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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'd go Canada, but really that's because I'm already good at hockey and know the language. It may be lazy. But if we consider that cheating, I'd choose England. I like their sense of humor. Honestly the fact I've never traveled outside of North America really hurts me here, as I have nothing to judge on. edit: Given where I live, Spain or Italy would be the easiest weather transition.
  2. The nice thing about children is they do grow up and stop being nearly as much work eventually. It just looks pretty bleak sometimes. I know when I go a few nights of being alone and in charge of the kids, I get pretty dang mean. It's just overwhelming how many things I am responsible for sometimes.
  3. Speaking of moods, it must be Bruce's time of the month. misogyny!
  4. Sarcasm much? Geez Bruce, just stop. You don't have to chime in on everything.
  5. I am skeptical of both right and left wing sources. Because they are typically more interested in slinging mud at the other side than actually being an unbiased source of information. Which is basically what Rostere said. I mean, you don't ever have doubts about the party line you are buying into?
  6. Yikes Oerwinde, sorry to hear that. I'm not sure if this will help, but I've also had my fair share of rage moments with my kids. You'd think being a middle school teacher would somehow give me more patience, but sitting down to do homework with my kids typically ends up with someone yelling and slamming doors. The other day I even poured a glass of water over my daughter's head. My wife pulled me aside and said it wasn't my finest moment, and after I calmed down, I had to agree. Here is the way the situation plays out: I ask kid to do homework. First I get whining, then I get an easily distracted child, then I raise my voice, then I get a meltdown, then I raise my voice again, I get a pity party, and then I threaten punishments. Also, if I try to help her with strategies, I get "That's not how the teacher told us to do it!" I'm a fricken teacher, I can handle 3rd grade math, thank you very much. So yeah, kids are tough. Hope you get it worked out.
  7. Care to explain? We have very different economic views. My economic views are stubbornly moderate, so we might have a bit more in common than you'd think.
  8. Spending another $1000 on a car to replace spark plugs, rear shocks that are leaking, and transmission fluid. And before anyone gives me guff about doing my own work, I was a mediocre mechanic when it came to older cars back in the day, and now with all the new computer cars I know enough to know I'm not equipped to deal with that stuff. It's been a tough few months for my vehicles, I've dropped $3000 on various jobs for my two cars and the RV, and I still need to spend $1400 to fix the front wheel bearings.
  9. I've heard a lot of good things about the writing and I've checked out some of the in game books. I'm tempted but I just know all those other people running around my freaking game will ruin it for me It's been a huge help to have those people running around. The dungeons are pretty tough without someone else killing off a few mobs. They've done a good job of eliminating any of the frustrations you might get from kill stealing, etc.
  10. I finished the main storyline in Elder Scrolls Online. I think it was better than most of the Elder Scrolls stories, tbh.
  11. I don't really blame GM for looking out for their best interests, that's what corporations do. I blame the people in the government for sure.
  12. But by a very conservative commentator, oh no! Yeah, you are really hung up on these labels. I appreciate intelligent people in general, they don't have to check a certain box.
  13. It's unreadable because it is horribly formatted. Ads on 3 sides, a kaleidoscope of text colors, and really just a mess of columns. I mean I am sure the content is just sensationalist garbage, but it's hard to even tell without getting a headache.
  14. Congrats, a decent article from a decent site.
  15. Las Vegas Raiders? That doesn't sound too bad, I suppose.
  16. Oh jeez, that is an unreadable site. Makes Breitbart look like the pinnacle of journalism.
  17. I'm nearing the end of the main story in ESO, time to take on Molag Bal.
  18. Again, accountability is not the opposite of sympathy. People can be held accountable while still acknowledging the circumstances that put them in that position. Do you want a police force that simply arrests the bad guys, or do you want a police force that works in the community to break the cycle of criminal activity?
  19. I got lost in Fresno once. Scariest experience in my life.
  20. My $120 running shoes are far superior to the normal $50 pairs I used to run in. Lighter and I think I was starting to develop plantar fasciitis, now I have no foot pain. But yeah, I'm less keen on buying shoes for fashion.
  21. So we have threads where police are picked apart for brutality, and then we have this thread where the police are condemned for being too sympathetic. Tough crowd!
  22. Woldan, Raithe posted that picture yesterday. It is just a few posts above yours.
  23. You can hold someone responsible for their actions and still be sympathetic towards them. It's not an either/or situation.
  24. So a police chief expresses sympathy for a 15-year old boy, which sparks outrage, and it is the sympathy that is the problem in this scenario?
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