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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I don't think that is a fair characterization of Trump's work in business and television. Although I've said it many times before, the Presidency is probably the most difficult job in the country and most people don't seem to fully grasp the tremendous toll it takes on an individual. That's why I never understood why Trump even wanted the job.
  2. I've had gym memberships, but I find it is easier to just take my running shoes and yoga mat with me wherever I go and get a 30 minute workout in at some point during the day. Bit cheaper too. But yeah, it's a lifestyle choice. As you get older, it becomes more important to try and get at it regularly instead of just once or twice a week.
  3. All the other scientists I know are dead. I didn't actually bring up Bill Nye, technically speaking. Sharp_One did, when he posted a meme with Bill Nye in it. Then Gfted1 pointed out that the meme was inaccurate (which is hardly a surprise) and I made a bad joke about that, and then Sharp_One got defensive and is now attacking the American Education system. Which seems a bit more mean than funny at this point, but humor is subjective.
  4. Aw come on, Key and Peele always kill it.
  5. Yikes, no need to lash out little buddy. edit: I'm glad you learned something.
  6. Law and Order taught me that long ago.
  7. Does having a US syndicated TV show for 5 years really lead to world-wide recognition? I'd say his internet presence has stretched out a bit farther than that at this point. He's basically a step behind Neil Degrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking in terms of recognizability in Science.
  8. I think they did that on purpose for mimic the post-apocalyptic atmosphere. I'm not sure, I don't know enough about Bulgaria to say they have access to electricity. Wasn't Bulgaria the setting for Jagged Alliance 2?
  9. You don't know who Bill Nye is?
  10. Did you need that report when your Bill Nye meme turned out to be lazy propaganda?
  11. You have my pre-emptive apology if the actions of the current administration results in you getting bombed. Although I think Seoul is the bigger target and I think N. Korea only gets one shot at it.
  12. I don't really think most people fall in the middle. If that were true, you'd probably have a lot less homophobia. A large percentage are probably in the 100% straight camp. Which is fine, except for the fact that a large percentage of people are also afraid of anything that is different.
  13. I hope they get some proper lighting in the studio with this money. Torchlight is cool, but probably not ideal for coding.
  14. Went for the collector's edition, seems like they've got a decent chance of turning out a decent turn-based strategy game.
  15. Yeah, I threw my money at that game pretty quickly. I like the premise and anything Xcom is pretty much my wheelhouse.
  16. I saw this commercial and found it super depressing, so I thought I'd share it: I went and awkwardly forced my kids to maintain eye contact for awhile afterwards.
  17. I figured this was a sequel to the popular Al Pacino film.
  18. So Muslims and refugees are being treated better than citizens? Also how are Muslim citizens fitting in your thinking? This reminded me of this Louis CK bit. Language warning, but yeah, I can't imagine trading places with a Muslim American. redneckdevil, I'm not trying to make light of your claim though, can you give some examples where Muslims and refugees are being treated better than the average US citizen?
  19. I had a pizza with pesto and asparagus yesterday.
  20. I think that it is a common belief that immigrants have always been expected to fit in to the new country, instead of the other way around, but it doesn't hold up to historical scrutiny. In the US we've had a number of massive immigration floods that have fundamentally altered the culture in different areas. Every time there are groups complaining about these foreigners and their new ways. The most ironic is probably the complaints about the Southwest becoming too Hispanic, given the actual history of the areas. The recent immigration trends from predominantly Muslim countries seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the Irish Catholic and German Lutheran waves of immigration that the US has gone through, or the waves from Asia at the turn of the 20th century.
  21. I feel like there is some sort of poetry group that would be better served by your stream of consciousness prose.
  22. You have a long way to go to make the not liked list here. Most of us have been annoying one another for decades.
  23. There is also an Obsidian group on Steam, SoDOFF.
  24. I could see you enjoying Horizon: Zero Dawn, so you might want to look into that for the PS4. I could never dig the Nathan Drake series because the first one was a lot of shooting. I hear the sequels are better.
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