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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Well, the left is also very artsy, so seems like a pretty silly post by Skarpie.
  2. We went over the auditing process last cycle. This is repetitive.
  3. Hopping over a fence and voting is something that doesn't exist. At least, not in any statistically relevant way. It's just a popular narrative tool for political parties to use. "Outsiders are coming in and stealing elections!"
  4. Why would she make that choice?
  5. I decided to try the Microsoft Xbox Gamepass for PC Beta Upsilon, or whatever it is called. I mean, it is a buck, and 5 bucks after that, so not a big investment. It did take awhile to update Windows 10, but it ran pretty smoothly and has a nice mix of games to try. I downloaded Void Bastards, Forza Horizon, Vampyr, and Sea of Thieves, so I'll be dabbling in those over the next couple weeks. I was mostly seeing if this would be a good way to play Outer Worlds, and it seems to be. Everything is running well on my somewhat old laptop.
  6. Hey, Florida is a lot cheaper to live in than Oakland.
  7. What do you mean by 'you people'? Ours is gas, and about 13 years old, and is a massive tank. I think there is a new permit system in California, but we are renters, so I am letting our landlord handle all that with the plumber. Sounds like they will install it Sunday.
  8. Water heater started to leak last night, so hopefully I'll be able to get that replaced in a timely manner. I rode my bike to work today. 28 miles in 90 minutes, which is only about 30 minutes slower than my typical drive lately. Yay!
  9. I bought these 60 second games where you run around and then try to survive the apocalypse. The space one is pretty fun. I was in the mood for a chill casual game and it fit the bill. I also grabbed Galactic Civilization III for a few bucks, which has been on my radar forever.
  10. Whoa whoa, physique 4? I think the Obsidian average is better than that! We even had a workout thread for awhile.
  11. The supposed deranged teenager, as Skarpie called her, is a teenager with aspergers. She is also not pushing a specific agenda, but rather imploring people to listen to the vast majority of scientists on the issues. But hey, gotta dig around until you find a few folks who reinforce your chosen narrative, I suppose.
  12. Great. The victim complex stuff is annoying, but seems like a good choice to just air it out.
  13. Best thing I've seen in awhile: https://www.yahoo.com/sports/unlike-agholor-hero-eagles-fan-negged-nelson-agholor-after-catching-kids-dropped-from-burning-building-135600906.html
  14. That's just an opinion. They are giving out free games like candy. I got the entire Batman Arkham and Lego Batman collection the other day when I did my once a month log in. Someday I may even play them. It's just a game launcher. It plays games. Just like every other launcher.
  15. Not quite sure how it would be apples to oranges. More like Granny Smith Apples to Fuji Apples. I mean, they are all just content delivery platforms with various pros and cons, and content.
  16. Are you 30 yet? That's middle aged. I mean, when you think about it, 30-40 is halfway through your typical lifespan. So yay.
  17. We've also got a pretty silly State versus Federal government war going on, GD.
  18. You need to give more information here. What time are you eating dinner? What time are you winding down for the night? Are you doing any exercise during the day? You can definitely change that rhythm. It really only takes a couple days to adjust. 4 hour sleep nights is not sustainable for your health.
  19. Carnival Row was strange. Really good acting, interesting setting, but I'd almost say it was trying too hard to be the next GoT. The ending of the season left me cold, and people seemed to make a lot of bad decisions all the time. I don't know, I'm pretty lukewarm on it.
  20. I actually think you've really made it as an icon if people see you in the same light as Sherlock Holmes and King Arthur. They are fictional characters, sure, but they also hold up over the generations and are constantly being reinvented. It's also not necessarily a bad thing when a fictional character crosses the line of reality, because they often represent a period of time, and I'd argue that it is a lot easier to correct someone on Robin Hood being fictional than it is to teach someone about the setting in which the fictional character lived.
  21. The Australia pips are really rich. There are two of them! I mean, I'm not sure that US students really do much Ukrainian mapping during their K-12 years, but they definitely learn the continents.
  22. No thanks. Maybe you are just lousy at expressing yourself.
  23. It would be a curious comparison to see how many Ukrainians can pick out Arkansas on a map.
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