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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Is it hardcore common sense though? I haven't listened to the Hardcore History podcast yet, so I feel unequipped to answer the question.
  2. I don't know, I find I'm agreeing with Volo on this one. An apology proffered without actually doing anything wrong just validates the wrongful accusations. I guess if he'd followed the word "guerilla" with "warfare" it would still make sense in the context and maybe would not have led to the mess. But since it's a white commentator talking about a black athlete everyone still would have assumed he was being racist. I guess in that situation the commentator already has one foot in the grave and the automatic assumption is anything that might be construed in more than one way will always be construed to be racist. Because the PC mindset is all white people are racists. Personally had it been me I'd release a statement to the effect of "I'm sorry the world is such an awful place that we are all lying in wait to ambush each other or wrongs real or perceived. And I'm sorry for the shocking ignorance of the public on the nuances of the English language. I suggest you all go invest in a dictionary and if you are not going to bother to read it then you can go f--k yourself with it" But hey, that's just me. I'm not sure if that statement is going to help you get hired at ESPN.
  3. I listened to this podcast on the way to work. I find myself agreeing with most of what he is saying. http://www.dancarlin.com/common-sense-home-landing-page/
  4. I'd probably go with the hornet.
  5. Well first off, I agree, because it seems that he made a decent attempt at apologizing and explaining the word. It will be an interesting case, I expect there may be more to it behind the scenes that has not been reported yet.
  6. Referring to Serena Williams as a gorilla is not wrong? It may not have been his intention, but that is the way it came across to people. As a married man, I can tell you that the apology is much easier and cheaper than trying to justify intent. The smart play is always to apologize. People that think that makes a person weak are just stubborn at best, and typically lack a sense of empathy.
  7. Prince and David Bowie are nothing special?
  8. Kinda looks like a photoshop job.
  9. The way you react to something is also a big deal, and it sounds like this reporter reacted poorly when confronted with the racial overtone of his comment. Do you think if he was genuinely apologetic and chagrined, it would have worked out the same way? That isn't a rhetorical question, I don't know enough about the specifics of the case. edit: Although the way he was approached about the comment is important as well. Was his back immediately placed against the wall over the comments? The Sarah Silverman situation is a good example here. The initial tweet seemed to be more of a joke by her, which given she is a comedian, that makes sense. But then she got defensive about it, which was a bad reaction and makes it look like she genuinely is seeing swastikas everywhere. But then you remember she is a Jewish female comic on social media, and she probably gets anti-semitic and sexist harassment on a regular basis, and it is somewhat easier to understand her reaction.
  10. Not a puzzle that stumped me, but this was one of my favorites from back in the day...
  11. Nob Hill is where it's at, yo. Actually this is my favorite.
  12. And yet that doesn't change the fact there is a tremendous stigma attached to them in the Western world. There are also probably still circles where you can use the British slang for cigarette, but if you use that in the US it will not go well.
  13. The guerrilla comment is unfortunate because that is a pretty common term. But as much as I like vocabulary, you really have to go out of your way to use the word niggardly in a sentence. Just like the swastika has fallen out of favor in Buddhist circles, that's a word that conjures up a very negative image. Even without the racial slur connection, it's a pretty negative word that was often thrown in front of Jew as an emphasis. Language changes over time, we have plenty of other choices to describe miserly behavior. You have to be fairly tone deaf to use this word in public.
  14. Only if they can tap special abilities like rainbow powers and sharply dressed fatalities. But seriously, I just don't understand why they didn't go with an entirely different brand.
  15. Yeah, I love FTL and dream of a day where I might win the final battle. But that is kind of the point of a rogue game, it should be very unlikely you will win.
  16. I'm still ticked off that Prey ditched the cool Native American themes. I don't care if it is the new System Shock, I will probably stay away from it simply because of that.
  17. I just remember it from The Apprentice. I'm a bit surprised there isn't a cable network that has cashed in on this whole presidency by just airing The Apprentice repeats non-stop.
  18. I guess it is a good thing they don't sell Trump Ice in grocery stores anymore.
  19. I would clean up the grammar and the spelling error when inquiring about a writing job. Just a tip.
  20. I wish they would do that with the education department.
  21. To be fair to Trump, he thinks he does have the kinda power most people thinks he does.
  22. All this aside, The President said the murder rate is higher than it has been in 47 years, which is an outright lie. I mean, there is no way to spin that.
  23. Would the 2014 Spurs Champ team be considered a superstar laden team? Tim Duncan is obviously a legend, but he was pretty old by then.
  24. Baseball and hockey have complex minor league systems, so I think it is good that basketball has been growing theirs. I'm always a fan of expansion, although basketball is a bit different because you usually only have a couple super teams. How will they ensure those teams are competitive?
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