This is a more general discussion of SW ..
Any idead/thoughts on what SW is based on? which old mythical characters are used and reinvented? (Anakin/Vader for example - borrowed from an old story?)
What are the underlying metaphors of SW? and from a philosophical point of view what seems to be the point of SW?
I would like to hear some ideas of what some of the cultures and races are based on .. or simply thoughts on what SW borrows from early or modern stories and/or myths .. or anything else that comes to mind! feel free to strecth your imagination and reach for crazy (but plausible) conclusions ..
an example:
most of the cultures and races are probably based on some Earth myths .. the Cathar : Cathar is a gnostic movement (from Hellinistic/greek "Pure ones") that originated in the 10th century (and was under the belief that the world was evil and created by evil) for instance, although I don't think there are any parrallels to the Cathars of SW .. since they don't have anything to do with cats in particular .. Perhaps the race is based on a very old egyptian believe that cats were equal to man and was associated with the god of Bast (also god of fertility), the penalty for killing a cat was death .. similar to the penalty for killing another human! Cats were given human properties, and possibly the other way around, in ancient stories/lore of Bast.. Maybe this is where the idea of Cat-like humans came from?