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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I look forward to seeing who they cast to mumble through Geralt's dialogue.
  2. The James Comey stuff would be a lot more damning if he wasn't just fired, and if he had acted on any of it when it originally happened.
  3. That type of story doesn't really expire though. I mean I don't think he is just coasting on it or anything, but that gives him some lifelong street cred in my world.
  4. I like how everyone who isn't a Trump zealot is a libtard in your universe.
  5. I'm a fan of McCain. If he hadn't chosen Palin, who turned out to be more of a reality TV star than a politician, for VP I likely would have voted for him. Of course, those were the days when I liked both presidential candidates. Memories!
  6. Eh, Trump supporters seem happy to ignore stuff like that. Of course, you get that with any overzealous supporters of a candidate. There were plenty that drank the Obama kool-aid as well. WoD actually came pretty close to pulling away from Trump after the whole Billy Bush recording. I'll give him that.
  7. Always entertaining when the Trump folks attack McCain, who was running for President for the Republican party while Trump was still a Democrat.
  8. I think I am getting close to the end of my Prey run. This game has done a fantastic job of leading me along. You rarely encounter anyone other than corpses for the first 2/3 of the game, so when you start to meet people, it's quite a shock. There is also a lot of choice here.
  9. Well, we aren't going to keep the lead in world prison populations by only locking up the violent ones.
  10. It was a dark day. Where else can we possibly go to find beautiful women, if not here on the Obsidian forums?
  11. Gah, I've been staring at this for minutes? What am I missing? Is it the chilli part? I feel daft.
  12. Wow. That's much higher than I would have expected. Of course, the Kardashians are also raking in the dough, and I'm not sure I'd put them on any historical lists. Now that isn't to take away from Judge Judy, she has a significant background in family court and law. She's definitely on the historical list somewhere. Maybe in the top-300?
  13. Those are all valid points. I think you misunderstand me when I say the review should be marked incomplete. I consider incomplete WORSE than 4/10. Why is is getting 4, and not 3 or 5, if the game is unplayable? Incomplete is basically a zero. This game cannot be reviewed because it is unplayable by the reviewer. People are going to glance at that 4/10 and have no real understanding as to what that score means. Most will probably assume it means the gameplay/story/mechanics are poor, but in reality the score has little to do with any of that.
  14. I guess you are talking about the 4/10 IGN put out? It always seems odd to me when a review is given despite major technical problems. Shouldn't it be an Incomplete review? I mean, you aren't actually reviewing the game itself, you are reviewing the fact it stopped working on your PC. I get that it is a bit different than most entertainment media, since a movie company isn't blamed when a projector stops working or an author isn't blamed when a printing machine messes up. Game designers obviously have a lot more responsibility to make sure the game is bug free, but it still seems odd to give a game a 4/10 based on the fact it didn't run on a reviewers PC.
  15. I don't think any of the Marvel films are meant to be taken too seriously. edit: Except Logan, that one is gritty adult fare.
  16. Uh, no, they are from Canada. Toronto area, for the most part.
  17. Don't we have a bunch of Canadiens who move to the US? I have like 8 on my hockey team.
  18. Oddly enough, I interviewed a brewer in Ensenata who grew up in San Diego and had recently moved his whole family to Mexico for the business. There are also a lot of Americans who buy land in Mexico, slowly build houses on it, and then retire there. The whole us vs. them mentality people like to have with Mexico is bizarre. As Trump said, half a trillion in trade every year and 1 million people cross that border every day.
  19. Well, I like Judge Judy as much as the next senior citizen, but I'm not sure if I'd rank her at the top of women in history. That being said, she isn't really proclaiming anything, but rather saying she never saw the need to jump on board with a movement. Still a funny headline though.
  20. for few seconds I was confused as I read it as perversion... You do that, not try. What if it was just once in college?
  21. Prey continues to mess with my REM cycle, but I will get through it.
  22. It is the rule of 3. Misfortune always happens in groupings of 3. I am sorry that you still have one to go.
  23. Yes, that's already been established. Try to keep up!
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