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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. If anything, I wish they had cut more stuff out of Fallout 4. It doesn't feel rushed, it just feels like they tried to do too many things with no real main focus.
  2. I think the majority of people that buy these games don't expect a long life cycle. They will play them for a month or two, then move onto the next thing. That is ideal for a publisher. There are exceptions, of course. Destiny seems to be designed under a different model. But they are pushing these titles out frequently because the market supports it.
  3. I'm thinking of starting over with another character (got some prepared through Character Creation), and focus on story a bit more (I skip most of it with my current character). Interested in joining in? I'm not done with my first character by a long shot but just sending a curious inquiry Sure, I've actually got low level characters on all the factions, my main is on Daggerfall Covenant. I believe you can just add @hurlshot to find me.
  4. I was pretty worried about the game, but midway through the 3rd I was able to go to bed with a mind at ease.
  5. I'm playing ESO as well, up to level 47 now. They have made some solid improvements. The implementation of theft and the upcoming thieves guild adds a very cool layer. I'm actually surprised how crowded it is, thankfully I've had a fair amount of company as I delve into dungeons.
  6. Why would it? Very little has happened with the current Muslim Socialist President we've had in power for the last 8 years, after all.
  7. I'd always catch a bit of it on USA, but never saw the pilot, so I never stuck to it. Now Netflix has solved that issue.
  8. There are always 3rd party candidates. I voted Libertarian last time, and in college I voted for Nader one time. I'll never understand why people are so devoted to the 'party line'.
  9. I'm not going to vote for Clinton either, but a vote for Trump seems pretty insane.
  10. The Trump stuff, while entertaining, is starting to be worrying. Is this really going to be the candidate of a major political party? He's basically running opposite of everything Ronald Reagan stood for, which is odd considering Reagan is looked at so fondly by the Republican party. He genuinely seems to dislike the country. He praises the blind loyalty of his voters like that is somehow a good thing.
  11. I've recently become a fan of the show Psych. I'm a bit late to the party, but it's a fun watch and my daughter is enjoying them with me.
  12. I think I own that game, kickstarted it back in the day. I may have played about 20 minutes of it one time. edit: Checked, it was Planet Explorers. Which seems somewhat similar.
  13. Ouch, Arizona doesn't look ready to play. Poor Larry Fitzgerald.
  14. I was hoping the Broncos would find a way to win, but I didn't think it would be possible. Sweet, now I'm happy with pretty much any outcome in the NFC game.
  15. It takes two to tango, as they say.
  16. Oh, I know the name, I was with my family at the pier just days before she was shot. However I'm much quicker to blame a terrible mental health care system than our porous border. This wasn't a criminal mastermind, he was a crazy person who didn't get the help he needed in either country. He always was deported, multiple times, so it would seem that the INS was actually doing their job in this case. That aside, my comment on diversity was actually about Bill Gates, capacity, and the refugee situation. Which has little to do with illegal immigration. Also, I think it is fair to point out that you live in a wide open space and I live in a community of field workers with questionable immigration status. I've helped our babysitter get citizenship, for goodness sake. They aren't all criminals, anymore than we all are criminals.
  17. I don't know man, the people I see complaining about immigration the most tend to live in wide open spaces surrounded by mostly white people. Typically living among a diverse community makes it harder to be against diversity.
  18. First off, I had a at the end of the sentence for a reason. But realistically if he deserves no credit for their success, then why bother firing him? Why rock the boat?
  19. I hope WoD gets paid by Breitbart for all his work.
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