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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Most people like holidays. I celebrate Eid whenever I get an invite.
  2. This thread is off to a weird start. I'm not really comfortable sharing my family plans in it.
  3. While the uber story is cool, it does make me even more uncomfortable with the idea of using an Uber driver.
  4. When she slips the word "mandatory" in front of gun buyback, which she did, then it IS the same thing. This the the quote I am seeing: Her spokeswoman also clarified that she was absolutely not talking about mass confiscation. But people are going to hear what they want to hear, really. People still act like Obama is taking away guns, despite 7 years of zero legislation or changes in Federal gun laws. (other than the assault weapons ban actually expiring.) I question why Clinton would bother with the statement, as it just gives the NRA ammunition against her, but this seems more like a red herring than an actual issue. We have plenty of real stuff to criticize her over. edit: tl;dr She isn't coming for your guns. She does want to spy on you and doesn't care about the middle class.
  5. Gun buyback programs aren't quite the same as gun confiscation. Per the usual, NRA freaks out. edit: there are 2 guns for every 3 people in this country. A gun ban isn't just a legislative non-starter, it is completely unfeasible.
  6. Yeah I thought they were pretty awesome until I found all my companions wandering around in it, instead of sheltering in my beautifully constructed shanties. At least in Morrowind they had people cover up their faces.
  7. I think it is less common nowadays, mostly because they are better at tracking who called it in, they have a much bigger response to such threats, and they will pass the costs onto the person responsible.
  8. I remember when I was in school, bomb threats were standard practice during finals. Granted that was before Columbine.
  9. I agree, I just don't see how Trump gets enough electoral votes to win. Which leaves is with Clinton. Which, despite all the hyperbole, is just going to be 4 more years of the same. I'm not a fan and won't vote for her, but the world isn't going to end with her in office. It just might with Trump.
  10. Hi Tigranes, welcome to the forums. Meet volourn
  11. Yeah I don't really get why I keep insisting I'm looking for an infant. I know I was in cryofreeze, I know some time passed after the kid was taken. My character is clearly an idiot.
  12. Eh, do you want xenophobic plans that won't work, like building a wall on the Mexican border, or do you want idealistic plans that won't work?
  13. I'm no programmer, but I'm guessing that making faction interaction work correctly in this type of game is extremely difficult. There are plenty of design decisions I question in Bethesda games, mind you, but the idea that they are a bunch of hacks just looking to cash in seems pretty unlikely.
  14. The Grinder is my top favorite of the new season. Fantastic job at parodying itself. Rob Lowe has really become a fantastic comedic actor by simply lampooning himself.
  15. Hah, that reminds me of all the MMO crazies that max level a bunch of characters and then complain about how terrible the game is.
  16. I'd probably go with a strong dose of commercialism. Basically the Christmas model. It's worked pretty dang well.
  17. Still bummed that only Shady acknowledged my play on words.
  18. American Ultra - I was expecting a bit more humor from this stoned super soldier movie. It had some good parts, and I don't regret watching it, but I feel like it could have been better. It started off slow, so that was probably my biggest issue.
  19. I don't think he needed that much convincing. He did go to Saudi Arabia to find a wife. So, totally not another Islamic terror attack huh? >BUT LETS NOT CONDEMN AN ENTIRE GROUP OVER Does it seem reasonable to condemn nearly 2 billion people every time there is an Islamic terror attack? Is that going to solve any problems within Islam? Is that going to stop Islamic terror attacks?
  20. Troll account gonna troll. I do think this is one of the more imaginative ones though. Probably our best since Lord of Flies.
  21. Just Cause is not really like the Far Cry series. It is more of an amazing sandbox where you can do crazy stuff. For simple fun, it is hard to go wrong with JUst Cause or Saint's Row.
  22. I enjoyed Massive Chalice. Yes, it was repetitive, but the combat was not too bad and the lineage lines were interesting. I would say it was worth a bargain bin pickup, maybe $10 or so. It was really more of a few good concepts with unfulfilled promise. The hallmark of Doublefine games, really.
  23. Yeah, that seems to be the way this is playing out, and his family is backing that up. Crazy.
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