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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've always found it pretty bizarre how we try and demonize our political opponents. Anybody who has actually served the 4-8 years to be President has sacrificed for the country, regardless of politics. It's an incredibly difficult job. That's why I'm so puzzled about Trump running. He doesn't strike me as the type to take a paycut to do one of the hardest jobs on the planet.
  2. I'm super stressed about armor. I sold a few of my advent trooper corpses, thinking 3 would be enough for most things, but now it turns out I need 6 to upgrade. Bleh.
  3. I have also learned a lot about what to invest in early, right now I feel a couple steps behind on armor and weapons and think I wasted too much time and resources on some stuff. But I am hanging in there at normal difficulty. Hardest part will be keeping the avatar from completing.
  4. Nah. I mean if you want to waste time pondering ridiculously far fetched and vast conspiracies that would require a tremendous amount of people to be in on it and has no real motive, feel free to. I'm busy.
  5. Hot damn this game is good. Put 10 hours in on a workday.
  6. So not a fan of math ? Funny you should mention that, one of the math teachers brought up that a couple years ago she tried a new homework format. The students only had a couple questions a night, but they were supposed to watch these Khan Academy videos that cover more theory. It was a creative idea, but the parents flipped out. They wanted the drill and kill stuff.
  7. I feel like I didn't add enough detail to my peed hat story. This wasn't just some ballcap, it was my leather Indiana Jones hat that I've worn on all of my great outdoor adventures. Thankfully it is pretty durable. Today I sat in a staff meeting, where I planned on zoning out, but then I got really into a discussion about homework. I'm of the opinion that most homework is garbage, and unless it is personalized and allows creativity and choice, it's a waste of time. So that is always fun to debate.
  8. Huh, every parent I know has some sort of horror story like the ones Oerwinde has mentioned. Not necessarily at the frequency he is getting, though. When she was 4, my daughter took my favorite hat and peed on it, then ran to show me her handiwork.
  9. 4 years is very young to be diagnosing anything, this is hopefully just a stage he is going through. A lot of 4-year olds are total jerks, they usually grow out of it by 7-8.
  10. So to prep for my upcoming Vegas trip, I thought I might try some card counting strategy drills you can find online. Yeah, I might not have the brain for this. Keeping track of the count over multiple hands, decks, and still actually keeping track of basic strategy is not easy.
  11. I expect it to be as enjoyable as the first one.
  12. I can't find anything on that. It just sounds like they have a character creator tool that lets you create custom soldiers, and then import them into the game. Do you have a source?
  13. No one likes her, nurse Ratched has a warmer and more genuine personality. Interesting and accurate analysis of Cruz: http://www.texasmonthly.com/politics/the-top-10-things-you-need-to-know-about-ted-cruz/ America under Sanders: http://www.hoover.org/research/enemy-state Down with the kulaks -er- billionaires! Well the idea there is that Trump is nominated has an outside shot of winning California in a general election. If that were possible it would be huge, stupendously huge. He could lose three of the five swing states and still win if he takes California. If it is possible a VP pick from there might help. There are few reliable conservatives who have statewide office or any personality clout in CA and I don't know if she even meets that description but she does have name recognition there and she completes the square on the whole "outsider" motif he's shooting for. Not sure how good Fiorina's political capital is in California, since she failed to beat Barbara Boxer. But I can see the appeal. She definitely fits the Trump style of coming from big business. She's a better choice than Palin, for sure.
  14. I've been watching the Chelsea Handler Netflix series, and it is pretty good. Not really a comedy, more of a different perspective on certain topics. It has some funny moments, but it also depicts this kind of sad struggle that Chelsea Handler has. It's more thoughtful than expected, really. She's an interesting character.
  15. Well, the Tyson one has a bit more merit, given that the tattoo is actually part of the story. Tyson has been in other movies, did the artist sue all those other films as well? Probably not. The tattoos do not add anything to the game. Lebron is all over print media, movies, and commercials, I am pretty sure they are not all paying the tattooist if his skin is visible.
  16. I'm always shocked that these games bother with all the tattoo details. Seems like a waste of assets.
  17. I think in the end it hurt him that he tried to be a more mainstream candidate than his father. There was nothing to distinguish himself from all the other candidates. If he'd really pushed libertarian values, he would have resonated more. I'm curious when Jeb Bush will drop. I'm also curious where those votes will go. I assume Rubio. edit: Who do we think is a potential VP out of these candidates? Or do you think they will go with a nobody again like they did with McCain?
  18. That will be a fun lawsuit. Maybe people will stop getting tattoos if they realize that means the artist now owns that section of your body.
  19. They've gotten pretty good. I don't really play them, instead I watch my 5-year old play them and jump in when he needs help. Batman 3 was pretty awesome, really.
  20. Ok, I tanked for a couple months and got the council taken over by aliens. I'm now up with the current canon.
  21. Day 1 purchase. For the kids, of course.
  22. I have a staff development day, so I may try sitting in the back of the meeting and getting a few turns in.
  23. Whelp, I'm on the hype train. I pre-purchased (for no reason in particular) and have a plan that involves me hiding out with my computer on Friday to get a good start on the game. I'm pretty pumped, I played a few missions of Enemy Within to get in the mood, I was thinking about tanking to get the right feel.
  24. Hmm...I'll need to read up a bit more on Rubio, but I think I recall him having some decent stances. He definitely comes across as less loony than Trump or Cruz, which will make a huge difference in the general election.
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