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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Is anyone else getting really long load times?
  2. Ah, the Hedge Knight campaign. Yeah, I haven't gotten good at the whole idea that you should switch weapons when facing different enemies. I mean, I know I should use a bunch of crunchy weapons to fight the undead, but then I have to carry them all around. A least my current group is better at cracking shields.
  3. I love the elements of the game, but there are some odd performance issues and it lacks the polish of the Xcom games. Also I haven't figured out what my chances to hit are yet. Still, it's early and I can tell I will enjoy it.
  4. Hillary Clinton was on Howard Stern this morning. Much like with Trump, these are pretty interesting people once you separate them from the politics and vitriol, which is what Stern tends to do better than any other interviewer.
  5. I can subjectively say that Outer Worlds is better than Fallout:NV.
  6. So what about The Irishman people? Or has no one had a spare 9 1/2 hours to watch it yet?
  7. They might all be terrible choices, but I think I'm more comfortable with two bad choices limited to 4 years of power than 1 bad choice getting a full 8 years. So yeah, 4 years ago I was happy to vote for someone different, but this time I'm probably going to vote for whoever is not Trump.
  8. The gap used to be a lot bigger between consoles and top-end PC's. But it's always been a bit of a functionality issue. I need a PC for a lot of non-gaming needs, but I really only need a console for one purpose. Plus there still tends to be more titles available and at better prices on the PC than the consoles. Some games play better with mouse and keyboard as well, and those are awkward tools to use on your couch.
  9. I put a ton of hours into Battle Brothers over the last week, so I'm trying to back away from it a bit and not burn out. I tried to play Ark again, but I think I'm just not into dinosaurs and I need a little bit of story to keep me interested in these crafting games. I also picked up OOTP Baseball XX and started off as a manager in single A. This games has improved a lot since the last one I played.
  10. I used the term marginalize, as GD did. But I mean, if you really aren't paying any attention, here is a bunch of examples of him going after Fox News, which is the one press outlet he tends to attack the least: https://www.businessinsider.com/times-trump-criticized-fox-news-anchors-2019-11
  11. Trump is already doing everything he can to marginalize the 1st amendment, so forgive me if I don't stress out about the potential 2nd amendment consequences of having a democratic in office.
  12. I was pretty surprised how toxic her campaign turned. Early on I thought she had the best chance to beat Trump. I still think she would have done better than someone like Biden, who will basically pull in the same votes as Clinton.
  13. Some examples that come to mind of people who did this, with little connection to the gaming industry, are actor Vin Diesel and MLB Pitcher Curt Schilling. Worked out well with the former and nearly bankrupted Rhode Island in the latter, so I'm going to say it is still a pretty high risk investment.
  14. So today is launch day. I was hoping to install it this morning before heading to work, but they've got a pretty vague window of when it will be available and I keep getting an error on the Epic store. Apparently it is coming to the Xbox gamepass too, but I can't find much out about that. Ah well, hopefully I can play it by tomorrow.
  15. I always felt the best way to become the idea guy without working your way up the ladder or having a boatload of cash is to write a decent book. Once you've established your own IP that way, you can shop it to companies to develop further. But yeah, ideas are cheap.
  16. I'd post the Billy Madison meme, but that would probably get me a warning.
  17. The Irishman is slow and plodding, but also has some great moments from great actors. I figure Scorsese has had power of final cut for along time, but I get the impression Netflix gave him even more than is typical, because this thing needed a bit of trimming.
  18. Oprah!
  19. Bill Gates for Green Party
  20. I'm kind of excited, but also a bit worried about how stable this game will be at launch. But mostly excited.
  21. I'd love to get a definitive number on what Kaep was expecting to get paid. People love to throw out how much better he is than a bunch of career backups that have jobs, but most of those guys are making near the league minimum. The controversy is clearly a factor, which is crazy, since teams take chances on domestic abuse, dog fighting, and murder suspects. Guy takes a knee against police brutality and he becomes untouchable.
  22. I'm going to go run in the rain for an hour with some friends before eating some turkey with family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  23. Huh, I didn't even realize Prey didn't sell well. I enjoyed it and it seemed like it had some good buzz about it.
  24. That was my initial impression of this whole vaping phenomena. Just the fact that it doesn't make everything smell horrible seems to be an improvement over traditional smoking. But then you hear about exploding pens, toxic oils, and a massive spike in dumb teenagers doing this, and now I'm not so sure. The research isn't really there yet. We've got a pretty solid laundry list of all the crap that cigarettes will lead to, but vaping is basically rolling the dice with your health.
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