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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Go to a farmer's market I think Gfted is near Chicago. Not all farmer's markets are equal.
  2. Did my first Olympic distance Triathlon today! If you've been following along, you might remember that the swim has been a struggle for me, both in my first sprint event last month and the open water training I did a few weeks ago. For some reason today it just clicked though, and I was able to swim strong freestyle for the entire 1750 yards. I was actually so surprised how easy it was to stay in the rhythm and sight people that I found myself pushing pretty hard halfway through. I ended up with a 30 minute split which was about 4 minutes faster than my previous speed average. I hit the bike fast (after another slow transition, I've gotta practice that!) and felt good on the course. It was a pretty fun course, basically a quick 5 miles out of town, then about a 10 mile steady climb (not too steep, maybe 400 feet) and then a fast 10 miles back down. Much like the swim, I stayed with a group and felt good. I averaged about 20 miles per hour, so it took 1:15 to finish. The run was tough. That is typically my strength, but this was a hilly trail course with lots of gravel. I was hoping for a 7:30 pace, but ended up with 8:15 over the 10k distance. It took 50 minutes. I'm not too down about it, I passed a lot of miserable people walking the hills and my time was pretty decent for my age group. Overall I finished in 2:43, and that put me 24th out of 55 in my age group. I'm bummed I didn't place higher, but you can't control the other people. My goal was to finish under 2:45 and I hit that. The bike is still my weakness, even though I've been working hard at it. But just a mile or two slower than competitors comes out to some pretty big gaps. Still, my first Olympic is in the books and hopefully I'll keep getting faster.
  3. I have no idea if Cyberpunk will be good, and I'm not really a Witcher fan, but CPDR has apparently improved with each title they have released, so they've earned their street cred.
  4. Sharpie is probably trying to post the source, but the mods are blocking it.
  5. If anyone hasn't got this one yet, you better grab it on sale. It was the best game I played in the last year.
  6. I doubt 15% off is a good indicator of a game bombing. That's a pretty tiny discount. Usually new games that come out during the holidays are offered up with those types of discounts, and it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't selling well.
  7. Huh, didn't know Volo was pro-life.
  8. I don't play team based multiplayer games because I am the terrible player that Malc and Bart have to cover for.
  9. I am not sure how they really expected Solo to succeed, given the messy production.
  10. I was pretty disappointed in FO4, but I still put in a lot of hours exploring. Tyranny isn't really going to scratch that itch, it is much more of a narrative experience and also quite a bit smaller in scope. Pick up both. You will get to them eventually.
  11. As has been pointed out by a lot of outlets, the practice of separating families is not a new one, but the scale is. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/migrant-children-at-the-border-by-the-numbers/ Also, this was an interesting article about the different 'options' people trying to immigrate have: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/19/world/americas/mexico-family-separation-immigration.html?action=click&module=RelatedCoverage&pgtype=Article&region=Footer
  12. I guess that means in 20 years or so GD can support him in the Libertarian Party primary and hope to finally crack the 5% barrier. Can't, I'm Cuban Whatevs, Obama was a Muslim from Kenya.
  13. Ah yes, probably shot at the same studio as the moon landing. Wake up sheeple! Trump has broken from the zero tolerance policy, so seems like things will calm down a bit.
  14. Didn't take long for Xenonauts to hit the goal, 12 hours.
  15. Yep, its truly a moving tale. Are you aware that US immigration laws have existed since 1790? He's an american history teacher... of course he doesn't know Actually I teach Medieval World History, not Immigration Law. I mean, I know most people on the internet know everything, but I've never claimed that. The amount I do not know about Immigration laws and policies far outweighs what I do know. Thankfully we live in an age of information, where even a sharp guy from Poland can look up stuff and be an expert on every subject imagineable.
  16. Yep, its truly a moving tale. Are you aware that US immigration laws have existed since 1790? I am aware, but do you really think people fleeing poverty and violence are going to be well-versed in immigration laws? I'd guess they will be more familiar with the symbols and sentiments of the supposed land of opportunity than the complicated path to citizenship. Also that link you put up has a whole lot of super racist policies like the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Geary Act, so I'm not if it is the best defense for our current policies.
  17. It's kind of something the US is known for.
  18. Huh, I was hoping they were close to done with Xenonauts 2. Of course, I never thought they would finish the original, so I guess they've earned some leeway from me.
  19. Well, imo, nobody in the world can roll up on another countries borders and claim ignorance or surprise at not being admitted without proper procedures. And "ignorantia juris non excusat", at least here in the US. I think that opinion is much easier to hold from the comfort of a first world country. In reality, if I was dealing with the fear of violence, or unable to feed my family, or any other myriad of problems that exist south of the border, I would probably be more focused on what I was getting away from than what was in front of me. Plus, as I said, those proper procedures keep changing.
  20. Agreed, the children become collateral damage. But why is that an "acceptable part of society" while the illegal immigrant situation is not? Because being in the country without proper documentation isn't a clear cut crime like robbery or murder. Particularly considering our immigration policies seem to change dramatically with each new administration.
  21. Are you cherry picking which laws to enforce the same way you cherry pick which discrimination is important? Neither of us in an expert on immigration law, I'm guessing. It's clearly a much more complicated situation than you are making it out to be though. In terms of the public outcry, this is hardly a surprise. If Juan Valjean breaks the law to make a better life for his family, and he is being doggedly pursued by the dutiful Javert Sessions, it is clear who the sympathetic figure is going to be.
  22. Not sure if crossing the border is really the same as murder, but okay dokay.
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