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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Can we post our own? Interstitial Interlude Yesterday we cut the grass together And I cannot shake the cut of your jib. If nothing in life can last forever The thought of you will be the last to give. But my fave is Robert Frost: Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. The pacing and simplicity is fantastic.
  2. Here is my standard teacher example for this situation. In my classroom, equity is more important than equality. Everyone is going to enter the class at different levels. My goal is not to move each student forward individually, my goal is to drag as many of them across the finish line as possible. That means some students are going to get more attention. My advanced students will be expected to help pull some people along with them. That is how we work as a community towards a successful goal. The whole idea that we are broken into white and black communities is a major problem. It's a flaw as an American if you think it is not your problem that we have minority communities struggling with poverty, education, etc. It keeps our country from being Great Again, as our illustrious leader likes to say, because we are not succeeding as a whole. Now I am sure some people will read that and say it sounds like socialism or some other -ism, but in reality it is just about empathy. IM' not talking about policy at all, but actually trying to understand that we all have obstacles and it is both easier and decent when we work together to overcome them.
  3. Hey, I liked Charlie's Angels!
  4. You can read the BLM mission statement here. I'm not saying anything of the sort, I'm saying this is a perpetual cycle that isn't easy to break. If black communities are equal to white communities, why is the education low? Why is there so much more poverty? Why is there more crime and gang activity? Why is there more police aggression and brutality? These are problems that need to be solved, and that isn't going to happen without talking about it.
  5. The bolded part is actually the primary job of the police. To serve and protect. The law is simply a tool. Also I did not ask WHAT you meant about gang members, I asked WHY the community is filled with gang members (or rather, how it got to that point.)
  6. No, if you are angry on cops its fine, If you think that cops are against you because colour of your skin and not because your community is filled with gang members and thugs it playing race card How do you get to the point that your community is filled with gang members and thugs? If police are targeting a black community over others, does it really matter to that community if the reasons are valid or not? It's still going to create a hostile relationship between the police and the community. It's a perpetual cycle, how do you expect it to be broken? I have plenty of concerns about the strategies used to try and break these cycles (holding up traffic!), but I hardly fault people for wanting to so.
  7. Contempt of court is hardly a new thing. Although the argument does make a good point that it really doesn't serve the court to pursue this, as it just brings more attention to this person who is clearly trying to gain it.
  8. Sure, Pidesco was clearly being glib when he made his original statement. That's why it was probably not worth reacting to. But Sharp_One jumps into attack mode very quickly whenever someone has an alternative opinion on an issue. I know we all have our moments when we go for the petty dig instead of the genuine discourse, but I'd like to think we can strive to be better.
  9. You gotta love the liberal mental meltdowns. Do you feel that lashing out with insults helps your argument? It would seem to do the opposite, simply setting up an us versus them mentality. This seems to be par for the course in both liberal and conservative camps right now. Shouldn't the goal be to convince others, instead of just furthering the divide?
  10. I pretty much love all the new superhero movies. Given that I grew up watching some pretty bad ones, it's a great time to be a fan of the characters. Marvel (and Disney) has done an amazing job of bringing their extended universe to life on the big screen and the small. DC is also doing pretty well, although it hasn't quite been my cup of tea.
  11. I'm not sure it is all that awesome to offer a bunch of crappy barrista jobs to US military men and women, but maybe that is just because I hate coffee. It really seems like something you do while trying to do something else. Which logically would seem to be a better fit for a refugee, given that they are in a transitional stage.
  12. I just read that Liev Schreiber was going to appear in Logan as Sabretooth but it didn't work out, and now I'm super mad at the world that it didn't happen. Logan is superb, but even just a glimpse of Sabretooth would have really made me happy. Especially with how Liev has grown as an actor, it could have been amazing.
  13. That is an entirely different argument that has little to do with the 2nd Amendment or open carry laws. I agree completely with your point, though.
  14. So what about the well-regulated militia part? I feel like Val is oversimplifying a very complex issue. I'm pro-2nd Amendment. My wife competes in skeet-shooting competitions and I consider it an intrinsic aspect of American culture. But what are the limits here? Do we have the right to keep and bear all types of arms? If the purpose is to keep the government honest, then why should we allow any limits? Should every home have a mini-nuke just to keep the government honest? I know that is a silly idea, but the fact is we are woefully outmatched versus the government. I'm not saying I have a solution here, but the idea that we are restoring the 2nd amendment by carrying small caliber guns around in public also seems a bit off.
  15. We've got episode 24 up. We talk about starting our hop garden and try to recover from our week off. Enjoy!
  16. In California there has been a bunch of controversy over the cameras. If I remember correctly, unlike traditional tickets, in some counties you can just ignore the notice. I could be wrong though.
  17. Thought this was an interesting TED talk on the Westboro Church. Actually it is more about the way we communicate with each other. I think the "Don't assume bad intent" is pretty dang important. I try to do that here, although it can be difficult. Backing away and thinking about things, and asking questions instead of sniping and accusing can lead to much better discourse.
  18. Final Fantasy's story was a confused mess. I was hugely disappointed in just how badly put together that game was. It was like a bunch of different people wrote sections of the story, but never actually conferred with each other to make it cohesive. Add in that it seems like the final edit randomly deleted huge chunks of story, and it's like watching an old VHS movie where someone recorded over the movie every 15 minutes. I think that is actually what happened. I enjoyed cooking and picking out the best pictures, though.
  19. Heh, with the milkshake I tend to think whether I can handle that extra 4 oz first.
  20. It's not even really cheating, you can go up to any table in Vegas and ask for a list of the odds that tells you exactly what your chances of winning are. The entertainment value is not too bad though, and even though the odds are against you, if you gamble regularly you will have some lucky streaks. It's only an issue when you see it as more than that.
  21. Casinos are pretty clear about the fact that they hold the edge. They bank on the fact that over time, they will always come out ahead. Not quite sure how you can expect anything else, those glittery lightbulbs don't come for free. It's very much a business, and even when it was run by mobsters, it was still just a matter of odds and numbers. Some games may allow you to minimize loss with a decent strategy, but even those are still going to be stacked against you.
  22. My life is rarely routine, so that is why I try to just squeeze in the workouts whenever I can. For example, yesterday I had to supervise a robotics club for an hour. I don't do any actual teaching, I have High School students who come in for that and parents who run everything else. But state law requires a credentialed teacher to be present. So I took my yoga mat out to the grass in front of my classroom and went through a workout. I am sure it looked weird, but I don't care.
  23. Freedom is achieved only when it is valued more dear than life itself. If those 50 people, even if the majority of them, decided it would be better to die fighting than live one more day under the control of the man holding that gun then they will be free and he will be dead. The men who signed our Declaration of Independence, a declaration of war on the most powerful nation in the world in that day, wrote in the last sentence "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor". That is the level of commitment that freedom requires of those who want it that don't have it. I agree with a good deal of this, but I think it is important to remember the context of our founding fathers. They were wealthy, they were fairly isolated from the British, and they already had some amount of freedom. I don't think it is all that comparable to the situation in North Korea.
  24. Actually I doubt his hosting duties were all that strenuous. However running multiple business and handling real estate is where he makes his money, and he seems to be very involved in that. I don't think it is reasonable to dismiss his work ethic. There are plenty of other flaws for us to hold against him. edit: Also, the campaign itself is a tremendous grind, and should have given him a pretty good idea of what the presidency would be like. He campaigned for well over a year and all evidence points to him doing it tirelessly. He would have burnt out long before the election if he really was a lazy guy.
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