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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It's a bit of an ethical grey area to tip teachers. I mean, are you paying for higher marks? Special treatment? The intent may be perfectly noble and innocent, but the optics of the situation can go sideways quickly.
  2. I don't wish death on anyone, of course, but there is a very real possibility that future generations will look at these guys as worse than tyrants and mass murderers. They made billions with little regard to environmental impact, then used those billions to stifle any actual investigations that were being attempted. They committed major environmental crimes, then used the profits from those crimes to buy politicians and influence. Their carbon footprint is the size of a dinosaur killing asteroid. They have jeopardized future generations. None of that has to do with thought or speech. They physically damaged the planet. We all do, but they did it best. For that they are held up as pioneers of business, and I just don't think that will hold up in a couple generation when we can't breath the air. You are making me sound like a raving environmentalist GD.
  3. They seem to have spent $127 billion dollars funding climate change denial stuff. That's more apocalyptical than political.
  4. Gfted having 17 other adults living under his roof explains a lot about him. edit: Ok, he fixed his math, but I still like my massive Gfted clan theory.
  5. The house we are renting sold to a friend of ours last year for just under $800k. It was a fixer upper. We have been keeping an eye on the condo and townhome market, and most of them are $700k and up. It would be much better to own, as our tax liability would drop enough to make up for any extra we pay on the mortgage, plus we would hopefully earn equity. But the down payment is considerably hard to generate on a $700k property. Most of the people I know around my age and younger who do own either got in right after the market dropped in 2008, or their parents gave them enough to cover the down payment. We do like the town we live in, so moving isn't an option. I don't know, we did make a bunch of changes in the last year to adjust our budget, so hopefully we will be clear of debt and have a bit saved up in a couple years. We would also need favorable market conditions, so we will see. I also don't want to say no to my kids all the time when it comes to competitive sports and family trips. They grow up fast.
  6. Not too much more complicated. Rent eats 35% of our income, we are taxed 22% from the fed (bit more complicated than that, but close enough) and 9% from the state. I mean, I think about leaving the Bay Area sometimes, but we also make that salary because we live in the Bay Area. Teachers make half as much in most of the country. At least my retirement rate will be nice if I stick it out and the retirement fund doesn't collapse.
  7. I am a two income family and we are barely staying ahead of debts and expenses, so it's not like the current administration is working for us. We made $160k last year. We can't afford to buy a house and struggle not to take on debt every month.
  8. I'd say the odds are very good we will see more in the PoE setting, as it is an original IP that they have complete control . It is probably unlikely we see another Tyranny, since Paradox would need to be involved.
  9. I'm not really sure that talking to the Taliban is fine, unless that talking is going to get them to stop oppressing everyone in the areas they control. These aren't just cultural differences, there are some serious human rights abuses happening here.
  10. Straws are dumb. I guess if your arms are broken, they are important, but I can't think of many other reasons why they are such a big deal. Drink from the freaking cup.
  11. Maybe he should just have those conversations with the people in charge of security and visas, instead of throwing it out to the media. As is, it looks like standard fear mongering to play to his voting base. But hey, it hasn't hurt him yet, so I'm sure it will just keep working.
  12. Trucking and transportation is a big thing in Sikh culture, so in California where you have a decent Sikh population, you get some pretty solid Indian food out near the truck stops.
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-49555613 This was well said by Tom Hanks. I think it is a good practice to try and step back from our line of thinking once or twice a day and try to approach our thoughts differently. It's easy to fall into a rhythm of cynicism.
  14. The Roman Catholic church is the only one that doesn't allow priests to marry, so Captain still has plenty of options. Also you can be a deacon, which is a step below but still performs many priestly functions.
  15. I do my best to ignore any kind of release dates they put on these projects. I'll wait as long as it takes to make the game decent.
  16. I am confus-ed.
  17. Was that supposed to link to something?
  18. I've been enjoying Classic Wow with some old friends. The slow leveling really gives you a chance to enjoy the world building Blizzard did in each zone. I've also gotten deep into the first Avernum game. My party has gotten pretty powerful and I've been enjoying the storyline. I think I owned this game for about 8 years without ever getting into it, and now I'm hooked.
  19. Oh man, I regularly have dreams where I find new rooms in my house. I'm always like, hey, this is a great new space, how did I not notice it? Then I wake up and I have to figure out if that space really does exist in some way. Sometimes it actually helps, because it makes me realize I can reorganize an area and free up more space. But typically it just reminds me that having a wife, two kids, a mother-in-law, and a dog make for a crowded house.
  20. I stalled out on Wu Assassins and need to try and push through. It's kind of textbook kung fu, terrible acting with good fighting. Chappelle's LGBTQ car ride was spot on.
  21. You are soooo bad at math.
  22. I barely touch the dungeons and have never raided. I wonder what percentage of classic players are like me?
  23. It only has 5 reviews from fairly mediocre sources at this point. I watched it, or rather watched 30 minutes of it. For some reason that is my limit for standup comedy specials. I think I've watched 30 minutes of a dozen Netflix comedy specials and never gone back to finish.
  24. I've been jumping around on a few characters. The starting areas are very lively, and that is a welcome change from the ghost town speed levelling moat mmo's are today. My dwarf hunter is currently the most fun to play, should have named him Volourn.
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