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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. My guess would be the 26 percent actually knew the answer was 10, so they chose the closest option.
  2. Wasteland 2 was fantastic though. I'd actually rank it ahead of PoE as my favorite game to come out of kickstarter, and probably tied with Shadowrun. It helps that I enjoyed the combat and character advancement system more than PoE. It wasn't overly complicated.
  3. Who said this? I'm quite sure that most people who praise Original Sin played for ~10 hours and then moved on to other things. The game was really good at leaving a nice first impression, with the pretty graphics and and interactivity. Then you find out it has drivel for story, the combat is always the same, it's slow as molasses, quests are unexplained, broken or plain boring, and the companions might as well be made of cardboard. The worst part is - it's all. So. Excruciatingly. Generic. I got a few more than 10 hours out of both, but there is something about Larian games that enthrall me for act 1 and then totally lose me after that. It is usually enough for me to feel I got my money's worth though, so there is that. DOS2 did a good job of fixing quite a few of the issues with DOS1, but I wouldn't recommend it if the original bothered you that much.
  4. I'm sure the Chinese would be protesting more if they got shot as often. And the Irish became the police, so that was a nifty turnabout by them.
  5. There are a fair amount of primary sources where Europeans justify slavery of African people based on skin color and other physical characteristics. You can argue that the justification is simply based on an economic need and opportunity, but that hardly changes the fact they were exploited. In short, I'm not really sure where you are going with this.
  6. There was an attempt at kickstarting a new Police Quest game, but it was one of the few Sierra properties that failed to get funding. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/precinctgame/precinct
  7. Actually there are quite a few differences in the way slavery was handled by different cultural groups throughout history. Slavery where the slaves and masters share a similar culture and look is traditionally much less brutal than one culture enslaving another. Racism can clearly be considered a factor in the way the Portuguese exploited the Kongo for slaves.
  8. To be fair, I spent at least a couple hours trying to spell things out in bullets in Goldeneye for the N64.
  9. Well, a dozen people are not dead, so a handgun was clearly not as dangerous here as the ones with the AR-15. Of course, she seemed to have a different motive, but what-evs.
  10. Oooh kids. That's a big commitment Shady.
  11. It is a brand new complex, so I imagine it is easier just to start with them than tear up an old roof and swap it out.
  12. Completely agree on the 2nd point. I love my lore and fleshed out worlds, but there is a point where I just get exhausted by the idea of going to a new area and listening to a bunch of NPC's prattle on about every little detail in their lives. I don't actually forgive it in Torment, it is why I never finished the game.
  13. I am moving today. We've been in our house for 7 years, so it is going to be a pretty big job. Still, I'm excited to get into the new place. It has those fancy solar panel tiles on the roof.
  14. OJ met Nicole in Beverly Hills, so I doubt it matters what team he played for in the NFL in the grand scheme of things. Plus the Kardashian really owe their success to Kim's sex tape.
  15. I quit about the time my character told me there was no other choice besides to shoot a bunch of fatally poisonous explosives straight into a group of refugees, even though I could very clearly tell that that was going to happen. That's the rub though. The entire narrative structure of the game relies on that action. If they let you out of that choice, there wouldn't really be any descent into darkness. You'd be a good boyscout along for the ride, instead of the one making terrible decisions under terrible circumstances. You can't confront Kurtz with the moral high ground, it would undermine the entire journey down the river. Or desert.
  16. I am not a fan of shooters and I really enjoyed the way Spec Ops The Line told the Joseph Conrad story about traveling into the Heart of Darkness. It was well done and a great parallel to the book.
  17. Crystal Skull was a terrible blemish on a favorite franchise, so I'd rank that lower than almost anything.
  18. Yeah, as you get older, decent shoes that aren't worn out become pretty important. I had to stop wearing Van's a number of years ago.
  19. I have been saying for years that the NRA needs to step up when these shootings happen and advocate for responsible and safe gun ownership. They haven't done that, and after reading the response they issued about the marches, I've got to say they are absolutely delusional. That reads like a crazy person's response.
  20. Maybe don't expect realism in a Tomb Raider movie.
  21. Baseball is even crazier. A great team is still going to lose 60 plus games. A great hitter still strikes out 70% of the time. If you can't put it behind you fast you will go nuts.
  22. I don't know, it is a long season. You can't freak out every time you lose, sometimes things just don't go your way. Blowout losses have always been easier for me to handle as a player than the close ones. The close ones haunt you over a play or two. In a blowout you learn pretty early that the game is decided, and so you move on mentally. Playoffs would arguably be different because you are really limited in the amount of games. It is healthy to be able to put a bad game behind you though.
  23. That's why I love this place Echo chambers are boring I agree. Wait. :/
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