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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. For most, it is probably just the shared set of ideals and traditions. There is a comfort in that type of community. Heck, what do you think brings us together on this forum? We worship at the altar of Obsidian.
  2. Ovi lifts the Cup! Good to see the Caps finally put it all together and get the prize.
  3. Just reminiscing about the greatest performance of my generation.
  4. I always like to point out the fact that the first guy to propose the Big Bang was a Catholic priest. Of course! Religion is right up there with Politics and Bioware when it comes to fun controversies to discuss.
  5. I don't really know how to respond to this. Go plant a fruit seed and come back in a few weeks. Well I wouldn't call myself omnipotent, but I appreciate the compliment.
  6. I suppose you can take it as a compliment, since the lady is implying you would be good parents. I typically steer well clear of such conversations because you never know what sort of health issues could also be at play.
  7. I'm not really sure who 'you guys' are. I'm not actually religious. I was just surprised to see you casually dismiss a huge swath of humanity. Honestly, fortuitous sequence of events and biology sounds just as unlikely as omnipotent being to me. I am firmly in the agnostic camp. I have no idea. Everyone is free to have their opinions. I'm right there with you against religion when it is used to subjugate and control, but I just see it as a tool. Just like guns.
  8. Thought it was pretty clear. Because they believe in a moronic tradition that is LITERALLY without a single shred of proof. 1. "Moronic traditions" are a huge part of every community. I am sure every sporting event and festival can be described in the same manner. Maybe it is better to be above all that, but maybe you are also missing out. 2. Do you have some sort of definitive proof as to why we exist? You are getting into some pretty heavy philosophy here. Personally I don't think we are anywhere near the point of fully grasping the how's and why's of our universe, but I guess it must be nice to have no doubts.
  9. wut Thought it was pretty clear. Describing every Christian and Muslim as gullible and stupid is ridiculous. You are dismissing 3.8 billion people (not to mention all those throughout history) because of what, exactly?
  10. That's a fairly ridiculous mischaracterization of religious faith. On a related note:
  11. See, this isn't my first playthrough, so I was prepared. I tricked the game and played at night, just before midnight. So there wasn't any rest of the day to worry about! You should have watched a video. Or pushed refresh and started again.
  12. How are you gonna spend the rest of your day?
  13. I have been having a heck of a time finding a decent fantasy series to hook my attention. I seem to just hate all the magic stuff lately. I guess I might be better off finding something historical fictiony instead. I just want a decent coming of age adventure type story. I also can't find many triathlon history or biographies. I guess it is still too young of a sport to have a decent library.
  14. Just as an aside, the whole pageant circuit is also a scholarship program for women. My wife was able to cover a couple semesters of school by participating in them.
  15. I did a group ride today and got dropped super fast. I was trying to catch up on a downhill and started skidding out, so I decided it was safest to fall back. It was humbling, but I've got some goals to work on. Still managed to get a beer at the end, so that is a victory.
  16. No sarcasm. I agree about the length, for sure. I prefer the BBC model, where most series run for around 3 seasons and then end. That is also why I like a lot of the HBO and Netflix series, as a season tends to be much shorter and doesn't drag as often. I think I am also done with the weekly format. I would rather focus on one show at a time and watch the whole thing over the course of a week or two than try to remember all the plot lines over a few months.
  17. I doubt it is 15 minutes of playtime to get to level 7 unless you have run through it a few times and know the quests. It is probably an hour or two if you are new to the game.
  18. Whoa whoa, this isn't the Wild West. We have rules in C&C, and when you are asked to list your top 3 rpg's, you stop at 3! 1. Quest for Glory 2. Jagged Alliance 2 3. Fallout
  19. That's too bad. I mean, I assume you didn't grow up in arcades, which would mean the setting isn't going to hit home. Just like Deadpool really tends to work better if you grew up reading X-Men. They are basically parodying certain aspects of my childhood that I hold dear, and I enjoy it tremendously.
  20. Ehh. Hmm. Maybe it'll be alright. Cinderella broke her glass slipper and threatened to stab someone with it. It will be amazing. The original was fantastic. It's basically the Deadpool of kid's movies.
  21. I would also agree that it was better than TLJ. But I'm not sure if that is a real badge of honor.
  22. Pixiesrock started a spin off forum back in the day too, but I wasn't very good at checking it.
  23. I believe the jail sentence was because he was either not permitted to carry or the gun was unregistered. But I agree about the job situation.
  24. At nearly 19 percent, hard to imagine it would not taste mostly like bourbon.
  25. What the heck is Warframe and why am I just hearing about it?
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