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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Cruz is probably the guy at the bottom of my list. I am not sure if I share any common ground with him. Trump and Rubio at least have said a thing or two that I agree with.
  2. There are actual limits to freedom of speech (yelling fire in a crowded theater) but quality control is not a part of that. If you don't think Charlie Hebdo is a good choice as an advocate for this stuff, then you are free to speak your own piece, to publish your own voice. They don't need to be censored in order to create a better dialogue. I think I am misunderstanding some of what you are saying though, so maybe I'm off here.
  3. Whoa. Maybe Trump is just the greatest comedian ever, and this is just a very elaborate bit? He's outdone Andy Kaufman.
  4. We disagree on stuff pretty regularly, but I don't think I've ever been this completely opposed to your post. What the heck?
  5. Ending the drug war would help too. No drug war, less demand for foreign suppliers; which means less money to be made smuggling drugs into the US. With less capital, the criminal cartels can't smuggle as many people into the country and they would have less reason to do so anyway. This would also lessen the worst elements of those immigrating here illegally. EDIT: This would also help Mexico as the criminal cartels would become much less powerful over time as one of their primary sources of income would be crippled. Agreed. I'm pretty frustrated by the lack of progress in Mexico, both economically and in regards to organized crime. I have a fair amount of family back there, and it is pretty bleak right now. I think most expected it to get worse before it got better as the government seriously went after the cartels, but we are nearing a decade and the gains don't seem to be outpacing the losses.
  6. Maybe we need a grassroots campaign with commercials where people show a MADE IN MEXICO label like they did for USA made products awhile back. I get that there are a lot of economic issues here, and many of them stem from corruption issues within Mexico. But the healthiest way for everyone to put an end to illegal immigration from Mexico would be for Mexico to develop a strong economy.
  7. In response to the 1980 video I posted with Bush and Reagan, I see it as a failure by the government of both countries. Sure, it's easy to blame the immigrants sneaking across the border in search for a better life. They are an easy target, they can't really defend themselves while working minimum wage jobs and avoiding INS. But really, there has been a huge failure between the US and Mexican governments. The US is supposed to be 'the most stable economy in the world'. Why the heck do we share a gigantic border, and yet we can't find a way to help Mexico become a fully developed nation? I read a good article awhile back about how devastating the growth of China's economy has been to Mexico. Basically all the major corporations that were starting to build in Mexico ditched those plans and went to Asia. But hey, corporations gonna corporate.
  8. Getting my wisdom teeth out was the worst experience of my life. It ruined the joy of eating for weeks. Even beer didn't taste as good.
  9. Yeah, unfortunately the artists and programmers don't digitally end up with food on the table when people digitally duplicates their work. You bringing up crowd funding is ridiculous. You don't want to pay for a digital product because it can be duplicated for free, but you want to pay someone to create a digital product with little guarantee that it will be completed? Okey Dokey. The publisher model may stifle creativity, inflate costs and create a general mess, but it gives both the developers and consumers security in an open market. It may change as we move to a more digital age with crowd funding and other factors, but it most likely is not going away.
  10. I thought this was a fun look back. Man, the Republican party has changed.
  11. To be fair, Paul Blart 2 was pretty much the same as the original, so I wouldn't vote for worst sequel. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, this was an entertaining moment: I think I like them more because I worked as a security guard in college, and the career people were pretty much all like this. It's a fairly accurate portrayal.
  12. I don't get it. Why are Walt White from Breaking Bad and blue haired Roger Ebert behind the fence?
  13. Why is Bill Gates deceased? But yeah, corporations are out of control right now. They run the government.
  14. I think I read the Raiders backed out, so that the Chargers can join the Rams. I hope they can figure out a way to build a new stadium for the A's and Raiders in Oakland.
  15. You mean that nice hostage negotiator?
  16. That is pretty hard to prove either way. We do know that a lot of developers have gone out of business. Sure, a lot of it can be blamed on bad business practices. Troika is a good example of that. They made decent games that were fairly popular, so you would think they would have been able to stay afloat. It's interesting to think of what Troika would have done in our current market, given the ability to crowdfund. But it is reasonable to say that if they received money for everyone that played their games, they would have had more profits. That may have been the difference between closing the doors or keeping them open. Yes yes, we all know that pirated copy does not equal lost sale, but it certainly doesn't help them at that specific time.
  17. Actually I'd say the hints are pretty big that he will be an isolationist, which puts him in a very similar camp as Trump.
  18. So now you're saying I'm practically an undead? Whats your problem man! I'm clearly jealous of your hairless nostrils!
  19. You haven't lived until you've been to a booger bordello.
  20. Thats actually a reflection. As in a deep thinking booger? Don't worry, they are good luck.
  21. I can see a booger. I would joke about nose hairs, but lately mine have really been growing in quickly, so it's a sensitive topic. The worst part is when my wife shaves my head, she has now taken to going at my nose with the trimmer to clean it up.
  22. I remember playing Monkey Island without a sound card, and then it being the first game I tried with my Sound Blaster. It was a magical experience.
  23. Well I do think it is an interesting viewpoint that you bring up, that basically you never would have become a big fan of games if it weren't for piracy. I think most of us were young and dumb at some point and probably pirated a game or two growing up. It is hard to resist that temptation as a 13-year old, particularly back in the days when the internet was pretty wide open. But I look back on that time as me doing something dumb. Most of my favorite gaming companies from those days are dead and buried, and while we can debate how much damage was done to them by piracy, it certainly did not help them transition to the new era.
  24. Uh yeah, Netflix is pretty amazing right now. I don't even watch movies on it anymore, it's all original programming or documentaries.
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