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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So you are going to pirate Farcry 3 because you are too impatient to wait for the Steam sale? Don't worry, I'm sure all of our resident DRM activists will come to your defense.
  2. The BF4 beta has actually run better than BF3 on my PC.
  3. I've never played God of War, but it has always struck me as much more action orientated than the AC series. You can spend a lot of time just exploring and walking through the cities in AC.
  4. I'm enjoying AC: Revenant quite a bit. The setting of Constantinople in transition to Istanbul is fascinating. I love the use of the Janissaries and Suleiman, and the idea of recruiting assassins is neat. I'm not a big fan of the missions to send them away from the city though, but everything else has been fun. I'm excited to see how the story of Ezio wraps up, he's pretty awesome as an old man.
  5. That does sound like a nice setting for an AC game. I'll probably get it.
  6. That day will be when cars also become fully automated. I'm sensibly direct with most issues, but when the self-driving Neo Prius horde takes over, I will literally Hulk into a loud-mouthed internal combustion alarmist. TAKE BACK THE WHEEL Oh man, I can't wait until driving is automated. I'm in my car about 2 hours a day, most of it highway. I could do so much with that time.
  7. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the point here, but the law isn't literally applicable, it's interpretive.
  8. The Patriot Act is what has damaged this country. I blame him for not appealing it, but it existed before he got in office. The guy couldn't even get an assault weapons ban to go through after Sandy Hook, he's no mastermind of political power. The only other thing he even has going on is the health care system, and that is totally overblown as an issue. I also am not going after Bush about the Patriot Act. It was a response to a terrible incident. It just shouldn't be a permanent measure.
  9. This is just as scary http://youtu.be/2ucv1-PJVT4 Actually I think Obama is better as a symbol than he is as a president. It's still a huge deal that we have a minority in the White House, it's a tremendous step forward compared to where we were 50 years ago. Presidents come and go, and their legacy is usually only clear after a couple decades, but in 200 years it will still be a huge deal that we finally had a black president.
  10. Unfortunately I'd say bootlickers and yes men are the norm for politicians today.
  11. I'm actually reading The Rise and fall of the Third Reich currently, so this was a fun thread. Hitler really did hate Russians. He also hated Communists, so double whammy there.
  12. I bought a large bottle of Gordon Beirsch Zwickelbock and plan on drinking it tonight. One time I drank Blonde Bock at their brewery directly from the tank. It was the best beer I've ever had. This isn't quite as crisp, but it was on sale and is still pretty dang good.
  13. That's actually exactly how I tell my wife she should apologize. Well played KP.
  14. Yesterday my students were presenting about these countries they created. They are supposed to create a landmass with a variety of geographical features, then place a capital city, and discuss how they will handle natural resources, immigration, and defense. I noticed one boy had created a place called Pen Island. Now this wasn't one of my rowdy boys, so I asked him as politely as I could if he noticed any problems with the name. He had the requisite Sharpie Swamp and Magic Marker Mountains, so I was pretty convinced he did not realize what he did. So I told him to think about what would happen if he dropped the land from the name. His reaction was priceless. I told him he could change it and present another day.
  15. The hand movement stuff has no appeal for me. Give me buttons.
  16. It was pretty funny watching Conan learn how to use WASD. http://teamcoco.com/video/clueless-gamer-horror-edition
  17. I now have an image of Woldan destroying piles of unhealthy food and forcing people to exercise. Now I'm gonna ruin my reputation as super health-man and say I'm a bloody hypocrite, the only food I destroy tons of is cake and cookies. Destruction through ingestion. I'm a sugarholic. If I wouldn't burn all those calories through exercise I'd probably be weighing 500 kilograms by now. Eh, you need that sugar. That's always been one of my favorite things about playing hockey. Afterwards I can pretty much destroy any sweets I want. Granted, it will get much tougher when you hit your 30's, Woldan. Your metabolism is in peak shape right now, enjoy it.
  18. I have never really considered agnosticism in the same class as atheism.
  19. I'd call Woldan a health fanatic Not that there is anything wrong with that, it's probably a great compliment to being a gaming fanatic.
  20. Combating defamation doesn't mean bombing people. As a teacher I combat ignorance. We have enough extremist groups without making boogeyman out of the groups that condemn terrorism.
  21. That brought this guy to mind: He should be a sith, I suppose.
  22. I thought it was more of a commentary on how the British eat too much split pea soup?
  23. For equity crowdfunding. Not all crowdfunding. It has nothing to do with the recent trend of video game Kickstarters. It's also only a proposal, they've got a lot of work left to do on it before it becomes a reality.
  24. It's pretty hard to take Tsuga seriously as an American patriot when he actively belittles and ignores the state with the most people in the country.
  25. Huh, I thought I remember reading some more rational stuff from Tsuga in the past. I guess he's decided to adopt the white supremacist line to stand out more? Good luck without California, by the way. We only represent 13.3% of the GDP in the US, so I'm sure the US will do just fine without it.
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