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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Google seems to be an odd fit for the swamp, too.
  2. Apparently they were arrested. But what are they marching for, exactly? I thought the caption was obvious. Black Bloc goons attacked a pro-Trump march. But this time it wasn't Berkeley. That still doesn't answer the question. Why are thousands of people marching for Trump? He is the President, he won the election. What is the purpose? It's also fun how you refer to only one side as goons. Predictable as always. Seems to be plenty of goons available on both sides in those pictures.
  3. Apparently they were arrested. But what are they marching for, exactly?
  4. That's not a great look, hopefully the Trump administration will come out with a strong condemnation of this type of stuff. Edit: Why are there still Trump rallies going on? The election is over and it is too early for the next campaign. Did we have Obama rallies after the elections?
  5. There is some awfully weird stuff happening in the C&C forum. 10 year old threads are springing back to life.
  6. I've got Episode 21 up. I spilled a beer on the guest host, and we talked about Ancient Ales.
  7. Cyborg looks terrible. I prefer the Teen Titans version.
  8. Sadly I doubt it. Sony doesn't seem to have any interest in letting their major developers release on anything but the PS4. Seems to be a smart strategy though, it's the main reason I own a PS4 over an Xbone.
  9. Given that I just read a report that the Pentagon put out that hundreds of civilians have been killed by US airstrikes in Mosul, it would seem that the US military agrees with your opinion. I cited Fox News to make you feel more comfortable. :http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/03/24/pentagon-investigating-report-that-us-led-airstrike-killed-more-than-100-civilians-in-iraq.html Yay for the good guys.
  10. You don't see the difference between a country and an ideology?
  11. What? This seems like you are giving terrorists a tremendous amount of credit. You understand the odds of being involved in this stuff, right?
  12. I've been there. edit: I spend way too much time in my life making sure my children have gone to the bathroom. My son is 6 and I still have to bug him every night to go poop. But them's the breaks.
  13. He's definitely put in his time in the video game business. Can't blame a guy for wanting to relax and enjoy his life. I'd retire right now, if I could afford to, and I'm significantly younger than Brian Fargo. He mentioned that he started back when Ken and Roberta Williams were running Sierra, and it reminded me that they basically sail around the world on a sweet yacht and enjoy retirement. I hope I am so lucky some day (although I want a sweet RV, not a yacht.)
  14. Freed up? Or forced? Coming up with idea after idea constantly is going to lead to burnout. Plus, wouldn't you want to work on and build up your own ideas rather than have them thrown over to other people the moment they have any success? Obsidian have made a big deal out of how PoE 2 is the first time they have been able to work on a sequel to their own work, and it seems a big deal to them. Also, more properties does not equal good properties, this model is not good for creativity. That's not what happened with Mass Effect at all though. Bioware Edmonton spent about 10 years working through the original trilogy. That is a tremendous amount of time to devote to one project. The idea that they are expected to spend another decade churning out more sequels seems fairly stifling. I doubt you will find any developers that want to devote 20 years of their life working on the same IP. That is way more likely to lead to burnout. I mean, really, you think people burn out because they have to work on a diverse and varied portfolio of projects?
  15. I'm pretty convinced Kyrie Irving is just helping get better rating for his buddy's podcast.
  16. I have a much higher expectation for the President than I do the media, though. Which might be unrealistic, but at least historically Presidents have attempted to come off as sincere. Trump seems to just be doubling down on falsehoods. He isn't building a house of cards, he's building a massive tower.
  17. Sure, but Richard Garriott clearly wanted to keep making games and lost access to titles he was greatly attached to. The Doctors come across as hobbyists who just kind of struck gold and rode it out. They cashed out when they could and seem happy pursuing other interests. Honestly it seems like a pretty great deal for them. Not that I feel all that bad for Garriott, the guy built a castle with his gaming money.
  18. But Origin was churning out average sequels, I don't remember a lot of new IP's.
  19. Actually I kind of like the idea that a good studio is freed up to create new IP's while established franchises are continued on with a group that is still trying to earn their stripes. Particularly when the original trilogy was wrapped up pretty neatly (regardless of whether you liked it.) Obviously this is going to mean the franchise may take a nose dive, but it is also going to mean we get more new properties. The execution may be flawed, but the model seems very reasonable.
  20. The Patriot Act was riding a wave of reaction from 9/11. The Health Care bill doesn't quite have that impetus behind it.
  21. School is about equity, anyways. Equality is overrated.
  22. It's not necessarily racist to assume Islamic extremism may be involved when a terror attack happens, but the practice of NOT jumping to conclusions is sorely lacking in the world we live in, and worth practicing. I like how hard Sharp_one is trying though. He is committed at least.
  23. Breaking news: Teamwork helps students do better.
  24. same as Clintons Not sure how that excuses anything, since people were clamoring to throw Hillary in jail.
  25. Huh, seems like that would be a pretty simple case parody or satire, and should be pretty easy to defend as free speech. Granted the legal resources of Trump versus a 17-year old girl might be a problem, of course.
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