it to Gears of War is quite a stretch.
  20. That really made it obvious you didn't play the game.
  21. Seriously, this pretty much looks like a brand new game. Throw in some harpoons and a cruise ship and we have a full sequel.
  22. I'm glad you think of me when you say Big shot VIP Welcome back Pixie, the forum has changed dramatically since you've been gone. Rosjberg is the new Shryke, for starters.
  23. I'm actually upset that I'm almost done with 2nd Patrick Rothfuss book. He's the best writer I have read in a long while, and I want the third book now.
  24. I laughed as well, but then I took the poll and noticed Call of Duty has over 2,000 votes. I cried.
  25. I assume we are all talking about the phosphorus bombing. I refused to do it at first. I tried to shoot it out for a bit, then I actually walked away from the game. Eventually I decided I wanted to see where the game went with it and proceeded. I walked away afterwards for a bit as well. I don't think it is bad for a game to weigh on you, in fact I wish more of these ultra violent games went that route. So many of them brush over the kill rate with little thought. edit: Thanks a ton to Bendu for gifting me the game, by the way. It has been a real surprise for me.
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