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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Oh I'd agree as well, I believe even police officers are trained to aim for the chest. You only mess around with trick shots in the movies.
  2. Hah, I was just going to post that. Here is the go fund me page: https://www.gofundme.com/BuyCongressData The CAH guy warned against donating to any campaigns like these for the time being, because we don't even know how the mechanic for buying data yet. That campaign looks like it was created by some random. Oh, I wouldn't pledge, I just thought it was humorous.
  3. I also played Fallout 1 before Fallout 2. I'm not sure why you would do otherwise. Mass Effect even more so since it is a continuous story with decisions that carry over.
  4. Hah, I was just going to post that. Here is the go fund me page: https://www.gofundme.com/BuyCongressData
  5. Why would you mention assault rifle in a story that doesn't involve one? Part of my leftist conspiracy, of course! But to get back on track, apparently Peters (the son who fired the shots) kept asking the police if the burglars were going to be alright. As I said, this is pretty much a tragedy all around. We all enjoy a good action movie and the theory of a couple intruders getting what they deserve, but in reality it is a terrible situation to be in. And of course you'll have a bunch of people making it political on both sides.
  6. Glad to see they enlisted Prosper to do some of the art.
  7. Yeah, I read a few pages of IT in High School and never went back. I'm not capable of handling that type of stuff, clearly.
  8. Well I tried to look into it, but it seems to be a bit confusing. According to the wonderfully reliable wikipedia, the Armalite AR-15 was an assault rifle that has been discontinued but is the basis for the M-16, and Colt purchased the design and started making a semi-automatic version for civilian and police use. So I am assuming typically when you hear about someone using an AR-15 to kill intruders or schoolchildren (trigger warning!) it is the semi-automatic one. My apologies.
  9. What does the AR in AR-15 stand for exactly? It's a serious question, I know little about guns. Sorry I triggered some of you.
  10. An assault rifle in the kitchen sounds like a recipe for major property damage, to be a bit glib.
  11. Ah, leftist spin in a nutshell. Why are you trying to sell this story as something else than it is? "Three teenagers getting killed in a burglary attempt" makes it look like a burglar killed three teenagers in a botched burglary attempt and that's not what happened. Oh...you think I'm a leftist. Okey dokey. Edit: To continue with what Gfted said, the son who defended the home is also going to be dealing with some pretty intense trauma. Killing three people is not the kind of thing you just shake off, no matter how justified, unless you are sociopath.
  12. Three teenagers getting killed in a burglary attempt would seem to be rather newsworthy. I agree it seems more a simple home defense case than a stand your ground situation, but it's a pretty terrible story regardless.
  13. We see what we want to see is pretty much the theme of this thread.
  14. Football seems to have the worst contract system for players in pro sports, which is crazy because it is the most lucrative to the owners and dangerous to the players.
  15. Picked up MLB The Show '17. The Retro mode is awesome, it made it super easy to play a game with my daughter since they've simplified the controls back to the old days when we only had one or two buttons to do most stuff. The Road to the Show is also improved with an odd little documentary style narration that follows your character as he works his way through the minors. You get a bit more control over dialogue as well. Basically it continues to become more of a fantastic RPG every year.
  16. Not a big surprise. The idea that either major party has any interest in our freedoms is pretty ridiculous at this point. I'm sure WoD and Sharp_One will find some way to justify it though.
  17. When has the left been all about the right to defend yourself? The left is usually equated with gun control.
  18. What's it to me? You haven't figured that out yet? Were there? I remember a fair amount of criticism in the media about him getting the Nobel prize, but I don't recall protests. After looking into it a bit, apparently the protests were surrounding his continuation of the Bush wars in Afghaniastan and Iraq. Which is humorous given WoD just blamed him for pulling out of Iraq. Ah to be stuck in the middle.
  19. My take on this whole thing is that it is entirely unnecessary. You have a large group of marchers without any real clear purpose or agenda. They've won the election, and they are still marching. It smacks more of zealotry than political activism, and it is all to support this ridiculous narrative that the Trump Administration is a victim of the Evil Media. Then you have a small group of anarchist types who basically want to get the snot beaten out of them because that plays into the ridiculous narrative that Trump is a fascist and this is the start of a new race war. Both groups are morons.
  20. Strange that you ignore the events that placed the US in Iraq in the first place, although not surprising from you.
  21. I honestly don't remember anyone marching for Obama after the election. Again, why would they need to? As far as goons, this is the picture you chose to post: Self defense is your argument here? Are you really so blinded by your partisan loyalties that you can't see the problem here? These guys should not be representatives of your movement, just like the Black Bloc is a terrible representative of a liberal movement. They are all goons.
  22. I grew up in an Eichler before they were trendy.
  23. I never really worry about min-maxing in any games, particularly MMO's. But I also don't worry about all that competitive mode stuff, I prefer to just enjoy the world and the stories.
  24. @Raithe, are things still somewhat friendly with the mother? I think you need to go through her first, to be honest. Make sure she is comfortable with it and it will make things a lot less awkward for everybody.
  25. I guess that makes some sense. Although with the Newton's 3rd Law, that seems like a pretty endless cycle. It also seems pretty hard to take the high ground when you repeat the same events as your opponents.
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