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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Nah. Obama hadn't even been elected yet when Nugent said that. Much lower impact. Yeah but he was just playing to his crowd as well. You pretty much expect celebrities to say stupid stuff. Celebrity does not equal intelligence. Quite the opposite often times, the kind of person that seeks out celebrity is often egotistical and self-absorbed. But when the President is getting in a huff over it, that is pretty embarrassing.
  2. Ah, you are referring to his comment from a decade ago? To be fair, Obama wasn't even elected to his first term at that time. Or are you referring to more recently in 2012 where he stated: "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year."? Exactly. He wasn't arrested for any of that. The sad part is Snoop is stooping to such a level. I thought he was a happy stoner?
  3. I would suggest just ignoring the new game then. If you thought ME3 was a dumpster fire, then I don't see how a new ME will possibly be worth your time, money, or energy.
  4. If Ted Nugent made a video like that, he'd receive an avalanche of media criticism. He'd probably get some boycotts and lose some gigs. He would not be jailed, and President Obama would not tweet about it. That is reality.
  5. I bought my son Super Mario Maker the other day and he has been having a blast creating levels and trying to challenge me with them. I am not upgrading to the Switch until they get a decent library of games.
  6. I wouldn't say the writing is amazing, but it is decent. The whole thing gives me a Battlefield Earth feel, campy with some good performances and a fun concept.
  7. While I also never really cared about what companions did in combat, I see that the people playing on the harder difficulties are probably dismayed at the further dumbing down of it. To be honest, the only thing I take into account in Bioware games when choosing companions is if I like their banter.
  8. I am really enjoying this game though. Ktchong may be on to something...
  9. Podcast #19 is up, we've got a taste of Hawaii for today. I also posted an audition for a World of Beer Internship. You can see it here: https://historyofhops.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/WoB.mp4
  10. I picked it up based on this emphatic review, so it better not disappoint. So far so good though.
  11. We would have super mutant romances.
  12. To be fair, California is busy flooding with water instead of illegal immigrants this year.
  13. I hope you enjoy it. That orange blossom honey is heavy duty.
  14. Kind of a shame that the positive things that Trump tweeted about International Women's Day were overshadowed by his lousy Gitmo and wiretapping claims.
  15. This thread is why this forum is better than all the others.
  16. I am done debating this, seems like moders agree as well, have fun defending pointless argument Not quite sure what gives you the impression that the mods care either way.
  17. ESO doesn't really have traditional classes, you can basically do whatever you want. There are 4 templates to choose from, mage, thief, paladin, and fighter, but you can go with any types of weapons and armor, and you don't even need to really use your class skills because you can take them from guild skills and other options.
  18. It's a very solo able game, but not in the traditional way. It can be very challenging to do stuff on your own, but there are always a lot of other players running around, and you don't need to actually group with them to work together. For example, when an anchor drops out from the sky, you get a lot of nearby players running in from nearby to help close it. You get credit for being involved in the scrum. It is the same thing with the dungeons, there is usually one or two other people doing it. They make such good use of the way instancing works that you are never really fighting over resources or spawn points with other players. That being said, I'm a pretty big fan of MMO's. I give them all a chance. So it might not be the best fit for everyone. But it is free to try I think, so worth a spin if you like the ES games.
  19. I've hit a pretty nice point in Elder Scrolls Online where there is a ton of decent content for me to get into. The crafting system in ESO is fantastic, it is really a game in itself. First of, it is fairly logical, and you can craft a decent set of armor relatively easy. But in order to make crafted sets with neat traits you really need to work at it. Also all the resource nodes level up as you do, so even if you are hanging out in a low level area, you still get to harvest stuff that is useful to your crafter. Actually leveling as a whole has been overhauled, so you can basically go wherever you want and tackle any quests you want. While that can cause some annoyances, for example you can no longer go back to low level areas as a high level stud and blow through everything, it also means you do not waste time finishing up content that is way below you, and your rewards are in sync with your level. The scaling is way better than it was in Oblivion, that is for sure. I can run around stealing stuff and then try and escape the guards, I can take part in the dark brotherhood, or I can just explore. It has surpassed all the single player ES games for me.
  20. It seems like there are always a few head scratching plot points in the HBS games. I always try to remember that it is basically a pulp fantasy universe brought to life, and it's best not to look too closely under the hood. Although I did read way too many of those Shadowrun books as a kid, so I probably have a high tolerance.
  21. too much tv. public defenders do have heavy caseloads, but the average public defender is likely more competent and more experienced than anybody an ordinary middle-class citizen is gonna be able to afford to represent 'em. is relative stiff competition to get hired by PD offices straight outta law school. why? work for a few years in the PD office and the big firms is falling all over themselves trying to hire you. also, more than a few folks working in the PD office is true believers. many/most folks we know who has spent any significant time in the PD office is true zealots o' the court system, and you want a zealot fighting for you if you is facing serious criminal charges. is the rich and indigent who get quality legal representation in the US. the middle-class is the folks who is screwed. HA! Good Fun! I probably should have added that, much like public school teachers, I don't really buy into the reputation that either tends to be given.
  22. MFL hit all its goals, yay! 10 hours left to pledge.
  23. Privatized military, much like private education, would seem to favor those who can pay for it. The courts are an interesting one; should there be tax exempt vouchers for people that want to hire better lawyers? Public defenders don't have a great reputation.
  24. Is Pure Garbage a denotation or an actual news source? Also am I blind, or is Brietbart missing? Bit surprised how far over TIME is. edit: Ok, the focus is just science. Maybe Brietbart doesn't qualify?
  25. Logan was an excellent conclusion to the Hugh Jackman era. Go see it. It is also the first time they've really embraced the brutality of Wolverine as a character. They earned that R-rating.
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