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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So a special police force just to handle crimes committed by illegal immigrants? Okey dokey, I'm curious what they will call the special police force that will handle people from the Middle East.
  2. Teachers have something called STRS or PERS, which is a pension. It's great.
  3. Did my taxes. I owe $5400. Ouch. I even set aside some money this year to prepare, but it still turned out worse than I thought. Stupid tax brackets.
  4. As long as cis gender, "white privelege", BLM, gender pay gap and other meaningless words and expressions are floating around I will use feminazi. Alas, my warning comes too late!
  5. Are his movies and shows good? That is all that I care about. It's so weird how folks get caught up in this stupid social media stuff nowadays. Who cares? Unless his 'agenda' starts making its way into his work, I could care less. Also throwing around the word feminazi as if it means something makes you sound silly. Be careful not to become what you are condemning.
  6. I'm not going to say deep, but the characters are fun. Being in a buddy cop movie with Garrus was pretty much the appeal of the first three games.
  7. Combat is pretty low on the reasons I play ME games.
  8. None in that long list of reviews are lower tier? He means the underground reviews, like TheSubWay, DwarfLand, and MoleManGaming
  9. Is it, though? And what do you mean that science teachers don't have the educational background to effectively teach evolution? Aren't HS science teachers supposed to be, uh, scientists themselves? Not at private schools. They are not held to the same standard as public schools when it comes to credentialed teachers.
  10. That's completely typical of any religious school. The science teacher likely does not have the educational background to really effectively teach about evolution. You get that all over the US in Christian schools.
  11. I just don't get the appeal. I never sit down to play a video game and think "I really want to see some blue boobs after I shoot a bunch of stuff." The romances are dumb enough.
  12. Here is a thought, maybe the 70 year old shouldn't be eating steaks anyway?
  13. As Malc said, the only way to 'ban' misinformation would be to seriously limit the amount of information out there. Basically that is asking to halt progress because people are too lazy to think critically about the information that is being pushed out. Sounds like a bad solution. Standing in the way of progress is always a good way to end up on the wrong side of the history books. Reminds me of that Mcdonalds guy who doesn't want to raise the minimum wage and threatens to just hire robots. Hire robots! That's called progress. It also creates better jobs, fry cook is a tough profession, but someone is going to need to maintain those robots and that is going to boost jobs somewhere else.
  14. That might be amazing.
  15. We recorded episode 17, these were some good beers.
  16. Wow, he was still so active.
  17. I wrote up our trip to San Francisco and Anchor Brewing, enjoy!
  18. Just play story mode.
  19. Well I think Maher is a smarmy git.
  20. It's not like Bill Maher gets a free pass, he's come under plenty of fire for his statements. That's how he lost Politically Incorrect.
  21. I've gone mostly digital as well. I have about 30 movies that I keep in the RV, mostly baseball and kids movies, and then a few special ones that I keep for myself. That sounded wrong, I meant like Deadpool and Evil Dead. I've gone digital with the 'special' movies, of course.
  22. Whoa whoa, I've seen a lot of Westerns, and you could totally get away with a lot of cool stuff back then. Isn't that why Westworld was so popular? In a bit more serious vein, I was researching my great grandfather recently for a little project, and in the 1935 census he had taken on two borders. They were both teachers, and they didn't have to pay taxes! I was jealous. But then it said they made $496 that year, so it was a bit of a wash.
  23. Do some research on CIS.
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