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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. To be fair to Windows 7, I had to fight Windows 8 for about a year, and so it may just seem easier to navigate because I spent a year in H-E-double hockey sticks.
  2. Thank goodness for Rand Paul restoring a bit of my faith in humanity.
  3. It is hard to compare 7 and 10 fully, because I ran them on different rigs, but win 10 has made it much easier to limit background processes, it is easier to navigate, and honestly just seems to simplify all the crud from previous versions. It just seems less intrusive. Your mileage may vary, of course, but I have been happier with it than I was with 7, and certainly more than 8 or 8.1.
  4. I'm getting a major case of deja vu over here. Here is a helpful immature and ignorant picture to demonstrate.
  5. This is ridiculous. And yet, you are free to continue posting such ridiculousness on this forum, as you have done for years. You will not be censored, and even if you were, given this is a forum owned by a gaming company, you are free to start your own forum or find others that allow all sorts of extra ridiculous discussions to happen. That last line deserves a participation ribbon. edit: removed actual ribbon.
  6. I loved Dead State was well. Played the heck out of it.
  7. Pretty sure you can argue colleges and universities have always been swarming with such people, albeit with different labels.
  8. If I learned anything from The Apprentice, it is that Donald Trump is an equal opportunity douche.
  9. Yeah, I'll wait for the actual news on it instead of speculation though. In related news: http://nypost.com/2016/03/03/why-85000-people-are-calling-for-bill-clintons-arrest/ People are certainly afroth over the Clintons and Trump.
  10. I could only listen to that girl for about 10 seconds. But the idea that a bunch of chat room and message board weirdos created the current political climate is entertaining.
  11. Does he get that as soon as he retires, or does he have to wait until a certain age? I looked it up once for teaching, if I retired today I'd get about $1500 a month, but not until I turn 55 or 56.
  12. I thought Star Wars VII was a good remake of Star Wars IV.
  13. I'd be curious for the source for that quote; I'm pretty sure that its part of attempts to associate Sanger with an article written in 1933 in Birth Control Review that shares similarities with this quote, the problem is that Sanger didn't write it, nor was she quoted in it (and that exact line doesn't match). When opening a clinic in Harlem, she had African-American doctors on the board and sought the support (and received it) of W.E.B. Du Bois. She took great pains when working with a project to deliver birth control to poor African-Americans to make sure that it was understood that this wasn't a "sterilization" campaign. Reportedly she wouldn't tolerate anyone refusing to work across "race lines" and received great praise from Martin Luther King in 1966. If you want to criticize Sanger, I think it'd be easier to do so for her support of negative eugenics. Nice.
  14. They should just get Madonna, Geena Davis, and Tank Girl to go along with Rosie O'Donnell, you are right. Kristen Wiig > Tina Fey, roofles. I'm not really serious, I love Tina Fey. But I also love Kristen Wiig.
  15. Hillary is bad, but every time I see her Gaddafi video I also think of this:
  16. Spring Training is on, so it is time for a new baseball thread. I look forward to the Giants barely making the playoffs and then upsetting every contender to win the world series once again due to grit and perfectly executed bullpen moves.
  17. Mitt Romney looks great compared to this, honestly. This is definitely the craziest primary I remember.
  18. Beem awhile since I read it, but I believe the answer is yes. This is a perfect casting.
  19. It's also fairly overwhelming that there are soooo many skills, spells, and abilities. I have no idea how most of them work, everything happens too fast, and it is too much to keep track of. If it is turn based I have time to contemplate and would actually think about how they are being used.
  20. I absolutely love the lore, characters, setting, artwork, and story of PoE. My choices in dialogue are amazing, I often wonder if I should try a different character just to unlock new options, and I love the skill checks. That being said, I hate the combat and I'm happy to skim through it on story mode. No micromanagement makes me happy. I'd probably be happy with the combat if it was a smaller party and there wasn't so much of it. I enjoyed my 3 person group in the first dungeon, but it became a grind quickly after that.
  21. Pretty crazy that Sanders took 4 states and still has worse odds than Rubio.
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