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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I remember when I was going through some family issues a few years back, this forum was the best sounding board I had available. People were incredibly supportive and helpful. So yeah, it's a good place to hang.
  2. I've been there, and you just need to add moose and maple syrup to the list to be accurate. Oh and hockey sticks.
  3. I'd probably change their mascot, if I had my say.
  4. I'm not entirely sure how I want to do it yet, so for now I'm going to stick them on magnetically and see how it looks. Eventually I may seal them in. I also need to build the bar. I'm a terrible carpenter so that might be tough.
  5. The dinner thread often becomes a recipe thread. But yeah, a hobby thread would be cool. I have been collecting bottle caps to create a bar top. I have enough now and just bought the magnets, now I need to glue them on. I want something like this:
  6. A ban on guns is about as feasible in the US as a ban on religion. It's not.
  7. The big difference being that WWI happened before the Nuclear Age.
  8. "You can take religion away from the killer and he or she can still kill people with a different ideology. If you take the killer way from the religion the religion does nothing."
  9. In a somewhat perfect world, the loudest to condemn the use of guns in this type of attack should be gun owners, and the loudest to condemn the use of Islam in this type of attack should be Muslims. I believe both need reform, but I'm neither a gun owner nor a Muslim.
  10. You can basically replace Muslims with Guns in this sentence. No you can't. "When guns do this again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again the "Guns are not the problem" argument fails to hold water." You quite literally can. As Barothmuk already mentioned, we just had the planned parenthood shooting. We have mass shootings with alarming regularity in the US, and yet very few are tied to Islam. It's easy to blame guns, or blame a religion, for this type of senseless violence. But I fail to see how that will help us move forward and prevent them in the future, unless you plan on banning guns and religion.
  11. You can basically replace Muslims with Guns in this sentence. How does that help in any way?
  12. It is hard to argue that his religion didn't feed his instability. But it is way to simple to just say "Oh it was Islam that made him do it."
  13. Pretty sure it doesn't say anything in the Qu'ran about abandoning your infant child to kill your coworkers. This is a very tragic story.
  14. I'm still liking the theory that Batman is Deathstroke.
  15. Obsidian tackling a Vampire game set in Cajun country would be epic.
  16. Warriors are rolling towards 20-0 to start the season. Curry just dropped 28 in the 3rd quarter.
  17. Like every Bethesda game since Daggerfall, I get into it for about 30 hours, then lose interest and struggle to click play. Then a year or two later I get an urge to play and get a bit more done.
  18. An Ultimate edition a few years later is going to be cheaper than the current game, and much cheaper than the current game + all DLC. Not to mention most mods will have been released so installing something like Project Nevada, SkyRe, SPERG, Frostfall or whatever you think will result in a better game for you won't mean having to say goodbye to 30 hours or more of playing. Well then why ask the question?
  19. I totally get the bug argument, or even the 'wait for steam sale' argument. I just think a game with hundreds of hours of content in the base game is not "missing content".
  20. So, 'West' is responsible for colonisation decades ago (even if it was only 3-4 states of today 'West') but muslims dont have any relation to muslim terrorists today? Mind you I dont expect any muslim to apologise, just asking A sovereign nation that did bad things decades or even centuries ago still has a duty to reconcile themselves with those acts, whether that involves actual reparations or simply observing the past with proper chagrin. Members of a religion have a duty to distance themselves clearly from those that commit atrocities in their name. Apologies are not needed, but rather condemnation.
  21. I don't get the DLC argument for not buying the game. It is bloody huge already, there is more than enough content to justify the price.
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