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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That's the kind of horror flick I can get into.
  2. My repetitive dreams usually involve me trying to run fast but I feel like I'm in quicksand, or my hockey game is starting but I can't get my gear on quickly, or I'm trying to get to work but I have to cover a lot of distance in order to get there and time is running out. Also sometimes I am dealing with difficult students in the classroom and keep yelling. Those are the worst.
  3. Heh, reactions did not disappoint. ;P He doesn't need to hit back, she didn't question his ability to hit hard. She might be wrong to ride to the bait, but I believe mathematically two wrongs do not make a right.
  4. I imagine Prey 2 will be a focus of Arkane moving forward. I have no idea how they build on that story, but they have the benefit of the doubt from me for now.
  5. The difference between a 60 hour game and a 100 hour game is irrelevant to me. They are both probably too long, but it is more important how long they can keep my attention. Also shouldn't RPG fans want both of these games to succeed? I don't get the pissing contest.
  6. You're both right.
  7. Speaking of Truckee, I just finished the Donner Lake Olympic Triathlon. The swim went well enough. It is still my weakest event, but I felt comfortable and finished around 70th out of 140, so very middle of the pack. The bike was epic. I had done the route earlier in the week, and I'm glad I did because I felt good climbing and knew how to pace myself. We climbed Donner Pass for about 2400 feet in elevation. I made up a lot of ground and my bike time was good for 40th on the day. The run was one loop around Donner. It was beautiful, but I was definitely dragging a bit in the middle. I know I can do better next year on the run. It was 6.6 miles and I was at about an 8:40 mph pace. My time was 55th there. I ended up 49th overall and 4th in my age group. So close to the podium! Actually not that close, the 3rd place guy in my age group was about 10 minutes ahead of me. Still, this was easily the most fun of the races I've done since I started 7 months ago, and jumping in Donner Lake to cool off at the end was a great moment.
  8. Comparing ST to Farscape is like comparing The Dark Crystal to Fraggle Rock.
  9. Seems pretty obvious. As much as I would love Obsidian to get another shot at it, Bethesda has grown a ton, and unless they buy Obsidian, they have little financial reason to outsource such a major IP.
  10. They are very different approaches to Science Fiction.
  11. Shazam doesn't have enough Shaq.
  12. Finished up Hero-U. It exceeded my expectations greatly. Go buy it if you haven't.
  13. I always hated the idea of balancing in MMO's, because it basically handicapped the developers from introducing new classes and content.
  14. Seems like almost all the new homes being built today have HOA's.
  15. Crowdunding games is such a weird thing. Realistically you should recognize that your investment may never come to fruition. But then again, I just got Hero-U ages after it was due and it turned out to be a gem, so who knows?
  16. Taking on a Wraith in Hero-U was quite a challenge. Crazy thing about tgis game is how few hints there are about how to proceed. It feels like an old school adventure because I have to puzzle stuff out myself.
  17. Hard to say the delusion is any worse than the crazy stuff that was being said about Obama. I mean, he was a Muslim foreigner working with ISIS to implement Shari'ah, after all.
  18. Isn't that a definition of flop? Not doing the numbers makers was hoping for? Confused. Flop sounds more like being in the red. A game can turn a profit and still not do the numbers that are expected.
  19. Thanks Keyrock, it's fascinating to hear what the truck drivers go through. For me and my little RV, it's really about heat management, because my engine is just not able to handle the climbs like it used to. Today I left early enough to get through the Los Angeles commute cleanly, then took 395 northwards along the eastern side of the Sierras. It was 100 degrees out. We hit one really tough climb that went from 5000 feet to 8000 in about 10 miles. I blasted the heater, rolled down the windows, and just held on tight at around 35 mph. We survived though, and thankfully the heat was more like 85 degrees at 8000 feet. Sadly we hit a ton of smoke where we planned on camping for the night. There is a big fire in Yosemite. We pushed on for another hour and came out of it, and found a nice park to stay in. Still it was a solid 10 hours of driving. Off to Tahoe tomorrow for my triathlon.
  20. Only way to get strong on hills is to climb them. Over and over. Today I had one hill to climb, but it was 1000 feet up over less than a mile, and the steepness had me gasping. Going down was worse though, I am a big chicken. Keyrock, how does your rig handle climbs in the heat? My 10 year old rv is pretty cranky. I basically blast the heater with the windows down while we climb mid-day, and I keep it around 45. It is stressfull every time.
  21. Damn, Ray Emery passed away. I loved watching his style of goaltending.
  22. Geez, these politicians are dumb. At least Ron Paul caught on pretty quickly when he had the Bruno interview.
  23. Yesterday we went to California Grand Adventures and had a pretty good time. The new Guardians of the Galaxy ride (formerly Tower of Terror) was excellent, they really went above and beyond on the design of the place. Sometimes the best part of these Disney rides is just walking through the lines. Today I'm doing laundry and grocery shopping, then probably going for a long bike ride. Tomorrow we drive out towards Yosemite.
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