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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm sure I've said this before, but there is a heck of a lot of wiggle room between: Free Healthcare --------------------------------------------$25,000 for an ambulance Our current system is broken.
  2. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. But I just finished watching the season 13 finale and it was a complete surprise. Kind of amazing that a show that has been in that long can amaze like that. https://www.vulture.com/2018/11/its-always-sunny-mac-dance-season-13-finale.html#comments
  3. Ouch, but I feel like that Cold War hat is fake. Plus the USSR collapsed, so not a loss.
  4. My daughter made dinner the other night, so it is finally starting to pay off, guys.
  5. PG&E has taken down our power grid because of light winds and lawsuits, and I am dealing with an uncomfortable hemorhoid. Ugh.
  6. I know you don't get it, that is why it is remarkable. On a similar pregnancy note, my wife went out on maternity leave with our second child with about 5 weeks to go in the school year. Since there isn't really a maternity leave in education, it is just sick days and then disability (in which the disabled teacher is paid minus the sub pay.) she decided to go back for the last week of school. When she returned, the principal had told her department, the district, and the office staff that she was not coming back. Her email had been shut down and stuff was boxed up. It was super weird. Thankfully she had tenure in the district, and was able to reverse everything, and filed a grievance against the principal. Long story short, he isn't in the state anymore and she continued teaching there for many years.
  7. I know Gfted is just playing his free stuff schtick, but talking about a bum ticker in the same sentence is pretty remarkable.
  8. The internal protest is fascinating. Between this and the NBA thing, we are seeing a pretty strong reaction to corporate censorship.
  9. Must be preparing for a career in politics.
  10. Hey whatever motivates the defense, I suppose. Some guys need that chip on the shoulder to bring out the best, real or imagined. I've always thought it was pretty brilliant how Sherman plays up the heel role. I mean, a good CB is often judged by how afraid a QB is to throw in their direction. They can basically disappear during the game as long as they are also making the top receiver disappear. So Sherman always finds a way to insert himself into the game narrative, and that has kept him relevant longer than most.
  11. I've been trying to play Ark, but it just feels like Conan Exiles without the cool story elements. I mean, dinosaurs are neat, but I also am getting killed a lot, and exploring seems more punishing than rewarding. I don't know, maybe I just need to get a better balance on the settings. I'd love it if I didn't drop all my stuff, and then march back to my corpse, only to be killed by the same thing because it is camping on my body.
  12. This weekend my wife did her 2nd triathlon. It was part of a mermaid series that is mostly all women and is very friendly and less competitive, so it was a neat change of pace from some of the events I did this summer. She is still getting comfortable with the swim, and this one was around a pier in the ocean. I was able to walk along the pier as she swam, and it was pretty funny hearing her voice carry across the water as she talked to people while side stroking. I mean, conversational pace is a good goal to have when doing endurance sports, but typically the swim is pretty quiet. But she got it done and kicked butt on the rest of the race.
  13. The controls were difficult for me in RDR2. Trying to wave to someone typically turned into me shooting at them. I'm not sure if the mouse and keyboard will he though.
  14. I actually was able to pre-load the game with my Microsoft Gamepass.
  15. I think those consequences might be better suited in a civil case than a criminal one, though. Drunk driving is a heck of a lot different than shooting someone on your property.
  16. Florida is a different place, man.
  17. Queue the whining about it taking an exta month to arrive on Steam.
  18. Seems strange to think Norway would criticize the US about not locking the guy up. Isn't the US typically criticized for the crazy amount of people we put away?
  19. You just bought a solar food dryer. You might be the biggest environmentalist on this forum.
  20. KFC's marketing department seems to have an unlimited budget and a willingness to try anything. Seems to be working for them.
  21. Heh, depending on how the house looked, chicken might be back on the menu.
  22. I've been actively avoiding most of the democrat front running convention, but I do have a sneaking feeling that Kamala Harris might be the most electable of the candidates. Let's face it, policy and track records have been out the window for awhile now. It is a straight up popularity contest, and neither Biden or Warren can fight the cult of personality that Trump has. Harris, on the other hand, is going to attract people based on race, gender, and then she has a decent amount of charm to get them to turn out to the polls. Just my gut instinct, but the party nomination is probably the hardest thing she has to win. I think she beats Trump.
  23. Void Bastards is a heck of a lot of fun.
  24. You have always had the option to buy it from Microsoft.
  25. He can still pull it off.
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