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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I eat greek yogurt every night, but it might be a good idea to take more.
  2. Are you asking if we can make out? It should be safe.
  3. So I finished my 2nd round of antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria in my stomach a week ago, but now I have some weird white stuff on my tongue. The internet tells me it is thrush. Time to go back to the doctor. This is what happens when you turn 40, people.
  4. I think Warren has a shot at the nomination. She's got the moolah. edit: nvm, just noticed Biden is up to 26%. Yikes.
  5. Hey, I'd be happy to put Bill Gates in charge. But to be fair, anyone who is smart enough to do the job well is probably too smart to take the job. As I said, I don't really have much interest in taxation of the wealthy because I'm not wealthy. We should be voting in our own interests. People seem to just vote for their team instead of who represents their interests. It's weird.
  6. This is a simplistic response to a complex issue, and has zero connection to what I said.
  7. I am really just saying I am not worried about taxes going up for the wealthy. They will be fine. They don't need me to worry about political candidates making their lives more difficult. As you said, even Sanders would be limited in his actual capacity to limit the growing inequity of wealth in this country. Also, it is fairly personal that I can't afford a single family home on a two-teacher income. Those housing prices are driven by the disparity of wealth in the Silicon Valley.
  8. I don't have any sympathy for the 1%, so I'm not sure what the concern is. Their wealth has seen massive spikes in recent years while the middle class struggles to keep up with basic COLA.
  9. Hah, I was going to say the Buttigieg numbers were more suspect than the Soleimani numbers.
  10. I'd imagine it will function much like analytics in baseball.
  11. Messiah looks pretty preachy to me, so I'll probably pass. Plus I can't think of a possible ending to that scenario that isn't a blatant political statement.
  12. I mean, it's not really true. They will treat you and then bankrupt you. Which is better, I guess?
  13. Agree with Volo on this. Play as long as you've still got the fire and can still get a job. Ricky Henderson played in the minors at the end and I loved his passion for the game.
  14. Well the RV marketplace is apparently a hotbed, because I've been bombarded by people looking to buy it. This going faster than I expected.
  15. I feel like Winston deserves a chance to challenge Favre for the most interceptions ever. He can get there by the end of the decade if he keeps it up.
  16. I'm pretty sure driving our RV across the country is better for the environment than flying, but I'm no expert. But my wife would definitely agree on the pitfalls of my emotional relationship to the thing. It's my baby, and it sasses less than my kids. Anyways, Facebook Marketplace is a crazy thing, I've got 4 different people already asking on it.
  17. I am listing our RV for sale. We have travelled the country in it for the last 12 years as a family. It is a bit emotional.
  18. Stardew Valley - I needed something calming.
  19. Is this Eldar/Cant? It's been years, if it is.
  20. Y U lie? Roofles Beimg critical of our foreign affairs has nothing to do with love of country. Recognizing the hypocrisy of calling a Iranian General evil for killing Americans when the US kills people all over the world is not unpatriotic.
  21. RDR2 was close to the top for me last year, when I played it on the PS4. It's fantastic.
  22. Well, everyone seems pretty content calling the US the good guys and Iran the bad guys, even though the US is the one in a foreign country after forcibly removing their government. So people believe nonsense all the time.
  23. This made a lot of sense to me:
  24. Vegan hunting pics:
  25. Dracula on Netlfix is off to a great start. Very solid BBC produced series and pretty fun to watch.
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