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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Not sure if crossing the border is really the same as murder, but okay dokay.
  2. I don't think anyone is questioning the guy getting the boot from the military. My concern us more that it suits his agenda completely. Friends close and enemies closer, and all that. Not that I think he warrants the title of enemy, but I can see how the incident will be used by those who share his beliefs.
  3. I don't know, it seems like the same as it has always been. At least with all the streaming channels we are getting some good original content.
  4. I never felt bad for him to begin with, he walked away with a lot of money from that Sierra deal. I felt worse for the people that made the early games, since I don't think they walked away with much. I believe he lives on a yacht and travels the world now.
  5. I'm having trouble reconciling these two statements...
  6. You know, this seems like a purposefully obtuse sentence, so lets pick it apart. I'm not sure where the Star Wars reference comes from. Solo is the only Star Wars film that seems to have struggled, and it is about a male character, Han Solo. Alternatively Rogue One did tremendously well and is driven by a female lead. Ghostbusters may have flopped, but you clearly have more female leads capable of carrying a box office than in any time in Hollywood history. TN wasn't even making a judgement on that, he was just pointing it out as a possible reason for the Doom decision.
  7. Sure, he also served as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan though, so he isn't just some wet behind the ears liberal college kid. It seems like he knew exactly what he was doing and was looking for the dishonorable discharge.
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/06/19/west-point-grad-who-posed-with-communism-will-win-in-cap-discharged.html Since we seem to be short on Communists on the forum of late, I figure this is more random than political. I'm sure many will applaud the discharge, but I worry that it really only reinforces his beliefs and makes his story more attractive to those who share in them.
  9. Yeah, I never claimed to care that they have a bunch of white guys playing ethnic roles. Just like I don't care that a woman is playing the Doom marine. Edit: it sounded like Alien? How completely unintentional. Edit 2: There is a surprising amount of talented Arabic actors from the 40's and 50's, actually. Mostly fron Egypt.
  10. I suppose it can be interpreted that way. DOOM just so happens to be the topic that was brought up. I'm not bothered by the specifics (sex/race/color/etc.) but more the fact that, imo, you don't have to tear one thing down to build another thing up. What, are we out of superpowers or something? Why wouldn't they develop a whole new character instead? I completely agree with you on original content. A badass woman dealing with crap on a space station would probably do well. Maybe some sort of hive creature where she has to kill a queen in an exosuit at the end. I still don't see how this tears down anything. The games and other movie will still exist. They actually scrub Doom canon regularly, I believe Doom 3 was a total reboot.
  11. So you guys don't care about who portrays who in a movie. Regardless of gender, race and its source material? We are specifically talking about Doom. Can't speak for Malc, but I would say every situation is going to be different. Also, just realized Karl Urban was the doon guy in the original. Now if that guy paired with The Rock couldn't pull off a decent version of Doom, I am going to go out on a limb and say casting is not the issue.
  12. On the contrary, both you and chilloutman have spoken out against a female lesd for Doom, while Malc and I have argued it really doesn't matter.
  13. 1. How is this "new stuff" destroying the old stuff? Your comic book examples didn't hold up. 2. Obviously it isn't getting a collective shrug from people, as people do seem to be losing their bleep over the female Doom character. 3. Putting white guys into historically ethnic roles has been going on for much longer, so people have a lot more ammunition to fire off when complaining about that versus people complaining about women and ethnicities taking all the jobs in Hollywood.
  14. The article starts out right away talking about how Ridley Scott was basically forced to cast white actors in order to get funding a few years back for Exodus. The reality is there is an incredibly long history of putting white actors in ethnic roles, so excuse me if I'm not breaking the violin out because some non-white guys and women and getting more roles traditionally given to white guys. That being said, even with the studio apology, the film still got made and released. It bombed because it looked bad, just like the new Doom will probably bomb, regardless of the gender of the space marine. If you have a problem with people whining about the casting of a bunch of white guys to play Egyptians, why would you then turn around and whine about the casting of a woman in Doom? edit: Also, collective shrug was your words, not mine. All I did was post a movie where they put a bunch of white people in as Egyptians.
  15. I can almost see the end now!: The butthurt flowed like spice. Collective shrug? Doesn't seem like it. I'm guessing you didn't actually read that article.
  16. As a historian, I think I should organize a movement to boycott these reboots: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_2099
  17. I believe the players will also play, play, and play.
  18. Except there still is a male version of those characters. It's just another way to re-brand the same old properties. Personally I prefer original content, but it doesn't actually bother me. Didn't they also shoot Captain America in the head? Comic book universes are crazy, changing the gender of a character seems pretty small in comparison to some of the weird stuff they've done in books.
  19. Pretty sure it still happens regularly enough.
  20. Nah, I'm sure He-Man fanboys whined about appropriation back then as well, they just didn't have the internet to amplify their outrage. Also lol at the idea of Doom cannon. Have you read Masters of Doom? Story wasn't exactly a sacred cow at id.
  21. Or they could be like me and utterly indifferent because they don't like the genre. Yep, and that is exactly why I'm in no place to make judgements as to her skill as an artist.
  22. It's not off-topic, we are talking about movies. As Malc already pointed out, the Doom guy doesn't really have an identity. So are you just arguing that they are calling it Doom instead of Dame? That seems pretty petty. Also there is already a female He-Man called She-Ra.
  23. Why would the biology matter? He isn't shooting people with his ****. Also the homosexual black midget suggestion for Lara Croft is weird on a lot of levels. First off, the gay or straight seems completely irrelevant. Lara Croft could very well be gay, it isn't a romance series and I have no idea why that would matter. The race is another one that seems unimportant. I'd argue that it was worse to put Angelie Jolie in with a terrible British accent than anything to do with skin color. Hollywood has been changing the races of actors forever, so this isn't something new. Lara Croft as a male would probably be named something else, like Lance Croft, or Nathan Drake. Oh wait... Then you get the midget comment, which is probably the only movie I would pay to see. I think they are called dwarves though, and I am sure Volo would be right next to me in line to see it.
  24. The first Doom movie was pretty terrible despite having the manliest of actors in The Rock, so I fail to see how mixing it up is some great travesty. Odds are high the movie will be bad whether the lead is male or female, so what is the concern? Also Lara Croft is just a female Indiana Jones. *mind blown*
  25. Would it be interesting for me as a European, or is it US centric? It is pretty US-centric, but I think you still might find some interest in it.
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