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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I made a 30 ft by 30 ft baseball field in my backyard. Still has a lot of work left to do on it, but I've dug out the base paths.
  2. I'd be pretty psyched to be a Force Psyker. I'd also make a lot of bad puns about mind control.
  3. I was curious enough about this screenshot to stalk you on Steam and figure out what it was.
  4. I don't think this is going to improve under the new administration...
  5. Finally finished Iron Fist. I enjoyed a number of parts of it. Yeah, I will echo that Danny is a pretty annoying twit, but there was some good stuff. Namely the fight with the Drunken Master and the spider lady stood out to me as worth the watch. Also I liked Ward's storyline. He was probably the best part of the show, really. Rosario Dawson also had some pretty good moments. She was a good foil for the idiocy of the two lead characters. It's still not on the level of Jessica Jones, and it lacked the kind of performance we got out of Vincent D'Onofrio, but it was still better than the teenage soap operas with DC characters they are running on the CW.
  6. All those different armor styles take up a lot of space!
  7. Charlize Theron is 5'10'' and probably a solid 160 toned pounds. I'm not sure what you are talking about.
  8. Do you have an idea of how much hate-speech and such those charities commit? I'm completely clueless on that. I haven't followed it too closely because I don't eat fast food anyways, but I think they prop up some Christian Athletic Organization that is discriminatory. edit: It just seems dumb for any CEO to really take political stances. You are the face of the company, if it doesn't benefit the company, you shouldn't be presenting it. At least with celebrities I get it, most of them are self absorbed and clueless, but I expect more from a CEO.
  9. The CEO of Chik-Fil-A was pretty vocal during the gay marriage controversies a few years back, and their foundation supports some pretty vocal anti-LGBT charities. I'm a big fan of voting with your wallet on stuff like this. The safe place stuff is ridiculous though. It's a just a business, if people don't eat there, then it goes away. End of story.
  10. that's a reason you drive an rv instead o' flying? getting bumped happens .62 for every 10,000 passengers. Gromnir don't drive an rv 'cause roller skating deer, hopped up on ecstasy and listening to air supply tracks from their ipods, tends to throw themselves at our vehicle. *shrug* Geez Grommie, it's not like I said it was my top reason. No need to attack my lifestyle choices. There is a laundry list of reasons why I prefer to take an RV on a trip over a plane. The only two advantages to plane has is speed and travelling over water. Everything else is worse. So as long as I'm not is a rush to get somewhere and I'm happy visiting the two American continents, I'm in good shape.
  11. At first I was like "Why would you resist?" but then I read that he was a doctor and had patients to get to, which seems like a pretty dang legitimate reason to not be the one to lose your seat. Crazy. Just another reason I take my RV everywhere. Honestly if I was on the plane, instead of filming, I'd probably be the one to give up my seat. I can't imagine sitting on that plane for hours after watching that. That is some bad karma to begin a trip on a magical flying machine.
  12. Have this week off work, so am catching up on my backlog and doing nothing else I have this week off, so I'm clearing away the jungle that is my backyard.
  13. I'd say the Oprah prediction is worthy of its own thread. I like it, we will all get new cars or something. Although then we will get hit with a hefty tax bill.
  14. Whoa whoa, Budweiser and Goose Island are not anywhere near the same thing. I object!
  15. Wouldn't that begin the cooking process and affect freshness? I'm not expert, but that would be my first worry.
  16. Other than the weird clickbait title, it was good to see they referenced Heart of Darkness and have a pretty good pedigree of titles to pull from for inspiration. Call of Duty is arguably designed specifically for the other 45 (where does that number even come from?) states. It's all about patriotism and America. This seems a lot more niche than that.
  17. Thankfully we all learned that two wrongs make a right when we were growing up.
  18. Heh, I get most of my chicken from a family down the street, so the process isn't exactly a mystery. I've helped a few times, the chicken plucker is a crazy device.
  19. Ok, so Twitter is suing the government. This seems like a pretty blatant violation of our civil liberties. I'm sure the government will counter by saying the users were violating national security by leaking inside information, but that seems like a very slippery slope.
  20. Is this anything like the Bush Stimulus plan?
  21. You keep bringing red herring up. You are very committed, at least.
  22. Yeah, Dan Carlin, who is a pretty hardcore libertarian, did an episode similar to this recently.
  23. Also, before you think I'm lobbying for more government taxes on the rich, that couldn't be farther form the truth. My problem is the government is basically serving corporate interests most of the time. Corporations don't invest tremendous amounts of money into lobbying for no good reason. They do it because it allows them to maintain the upper hand on the American workers.
  24. Again, there is a tremendous amount of wiggle room here. Very few people are going to dispute that a person that risks everything to start a new business doesn't deserve the fruits of such a labor. But that is really not what we are talking about when we discuss the terrible inequality of wealth in the country. That .1 percent of the country that controls 90% of the wealth is an issue. It isn't trickling down, instead it has been escalating at the top and slowing in the middle.
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