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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I did a quick Google search for that, but didn't turn up anything - mind giving a link or quick rundown on this "story mode"? I can't stand the combat mechanics in PoE at all, so I'm curious... As explained on the update page: So it just gives you a pretty decent advantage in encounters.
  2. I am loving the Story mode for Pillars of Eternity. Make combat quick and easy so I can focus on characters and story? Yes please.
  3. I'm surprised by how popular they are, but my kids seem to love to watch some of them. I think it is generational.
  4. No they aren't, since 9/11 the USA has always been the ultimate target for Islamic extremists. But to target the USA is much harder for groups like ISIS due to the logistics and distance and also as I mentioned the USA has very effective security mechanism's and information gathering that prevent these attacks...people just arent aware of it. So I am referring to attacks that were prevented. You will see from this link that 40 attacks have been prevented since 9/11 and this link is from 2011..so I am confidant that no other country has been targeted for extremist attacks this much since 2001 including any Muslim country? http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/09/40-terror-plots-foiled-since-9-11-combating-complacency-in-the-long-war-on-terror Nope, Volourn is entirely correct. Your chances of being involved in any type of terrorist attack in the US are incredibly slim. 40 attacks in 15 years in a country of this size? Color me unimpressed. I risk my life way more every day I get on the freeway to drive to work.
  5. So clearly Trump will be choosing Bruce as his running mate.
  6. So it took me awhile, but I warmed up to Disneyland on day 3. Yes, it was crowded and expensive, but the Indy ride was amazing ans I'm obsessed with these pins. My best b=meal was at the Jazz Kitchen in downtown, some of the best food I've had since visiting Louisiana a couple summers back.
  7. This picture has been making the rounds: I had one conservative family member share it with the title: Underneath Bernie’s “Democratic Socialism” Hides A Dangerous Communist Revolutionary And then another liberal friend share it with: Further proof that Bernie has been a warrior fighting for civil rights and racial equality his entire life. Good times on facebook. Also what the heck is James Woods doing in that shot?
  8. I could have sworn I had Dark Raven on ignore when she was a moderator.
  9. Spent yesterday at Disneyland, today we hit California Adventure Park. My feet andy wallet hurt, but the kids are having fun. Space Mountain is as fun as I remember it being 20 years ago, so was Pirates. Star Tours was less cool.
  10. So what do you folks think of Srinivasan? He isnt exactly a liberal choice. He would seem to be the best of the moderate candidates available. I am not convinced Obama will throw out a liberal choice just to be rejected. It would seem to be a waste of time for him.
  11. Looks like I will get a headache 5 minutes in. Thats what she said.
  12. So, like, what if Obama nominates a conservative justice? It isnt exactly unprecedented. There also isnt a super long list of serious candidates, so yeah.
  13. Spurs and Thunder might be a pretty good bet at those odds. Thompson doesnt make your 3rd NBA team list?
  14. You get hit in the head by a brick. Wait, wrong text adventure.
  15. Are you asking if your posting style wears on people?
  16. I used to shave my head every couple months to keep it in check, but the other day I noticed my head from above in a video feed, and it appears that my bald spot has taken over and it's really more of a hair patch surrounded by skin. So now I'm shaving once a week.
  17. Uh oh, Val is going to take his ball and go home. We better lay off guys. This whole courtroom is out of order! Fantastic quotes of Scalia, btw Gromnir. I don't know how they will replace his opinions.
  18. Finished it after 40 hours, but I still have lots left to do for a second playthrough. I enjoyed the last mission, and I lost a key member of my team plus had one get knocked out, so it was a good challenge. Props to my grenadier for executing two of the avatars that dropped in on her. I had my team spread out a bit and it made them pinball around in an entertaining fashion. Dragonball Commander was pretty dang powerful.
  19. I will miss Justice Scalia. He balanced out the liberal elements of the court while still being thoughtful and understanding of opposing views. He also completed the greatest odd couple in government with Ginsberg.
  20. The money stuff is pretty crazy. It's like their stuck a few decades in the past. Maybe the roles are smaller, which would explain it, but it still sounds ridiculous.
  21. Welcome to a life of luxury GD. There is no going back. Next you'll be buying a memory foam mattress for that bad boy.
  22. whip smart, elegant, and ambitious is hardly sexist. The only one that is sad is "model pretty but life has taken its toll" but it's probably not a comedy.
  23. But he's not saying he was scared to get hurt, he is saying his leg was positioned awkwardly to make the dive. He repositioned and then dove in.
  24. Lols. Heh, but honestly $4400 will go pretty quick in the club.
  25. Yeah, see that makes more sense. He felt he was in an awkward position originally. He did jump in a second later and try to get it. That is a justified reason for him hesitating.
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