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Everything posted by Nail

  1. Awesome tests
  2. Strong in Body, Strong in Spirit, Strong in Mind ©
  3. High perception is a must to find all those secrets I was always wondering why devs are not doing some secret areas that can be found only with maxed out parameter responsible for discovering hidden things... That would be so cool.
  4. Now imagine going through the content solo...
  5. Why we don't have weight system? We have new noise system, that's cool, but why there is no weight, only item limit in inventory? So character with strength = 2 can fill up inventory with full plates... Strength and constitution could affect weight, some interesting interactions could be made and there will be a punish for dumping strength!
  6. More food for wizard tanks Is wizard gonna be the new god tier class in POE2? I call for nerf now before it gets ugly Well, in PoE I... Wizard is already in god tier
  7. Yeap I remember it. A barbarian with 2H was swinging his weapon twice during Full Attack from Barbaric Blow. But iirc there appeared only 1 overhead damage number, so I thought it's just a custom animation. I thought it was fighter Cleaving Stance or something like that...
  8. Seems like CC almost useless at current state.
  9. Let's hope it's true...
  10. Some very good points, but what would it take for @J.E. Sawyer to read this and think about it?...
  11. Only for quests I guess
  12. Good catch, but I have doubts Josh will do any changes Still... Fingers crossed...
  13. Can't wait to see first beta patch to try out more, fixed stuff...
  14. Does the wizard side bring anything of note other than Deleterious Alacrity of Motion ? Because if not, one might be better served using potions (or boots !) or speed... Illusionist is good, defensive wise. All buffs are almost instant.
  15. I think wizard is a god in PoE I... Rogue is in the same spot, but I like wizard a bit more. Nevertheless, all games before PoE I hated wizards and played only fighters
  16. Was your squirrel in BG1 or BG2 ? Was it named "squirrel" ? 'cause if it was, it's child's play to find the creature with NearInfinity, and confirm or debunk the rumour BG 1 Just an ordinary squirrel, you know, running around forests.... Aw, I recall BG 2 that moment you push that door on bridge with rogue stone...
  17. As I like PotD solo runs - I would like to try Brawler (Devoted / Helwalker) Dual wielding sabres or war hammers, or... - havn't decided yet Nature Godlike or Wood Elf or Mountain Dwarf - havn't decided yet Tier one I guess.
  18. I remember times using co-op to duplicate skill tomes in BG one for BG 2 export And there was a rumor that a random squirrel drops a godly ring, so I couldn't get past any critter, never found one though! Duels were chaotic... Only good pvp I recall in "dungeons and dragons online". Those were the times...
  19. I don't know why, but this scene is in my mind...
  20. Modal large shield and a pistol
  21. Can't understand why I don't see any indication when I use Empower, it's like nothing happened, only +1 to power source. Also I thought Wellspring of Life is a passive, just adding +2 to power level I evaluate myself as pretty experienced gamer, but overall it's not so clear for me, hopefully there will be some explanation and more friendly information tooltips for new players.
  22. Really, they could do a bit better job. It's not crucial though. There are so many experts who would be happy to consult... Take this one for instance: Skallagrim
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