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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I am taking my daughter tonight. I am sure my 5-year old son will be pissed if he finds out, but such is the life of a kindergartner. Depending on how it goes, I'll take the whole family again next week.
  2. Looks pretty good. The trailer does it a lot better service than the screenshots.
  3. Chris Christie is the only guy I can see myself voting for in the crowd.
  4. Emily Blunt would have been awesome, she rocked the warrior chick role in that Groundhogs Day movie with Tom Cruise.
  5. I'd have to buy it, but that could be fun.
  6. If nobody in the states takes religion seriously, why are there churches on nearly every corner? Like it or not, it is simply a part of human nature. As is violence, as is kindness. Now most churches I know preach kindness over violence, so I'm not sure why that is such a big issue.
  7. Almost nobody takes religion seriously in the states, and the few who do spend more time celebrating dead soldiers and shooting up their work places than helping people. Religion really brings out the unreasonable side of you, Namutree.
  8. Yes, all the churches in my neighborhood are hotbeds of violence, what with their soup kitchens and clothing drives.
  9. Well now is the time to raise a stink, like we've had to do in the past. It still isn't attached to the bill, so it can be held up.
  10. I'd love for us to get a Civ V game going, and that way we could play it over a period of time and you don't have to all be online at the same time.
  11. This is a bit crazy. New York apparently had the same threat and stayed open. It does seem like an overreaction to me. I would need to know more about the threat, but closing down the second largest school district is a pretty big action. I know it is better safe than sorry, but I also worry that we let terror win when we react this way.
  12. Wow, I grew up in the 80's and I have zero recollection of that movie.
  13. Oh for sure, it is hard to find any news source that isn't pushing one agenda or another.
  14. Hah, I love that they threw Bill Clinton in at the bottom. I'm pretty surprised at how honest Hillary is according to this. Martin O'Malley is clearly the winner here at politicking.
  15. It seems like they added a few good companion NPC's as well.
  16. I keep hovering over the "buy it" button on Best Buy. I'm just not sure if it'll be my kind of game. Sounds like combat isn't very forgiving, and I'm not the sort who enjoys difficult combat; I'm more of a play it for the story with minimal trouble during combat encounters kind of guy. You can drop the difficulty down to adventure level. It still lets you do all the fun puzzle type stuff, but you won't get killed as much. I recommend it, the story is entertaining. Larian has this fairly whimsical take on fantasy that I've always enjoyed.
  17. Getting into the Divinity Directors Cut, and enjoying it tremendously. The voice actors did a good job.
  18. I hope they keep it a bit whimsical.
  19. So you don't believe Breitbart that that's what Haney said to them, or you don't believe Haney because you don't want to believe what he's saying? If the main stream press wasn't ignoring facts to fit their narrative, they'd investigate these very serious allegations and we'd know one way or the other. Oh, I don't even read your sources anymore. I'm pretty sure we covered this years ago. I mean, feel free to keep linking Breitbart and Fox News, but don't be surprised that people aren't reading them.
  20. Says the guy with 16832 posts about Nazis and Neverwinter Nights. Which is actually the title of a game I would totally play.
  21. Well it is pretty clear how Jesus felt about Capitalism in general.
  22. That was crazy. I was at a school event and about 5 of us were just staring at our phones for both OT's. Crazy that they are missing two starters too.
  23. Ok, Wolverine in Japan was good fun, so what-evs. Apocalypse is one of my favorite characters, so I'm hoping this turns out decent.
  24. WoD and Qistana seem to be in a competion of unreliable news sources.
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