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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That sounds very pro-union from you. They do have good leverage in states where unions aren't considered a dirty word. California gets bashed over the power of the CEA pretty regularly by Republicans.
  2. I wouldn't say it is misplaced. I mean, it is excellent that Canada has that kind of earnings mobility. I would love to see the US make improvements there. But US companies still dominate the global economy. The tech industry was basically born from that 'misplaced' attitude and it still continues to be driven by US entrepreneurs. The world is saturated in products that were born in the US. Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Apple...they were created by self-made men. Why is that? Why doesn't Canada have more of those stories?
  3. It's not a complete myth, though. Isn't it, though? Certainly not a myth. Being unlikely is not the same as being mythical.
  4. I found out you can cook pasta in broth. My life will be changed forever. I got this crate of Kelp Broth with Thai seasoning for free awhile ago, and I've been trying to work through it. I wanted to male fusilli pasta, but was tired of tomato based sauces. It came out great, I sprinkled some crumbled feta cheese on it and served it with chicken apple sausages and baked brussel sprouts.
  5. It's not a complete myth, though. There are self made men (or women) all over the country. The reason it is believed fervently is because you have entire industries built by people who came from average families. Is there another country that has produced so many first generation millionaires? I'm surrounded by young millionaires who came from middle class roots, so it's pretty easy to buy in. Also it is easy to look at everything public in the US in the big picture and be critical. I'd agree on a Federal (100%) and State (depends) level we have been stuck on a downward trajectory for far too long. But at a local level there are still amazing things happening in this country on a regular basis. Is Betsy Davos going to save the entire US Public Education system? Of course not! Even if she was qualified, she would have little luck with that. But the odds are good that plenty of struggling schools across the country are going to adopt programs that help them be more successful in the future. Some terrible administrator or superintendent is going to get pushed out and replaced with someone with vision, and some young person is going to get into education for the right reasons. I see it happen every year, it's not a myth. The US is doing great despite the best efforts of the Federal government.
  6. Sounds great, but I doubt it will happen, and it is also a long way from the Federal government to the salary schedule of certificated teachers. The reality is certain states and school districts are terribly run, and that $50 billion over a decade might not help much if they don't fix the top heavy issues.
  7. Textbook PC would be a decent way to define these forums as a whole. It isn't crazy over the top PC where everything is considered offensive, but it also isn't a wild west setting where anything goes. There is a reason I hang out here and not on Bioware (do they even have forums anymore?) or RPGCodex. There are probably a billion other places you can go to see a skeevy ratings system for women. If it had a male counterpart, that would balance it somewhat, but it still seems like a weird setting for it.
  8. The chart is pretty tasteless. I would say it's not a good thing to have up on an official developer's forum. Just my two cents.
  9. Try two seconds. It was definitely something I lacked going in, and it showed. I will be heading to the beach this summer at least once a week to get stronger in the open water, so hopefully I'll gain some good time there. I have another event in a month (Olympic distance) so it will be a quick turnaround.
  10. I think they toned it down a bunch and now it is back to being a simpler show where some companies can announce projects.
  11. Hard to really say Curry is back to MVP form after one dominant quarter, but the biggest problem for Houston is now they have to take him seriously as a threat while also doing damage control on KD, all while hoping Thompson doesn't have a huge quarter like he typically does once a series or so.
  12. Thanks! My legs were super twitchy all night long. I've covered those distances in training, but I think the race just amps everything up. It's strange how the bodily fluctuates from feeling great from the exercise to miserable from all the lactic acid building up. Here is me getting passed on the boat ramp by an aggressive lady.
  13. Ok, I finished my first triathlon. Open Water swimming is insane. All my training and preparation went out the window as I just tried to catch my breath. It was a mess. I managed to get in at 24 minutes, which for a 1200 meter swim puts me at 2:00 minutes every 100 meters. I guess it could have been worse. After my first couple hundred meters of panic, I was able to rotate between breast stroke and front crawl and get through it. I clearly need to do some ocean swims to prep more for the chaos. Pool swimming is just not anywhere near the same. My bike went alright. I finished 16 miles in 51 minutes and handled the hills decently enough. I passed more than I was passed. There was a humbling moment when some 60 year old guys blew by me, but they were riding fancy bikes and wearing aero helmets, so I'm not losing sleep over it. The run is where I hit my stride. I ran a 7:39 mile average for a 5 mile course, and I passed a lot of people. I was hanging behind a guy in my age group for the last couple miles, just waiting for the home stretch, and then I sprinted by at the end. That was satisfying. I finished in 1 hour and 57 minutes, and placed 16th out of 50 in my age group, and 82 out of 321 total. I am happy with my time, but I do think I can do better if I avoid nearly drowning on the swim next time.
  14. That's right, they live in the palace from Aladdin.
  15. Yesterday I did a little tune up swim at the pool with my wetsuit, and I was even brave enough to use my watch (Garmin 735XT) which is supposed to track laps. It is supposed to be waterproof, but it also cost too much, so I've been overly protective with it. Afterwards I had some water in the ear and finally broke down and bought ear drops. They are basically vinegar and alcohol, and it worked perfectly. Strange how putting liquid into my ear is the only way to get it dry, but whatever works!
  16. Well it's never too late to change it up. It's good that you are doing it too. A lot of people develop their eating habits in their youth and then never adjust them when their metabolism and other things change. You can't live like you did in your twenties forever.
  17. Yeah, I could probably use a better nutrition plan. I mean my weight is good and all, but I'm trying to build towards Ironman distance events, and I know I'm going to have issues with my stomach as I get into the longer training days. Right now I basically live off yogurt, granola, and sandwiches. I probably need to get more regular with fruits, veggies, and maybe brown rice. I don't know, it's tough because I also have to make sure the rest of the family is getting fed.
  18. Deadpool 2 was great. Definitely managed to hit the bar the original set. Full Winnie the Pooh.
  19. I feel like I've said this before but we don't actually pay anything for the forum and it has limited potential from a PR perspective (as likely to be a negative as a positive.) It functions really more like a fan site that they are nice enough to host. It is definitely a set and forget situation.
  20. Wow. Hard to imagine they have anything left after that trailer. Rotten cotton.
  21. Except this isnt fantasy, this is about the history of the UK and the UK Monarchy. Its very relevant and real to the UK Other than the entertainment factor, how is it relevant and real for anyone that is not a part of the royal family?
  22. I did have a lot of fun running around Bolivia in Wildlands.
  23. Eh, we all have our weird fantasy stuff we are into, I suppose.
  24. Uh, that doesn't sound sustainable. Ketogenic diets are an interesting way to go about nutrition, but I would be careful with that. As for shakes being a sham, I'd probably agree if your intention is to lose weight. Personally I tend to use them just to get some nutrients into my stomach before an early morning workout, because solids are too hard to process. Really it's about finding what your body responds well to and what you can maintain as a lifestyle change.
  25. I'm a bit curious what type of nutrition system you are using that has you fasting? Were you doing shakes?
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