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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. They had success with Game of Thrones, Back to the Future, and Law & Order as well. Are all of those Lego games based on toys or movie franchises? Are all Star Wars games terrible? Ducktales, woo-oo! I bought the guidebook for The Goonies II on the NES back in the day and it was fantastic. We had fantastic Indiana Jones games, and Bladerunner was also favorite. I agree a lot of games based on movies and TV were trash, but a good developer makes all the difference. If Obsidian can pull off a good South Park game, I think they can handle the Firefly IP. As I said, I don't see why they would bother, since Outer Worlds is already developed. 8-bit Cyndi Lauper!
  2. I always consider it poor taste to jump on somebody right after they die. I understand the desire to temper some of the praise he is getting right now, but it reflects more poorly on the living than the dead.
  3. Fantastic pain cave! A bunch of my riding buddies are on Zwift and seem to love it. The setup alone is pretty pricey, but relieving the monotony of the trainer is priceless. Also playing an MMO where grinding makes you stronger in the real world is fantastic. They've added treadmill support too. It will be interesting if they figure out how to implement the swim.
  4. Adam Driver on SNL. The show has been on a roll lately. Eddie Murphy was a huge boost, but I don't think there has been a weak show this season.
  5. I'm not sure about that. Certainly the reverse has been true, as all video games to cinema attempts have been miserable, but I can think of a number of good games based on tv and film properties. Heck, Telltale Games had a fairly good run based solely on that model.
  6. So I've started watching ST:Enterprise. I am enjoying it, Scott Bakula is fun and it has been easy to jump into the story after a long time not watching ST. I also like that I can kind of keep it on in the background while I do other things. That opening theme song is terrible though.
  7. Geez, these are some crazy loan situations. I actually just paid off my $13k loan from my year of grad school. It took close to 15 years at about $115 a month. The interest rate was 3.375. I mean, I could have and should have paid it off faster, but at the end of the day it was always my lower interest rate debt compared to auto loans and credit cards.
  8. Hah, that is debatable. Wait, I remember, you are GD's dog.
  9. I am going to go out on a limb and say SonicMage. Maybe Krezack, but not sophisticated enough. I mean, I get Obsidian is an rpg company, but it is weird how many accounts feel the need to play a characterization here.
  10. Why would they pay for an IP after already developing a fairly similar universe themselves?
  11. I feel like I'm too far removed from Star Trek. I mean, I watched the JJ Abrams movies, but I've skipped STD and never really watched Enterprise or Voyager. Am I too far gone?
  12. I'm going to assume you were not laughing at brain injuries. But your initial post comes across that way. So rather than clarifying your point, you are doubling down on the miscommunication, which is standard protocol for you. edit: To clarify my question, I am not sure what you are referring to as pathetic. CNN? The Military? The Trump response? Brain injuries? Iran? Footlockers?
  13. Huh, hard to have much faith in the idea of a KotOR reboot. I mean, it seems unlikely that it would be a rich RPG experience.
  14. Are you laughing at brain injuries?
  15. Thanks for explaining the joke, Sharpie.
  16. Troop Zero on Amazon was fantastic. I recommend watching it with a girl scout like my daughter, who has had her fair share of conflicts with 'proper' kids. She's in it for the wilderness survival, not the gossip.
  17. Hard to imagine any team with Rodgers being considered a fraud, particularly with him still being at the top of his game. I'd rank the QB's left from best to worst as Rodgers, Mahomes, Tannehill, and Jimmy G.
  18. Mrs. Hurlshot has thrush, so I'm in a bit of trouble about that. Thankfully I already had the gross mouthwash ready to go for her. We are going away this weekend too, so hopefully I can get out of the doghouse.
  19. Reading up on the Mandate, it sounds like the former employees are the ones who were really scammed. edit: This made me check on Spaceventure. Apparently they have an update in the works.
  20. Conan Exiles again. This game just has such a good balance of exploration, crafting, and violence. I've got a cozy little home right now with a few thralls, but I think it is time to relocate off the newbie river. Almost level 30.
  21. I don't know. I totally empathize with the difficulty of finding affordable housing in the Bay Area, but these ladies were squatting. I also don't like that you have companies buying up houses, then driving up the prices of the neighborhood, but the company that owned the house did offer to pay moving costs and 2 months rent for the ladies. So yeah, they should have probably taken the deal. As for the cops being in full gear, I'd imagine that is standard protocol for serving an eviction that has been ignored multiple times. Not great optics, but hard to expect anything else once law enforcement is involved.
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