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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yes, all car owners (drivers) should be ashamed of reckless drivers, and I'd probably say it would fall on coders to be ashamed of hackers, since your average computer user has little understanding of how to hack anything. Yes, they should all feel invested in finding solutions to those problems, because that would make the world a better place. What, exactly, is wrong with shame? Does it hurt your sensitive snowflake feelings to be ashamed? I'm ashamed about that comment, and that's alright. I can grow from it.
  2. Why do I have to answer the question? You are the one with the guns. You should be answering the question. Every responsible gun owner should be desperately ashamed and racking their brains for ways to stop mass shootings. The NRA should be leading the charge to stop gun violence. Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything. They just want to dig in. Also the whole narrative that shame is somehow a bad thing boggles my mind. I have no problem with the idea that white males should be ashamed that other white males are committing mass shootings. Germans spent decades being ashamed of WW2. The South should be ashamed of slavery. Muslims should be ashamed of Islamic Extremists. Fat people should be ashamed of all the terrible health problems in the US. The US should be ashamed about Japanese Internment camps. They should be ashamed about the current border crisis. Shame doesn't actually hurt you. It should be pushing you to do better.
  3. Well I'm over guns at this point. I mean, I was over them after a classroom full of 1st graders was shot to death: So yeah, just over it. But hey, hopes and prayers and all that. Lets argue over semantics and entrench ourselves along party lines like we always do, because it seems to be really helping.
  4. I'm not sure if this should go in the politics thread, but there was another mass shooting today by an angry young white male. This time at a Texas Wal-Mart in El Paso, and it sounds like the casualty list will be very high.
  5. Ah, forgot Good Omens was Amazon. Yeah, that was special.
  6. Goliath is probably my favorite Amazon series. But hey, I am there for the free 2 day shipping.
  7. Thanks for checking, my family and I are alright and were not in attendance.
  8. GoT had a ton of great episodes and moments, so I don't see the cause for concern. Although the two properties have vastly different tones, so who knows?
  9. Fringe is good, but I liked the original show better.
  10. Lord of the Rings Online needs a classic launch.
  11. All of these games are old. It's amazing that the lifecycle has lasted this long in the first place. Like, I have no idea how ArenaNet has stayed in business. They are magicians.
  12. New season of Veronica Mars is on Hulu. Seems like it picked up right where the old one left off. I'm only halfway through the first episode, but I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Hard to imagine anyone other than Tom Hanks pulling that role off.
  14. Drove home today and unloaded the RV. It's good to be back in the land of wifi.
  15. A.s others have stated, nothing wrong with using a trial to watch a series. Netflix typically releases the entire season all at once, so also no reason to wait for episodes. With Netflix, your subscription unlocks all the content they have licenses for.
  16. What? I mean, you pay like $10 a month for the whole library. You can watch it and just cancel your sub after a month. Heck, you can probably even watch it on a free trial period. I'm not sure you can find a better bargain for your entertainment dollars. Maybe the public libraries are a better deal, but that's about it.
  17. We had a fun weekend at Donner Lake. On Saturday my wife did her first sprint triathlon. I think I was as nervous as she was. She did great. The swim was the big hurdle, and she got through it. Very fun to be cheering instead of racing. Today I did the Olympic Triathlon. I did it last year and it was beautiful. It was the only race I wanted to do again. I improved my time by 11 minutes, so it was fun to see the progression.
  18. Well, they are supposed to be representatives for their district, so Trump is really speaking to everyone who voted for them.
  19. I think so. Although it is a pretty fast progression, and I believe you can set server rules to increase speed.
  20. I am curious if it would be worth creating a private Obsidian pve server for Conan Exiles. I am enjoying it as a single player experience, but it would be nice to share the space.
  21. Good news for sure, no need to worry about rodents.
  22. AP Bio is funny and frighteningly close to accurate.
  23. Shakespeare was just the sjw version of a bunch of greek plays.
  24. Hollywood has been re-imagining classics since anything was old enough to be considered a classic, so I think the answer is more that there are simply more whiners on the internet nowadays.
  25. I have a lot of games wishlisted, but it is just a simple way to follow games I am interested in. The emails are easy to ignore if I am not in the mood to snatch something up on sale.
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