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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I appreciate the enthusiasm for Obsidian, but this request is unrealistic. Fallout 4 was a huge success. It made a pile of money for Bethesda. It is far from dead, rather the franchise is bigger than it has ever been. I don't like the direction Bethesda has taken it either, but it is hard to argue with the sales numbers. Obsidian cannot afford it, and no kickstarter is going to raise enough to tempt Bethesda to sell. The best case scenario is that Bethesda gives Obsidian another chance to make a spin off game. But neither company seems to have much reason to do that now. Obsidian is busy trying to develop their own IP and Bethesda is going to be very careful with the Fallout IP right now, given its immense value to them.
  2. Day 7 & 8 - Yesterday we relaxed in West Yellowstone a bit, enjoying a brief hailstorm and getting some rootbeer floats at a soda shop. It's a nice little town. We went to bed early, and got an early jump on the road for a 520 mile trek across Montana and into South Dakota. I knocked out the first few hours while the kids still slept in the back. We stopped in Billings for lunch. Just so you don't think it is all easy going, my wife and I got in a big argument as I tried to park the RV in the city. I was stressed and tired from driving so many miles, and parking was not fun. Lunch at the Montana Brewing Company helped smooth things over. We drove through the scenic Black Hills and passed by the site of Little Big Horn. Now off to bed, we can explore Deadwood tomorrow.
  3. I just had a story pop up on my news feed about toddlers shooting people: http://fortune.com/2016/05/02/toddler-guns/ It's a few months old, but Jesus.
  4. Those European confidence numbers actually show a pretty alarming drop for Clinton. Obama is at 77 percent, which is huge. Clinton, as his chosen successor, should be able to capitalize on that, but she drops by 16%. If we compare this to TV shows, Obama is Seinfeld and Clinton is The New Christine.
  5. Day 6 - After consulting some maps in the morning, we drove back into Yellowstone with a better understanding of where everything was in the park. Old Faithful seems to be the central hub of the area, with a huge visitors center and stores. We had the kids take part in a junior ranger program, which was a great way to give them a little work on reading and writing without feeling too much like school work. We got to see Old Faithful, which was impressive. The water is shooting 150 feet in the air, and it surrounded by hundreds of onlookers. Definitely a different experience to see it in person. After lunch we started driving south. I had a goal to reach Jackson Hole, which people kept raving about visiting. It was a long drive, and I almost gave up, but once I reached the Grand Tetons it was well worth it. I love mountains. I'm a teton guy, for sure. I'll try not to get my mug in any more shots. Jackson Hole was pretty cool, we had a good dinner and did some shopping. I'll have to make more time for it someday, it was a long drive home (2 and a half hours) so we didn't get to soak it up too much. Tomorrow we will take it easy, do some laundry and grocery shopping, and rest up for another travel day.
  6. Why would a liberal ever watch these videos? It's like expecting Christians to watch a video series titled Dear Religious Nutjobs.
  7. Nope, I want to say it was Clepsydra or Spasm Geyser. They all kind of blended together. We didn't even get to Old Faithful, it was packed with tour buses. We will try again today.
  8. Day 5 - We drove into Yellowstone (just around the corner, really) and headed towards the geysers. I was on the lookout for a visitors center, but Yellowstone is a huge park! I am spoiled by Yosemite, I suppose, which is relatively small and can be walked somewhat easily. So I was a bit lost most of the day. Definitely need to find a map for tomorrow. We found a lot of geysers. Some were packed with tour buses, so we stayed away from them a bit, but some we less crowded and just as majestic. Pictures don't really capture the smell and the feel of getting hit by the mist of these things.
  9. My wife got better pictures of the the lava fields: It reminded me of Chronicles of Riddick. It was awesome how Logan went from being in tears about going into the caves, to leading the way across the flows.
  10. Day 4 - Today was busy. We woke up early, actually I just moved the kids to the back bed and started driving around 7 AM. We got the Craters of the Moon National Park, and it was fantastic. It was like traversing an alien planet. We hiked about a mile and a half to some caves. My son took awhile to warm up to the whole idea of spelunking, but eventually he was eager to clamber over the rocks. The Indian Cave was his favorite, it wasn't too dark, and you could hike all the way through and then come up deep in the lava fields. Then we hiked overland to get back to the trail, it was great. We finished up around noon, ate lunch, and then booked it to West Yellowstone. There we rented a car and ended up at a nice pub for dinner. I finally got some decent craft beer. That is an Elk Burger. It was delicious.
  11. My son is totally team Iron Man. But that has more to do with the shooting rockets than politics.
  12. Day 3 - Bit of a rest day in Idaho. The park we are at has mini golf and a waterslide, so we have been enjoying that. I went on a run and saw miles of farmland. Yesterday we crossed over Snake River Canyon, which was massive, but didnt snap a picture. Tomorrow is an early start to get to Crater of the Moon park, so pictures will resume.
  13. It is hard to imagine that not being a headline for the Onion.
  14. I just roll through PoE in story mode. No more complaints.
  15. PoE is awesome and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bad person.
  16. Those hills are actually a fairly popular motorcross area. My uncle takes his dirt bike out there regularly, and they have one of the big races every year in the area. Day 2 - We had a long travel day today, leaving Reno by 8:30 AM and getting to Twin Falls, Idaho by 7:30. We covered about 460 miles, I think. We passed some epic truck stops, with pretty much any service you can imagine. The drive went smoothly, I even got an hour nap while my wife took over the wheel. We made some time to stop at an amazing California Interpretive Trail Center. It was in the middle of nowhere, but it was huge and filled with all the history of the pioneers who came over in covered wagons. Very cool, and it was free! I'm sure someone will grumble about tax dollars
  17. I was a bit worried that this trip would not happen. We had some major work to do on the RV, about $3000 total, and I had no idea where that would come from. But thankfully, we received a retroactive cost of living increase right before the summer, and it was enough to cover the expense. So with the RV running smoothly, I was able to book a 3 week trip for the summer. I will try and post a picture a day, depending on data availability. Day 1 - Our first stop is Reno, Nevada. We are staying at my Uncle's place for the night. They are serving pozole for dinner, score. We head off to Idaho tomorrow. I checked my previous year's threads, and it looks like the images are all broken. Please let me know if you can't see this pictures.
  18. I relied heavily on the wiki page when playing Dead State. It was the only way I could keep track of all those people.
  19. Thanks guys, I don't know if you remember but you both recommended a few books to me some months back. I enjoyed the Red Cloud book, and have been working my way through one called Empire of the Shadows. I'll be visiting Rushmore and Crazy horse on the same day as part of a tour. I'm not sure if they will touch on the conflicting history of the two, but I will be sure to discuss it with my kids. edit: I'll probably read a few of these after the trip too. I love reading about a place after a visit when I can really picture the landscape in my head. Reading Empire of the Shadows has been a slog because I do not really know what these places are like. Pictures don't do it justice.
  20. T-minus 1 day until the big summer trip. We are heading up to Idaho, Yellowstone, South Dakota, and then down into Denver before we head back home. I've been packing the RV for days, I would have hit the road earlier but we needed to wait for my daughter's summer camp to end. As luck would have it, I poured the last beer in the keg tonight, so I've started in on the cleaning process. That way it will be ready for a new keg when we get home. Cleaning out the lines is crazy, I always find some new way to make a mess.
  21. Yeah, I think that was the big difference between this and Dead State. I ended up caring about the people in Dead State. AoD is filled with jerks.
  22. Origin. I rarely start it up, but when I do, they always seem to have some free game available. Peggle, Jade Empire, I think even Crusader: No Remorse was going at one point. Honestly it is less intrusive and runs better than Steam, but there isn't much reason for me to use it often.
  23. My apologies, I did not realize this is about slavery.
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