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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I find myself unable to really watch anything in the youtube style of video for more than a few minutes. I realize this makes me a cantankerous old man now.
  2. Congrats on becoming an authority figure.
  3. Definitely not going to watch an hour breakdown on why a two hour movie wasn't good. I probably agree with a lot of the points, but my first point would be that it isn't worth the time.
  4. Lady Ghostbusters - Not sure what all the fuss was about. It had some cute moments and some fun callbacks to the originals. It was lacking in some areas for sure. Didn't quite hit the comedic notes, didn't quite pull off the chemistry needed between the characters. I'd say it lacked a strong villain or central threat. I mean, I'm glad I didn't go see it in theaters, but it wasn't a bad watch.
  5. I must have missed the political speeches in between all the punching stuff and explosions.
  6. I also watch Captain Marvel. It was great once she got to earth. I loved the 90's references.
  7. I would think the connections you make at school would be your best bet for getting your foot in the door, but I could be wrong. This forum doesn't get a lot of developer traffic.
  8. That was a crazy final two games. The basketball was great, but it's tragic to see two players go down like that, and is sad that it will likely affect next year as well. I'm not really sure about this whole end of a dynasty talk around the Warriors though. Curry, Green, and Thompson are still going to keep this team competitive going forward if KD doesn't return. I'm actually more worried about how they replace Iguodala if he retires (or even if he doesn't, as he is getting older.)
  9. People are making the Sarah Sanders resignation into more proof of the revolving White House door, but I'd say she stuck it out for a pretty good amount of time.
  10. That interview was as awkward as Melusina's comment. Who decided those were the best chairs for the occasion?
  11. Bought Watch Dogs 2 off Epic for $5. It seems like I would really enjoy it, but it runs terribly on my computer. My laptop is the latest, but it typically runs newer games well enough on medium-high settings. Bummer. Makes me pretty nervous about the upcoming year of games, actually. Cyberpunk will probably be a no-go until I upgrade, and I need to pay off a couple things before I do that.
  12. I am pro at being an amateur.
  13. Probably safer to pre-order from Epic than Gamestop. They are sinking fast.
  14. Hey, according to my graphic, 3rd parties had a massive jump last election. Just need a few more 250% increases to break through!
  15. I don't know, I'm able to tackle some pretty complex problems because of youtube videos. It also allows me see different ideas without going to a bunch of stores and spending money. Heck, my daughter is way more advanced at building, painting, and all sorts of creative stuff than I ever was pre-internet, and she is getting a lot of it from pinterest and other websites. Sadly my son is just getting better at video games.
  16. Fake news, Sharpie. Trump won because he ran a smarter campaign. It isn't some new political movement led by a disgruntled voter base. If he wins in 2020 it will be because the Dems are a trainwreck of candidates right now and it seems unlikely anyone can rise above it. Plenty of time to change that, I suppose, since the Republicans looked the same way early on in 2016.
  17. Hey, maybe everybody from Poland are experts on US politics, education, and all that.
  18. Hmm...I wonder if they can get a hold of the Lucasarts library?
  19. Escaping from Alcatraz was amazing. They loaded 2000 of us onto a massive ferry, then we all jumped off and swam across the bay. It was cold and a bit terrifying, but we swam with the current and simply flew through the mile and a half. Seriously, my swim times were close to twice as fast as I can manage in the pool, which was great because I was going to struggle if I was in that water longer than the 39 minutes it took to make the swim. After that the bike was a breeze. It was 80 degrees and sunny in SF already, which is rare, and I got my feeling back in my feet and hit the hills hard. I really enjoyed the 18 mile bike, I was passing people and posted a very good time. The run was also a blast, as I felt stronger as it went on and was pushing hard right until the last of the 8 miles. After struggling in my last race, it felt great to have a strong one in SF. We ended up getting some Italian food in North Beach to cap off a very good day.
  20. Up at 3:00 AM and ready to race. (took the picture yesterday at bike check-in.)
  21. First off, corporal punishment is simply off the table. The idea that we will beat better behavior into children doesn't fly anymore. There are loads of studies and evidence that support that. Ask any pediatrician, or child psychologist. Much like with vaccinations, I tend to trust the people with an education on the subject. So yeah, let it go. Just because we got spanked as children and turned out alright doesn't mean it is the best way forward. https://www.aappublications.org/news/2018/11/05/discipline110518 So the next popular discipline strategy is exclusion. Detention, suspension, etc. Seems like a good idea to remove a problematic child, as it definitely will make it easier to teach the rest. I've used it plenty of times and it is far and away the most commonly used in the US education system. Parents using timeouts, sending kids to their room, grounding, etc. Again, this is common, simple, and pretty easy to understand as a punishment. I've used it wit my kids as well. But is it the best way to teach better behavior? Is my kid really learning a lesson when I send her to her room? Not really. We have to sit and talk it over. She needs to take responsibility for her actions. We need to work on ways to repair and prevent in the future. It's more work for both of us, but it is hopefully more effective in the long run. I fail to see how that is touchy feely. Our prisons are full of repeat offenders, so it might be a good idea to question how we handle discipline as a whole in this country.
  22. It will be curious to see if they try to push KD out for Game 5. Honestly I'm not sure it matters, since almost no one on the team is healthy enough to play full minutes. Toronto has looked good though, it will be interesting to see if Leonard stays with them for the future.
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