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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I expect the new Star Wars will be an entertaining adventure that I will enjoy taking my daughter too, just like we have done for all the new movies.
  2. My guess is he got a decent payout when they sold. Like many of us, I imagine the idea of striking out on our own with financial security was tempting. I wish him luck.
  3. The problem I see with the typical Bush criticism is: 1. The President isn't working in a vacuum. He has a full branch of people that are helping him lead. You get the impression that most of his big decisions were made with a lot of input and involvement of his full cabinet. LBJ had the same issue with Vietnam, and it is a shame how that affects his legacy. 2. It's a hard job. I didn't vote for him twice, but I don't fault his intentions or work ethic. Trump, on the other hand, seems to be playing a game and dismissing most anybody that isn't a yes man. That is bad.
  4. Call me when they need a butt model.
  5. I love Dumas. I am also a huge fan of The Dubliners by James Joyce, but that is because I read it when I was all angsty in college, and I think you need to be a bit miserable to really dig his work.
  6. Yeah.
  7. China has changed quite a bit in the last couple decades as they've become a major player in the world economy, so it's not like they aren't susceptible to pressure from the West. The fact they haven't driven tanks over Hong Kong protesters already is a pretty clear sign that it isn't the same country as it was during Tiananmen Square. So yeah, it'd be nice to see the NBA and Blizzard stop kowtowing to them and recognize that the money may not be worth the damage their brand may be taking.
  8. Is Howard Stern going to be Ventura's running mate?
  9. Melky or Teddy Bear, of course. That way we will recognize you.
  10. With the game pass, I seem to be playing a new game every time I sit down. I don't think it's a good habit. So far, Void Bastards was my favorite of the bunch.
  11. I mean, I prefer Steam too, but it cost a buck to subscribe to the Xbox Gaming Pass for PC and get the game with that, so pretty hard to argue with that kind of value.
  12. Goliath Season 3 - This is such a good show. It was basically a season about water contract disputes, with Dennis Quaid playing the part of the evil Nestle-like water baron, and it was fascinating the whole way through.
  13. I like the use of the word 'petty' in one sentence, and then the example of the word in the next sentence. That was well constructed, poster.
  14. We already did this. Is this a weird bot?
  15. I like Mam War's guess better.
  16. I think your poem is losing something in the translation.
  17. I was able to preload in the US, but I have the Gaming Pass.
  18. The bathroom situation First off, I don't want anybody ogling in the bathroom. Would it be more acceptable for the bearded lady to go ogle little boys? As a parent, sending a kid into a public bathroom is always a little scary. That is a reality regardless of what bathroom a trans person is using. Secondly, the complexities of the human psyche is not a simple math problem. As a social science teacher, I give critical thinking questions regularly. They don't have a right or wrong answers. The goal is to think critically and to support your answer with evidence. History is rarely a binary situation, and I'm not sure why we would expect everyone to identify themselves in a binary fashion.
  19. This was Hillary's response: Which sounds pretty reasonable to me. I thought you were all about individual rights, GD? Why would you care how someone wants to identify themselves?
  20. I've been contemplating the idea of running a marathon, and if I did that, then I'd probably want to try and qualify for Boston. My regular running group has a bunch of people that qualified for Boston this year, and it has definitely been fun to watch them on that journey. But it is a pretty ambitious time for my age group. At 41, you need a 3:10 time to qualify, which is about a 7:15 mile pace. I can do that pace for a long time. I mean, with good conditions and a fairly flat road, I can hold that for a half marathon. But I've never actually run more than 15 miles, and I know it gets super hard to keep the pace going. Most people seem to hit a wall around mile 17-18, an again around mile 23. So yeah, just bouncing it around right now. I'd probably train for a year to get ready.
  21. I mean, I enjoyed Shazam, but it was basically like a solid episode of Chuck.
  22. I do wish I had stocked up on Preparation H. I figure we are always somewhat prepared for Doomsday with the RV.
  23. Maybe it was just me, but that whole thing read as super condescending. Anyone else get that?
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