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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I dunno, I think it has potential. Script by Paul Dini, directed by production designer Robert Stromberg who I think has a very good visual eye. Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning can both act so...potential there. People said the same thing about that Snow White remake, and that turned out better than expected.
  2. I have a large vase that would be effective in combat.
  3. Donno if we can even do it as freebies. I paid for a month, so maybe I can set it up and then invite everyone.
  4. Prince of Persia wasn't enough for you?
  5. You always seem to eat so healthily..its a little depressing at times for me I have my weaknesses, mostly candy and chocolate.
  6. Anyone have any experience making a league?
  7. I baked white potatoes in the oven yesterday with a drizzle of olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper. Then I made some rice pilaf and boiled some carrots with tarragon and a bit of sugar. It was a good meal.
  8. So let's vote on whether we want a hero or villain league. I vote hero.
  9. Batman really is the biggest name in superheroes though. Sure, Superman was a heavy hitter when Christopher Reeves was playing him, but now Batman has taken over the movies. He's also the only one getting decent video games made about him. Every day I see like 5 different people wearing Batman shirts.
  10. Batman is the best super hero ever, so KP and Calax are crazy
  11. I've always been more of a Marvel guy myself. The only DC character I've ever been into was Batman and his stable of villains. That changed a bit when I got into the Green Arrow TV show Archer, and now that I'm playing the game, I'm really surprised how much depth there is to the DC universe. It's actually kind of nice getting some details on all these characters I only had a cursory knowledge of.
  12. So I know a few people here play this, and I've been pretty surprised at what a solid MMO it is. Anyone interested in putting together a league? I've been spending most of my time as a hero, I can dabble with a villain but I tend to like to be the good guy. I'm impressed by the cities. Gotham was fun, but when I got to Metropolis I was really wowed. Also the combat is fast and I'm getting the hang of the combos, it's a pretty good system with some nice complexity. I've still got a lot to learn, I haven't even touched any of the events or anything like that. My main character is an acrobatic mentalist with two pistols. His name, oddly enough, is Hurlshot.
  13. It's really two very different types of happiness though. It's pretty much the definition of short term versus long term happiness. Honestly I prefer to just have it all.
  14. DC Universe Online continues to impress me. Metropolis is a much nicer city than Gotham. I love Batman and the whole Batman world a lot more than Superman, but it's nice to have some sunshine and bright colors. I got my first lair, it needs some work. I'm very impressed at how good the character building is, and not just at creation. The skills, combo building, icon powers, etc. really make you feel unique among all the other players. I've been running around just looking at all the different types of PC's out there, it's impressive.
  15. In some ways copyright infringement can be worse than physical theft. If you take a piece of copyright material and make it available to millions of people behind the owners back, that is a lot more serious than taking an actual object. But hey, let's not get in the way of all the immoral crusaders and their fight against The Man.
  16. I'm guessing you didn't read the book Woldan. The book, while still aimed towards a young audience, did a better job of explaining how the whole scenario worked. For example, worrying about the water is unnecessary, this isn't just some spot in a forest. Its more of an arena that was designed specifically for the game. Still a pretty silly concept. It gets more outlandish as they move forward with the story.
  17. Deen Domino is made (Dean was already taken) and ready for action. He's got two pistols and a fondness for traps, as well as a nice swagger. Championchik would also be another suitable villain.
  18. We could totally form the Obsidian League. I think I can actually come up with a pretty good hero or villain based on Obsidian characters.
  19. Chinatown is an interesting place, for sure, but I wouldn't eat there either. But honestly it's not the cleanest part of San Francisco. There are also just a ton of fantastic famous restaurants within a couple blocks, so why bother. Although the best place for seafood in SF is the small vendors right along the piers. Best prices, and as fresh as it can get.
  20. Exploring Gotham City in DC Universe, this game is much better than I expected. Combat is pretty fast paced, and it is easy to navigate the city. I'll give it a month and see how it holds up over time, but I'm impressed.
  21. So basically, Torment in name only? I hear it is basically Wasteland with swords. Or maybe Wasteland is going to be Torment with guns.
  22. Downloading now Heh, I was on my phone so I kept it brief. So far I only played through the tutorial, but the character creation is fantastic and I've spent over an hour with that alone. My daughter also wanted to play and she has made a Wonder Woman character.
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